High School Crush - Michael Imagine

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I honestly just wish I could tell Y/N that I really liked her but I was worried that she likes Calum. “Mate, she doesn’t like me that way. She told me.” Cal said hitting my back, I shook my head. “Nope I don’t believe you.” I said crossing my arms. I noticed Calum rolling his eyes at me. “Look Mike you’re a great bloke. I don’t know why she wouldn’t like you!” Luke was trying to reason with me. “I’m not good enough for her! I mean look at her.”  I huffed as I watched her laughing with Y/B/F/N. “Mike she likes you! It’s so obvious!” Ashton said loudly. “Say it louder!” I scolded, he laughed and went to yell it. I shot him a glare and he stopped. “I’ve just got to find a way to tell her.” I huffed banging my head on the table, which I regretted as it hurt… A lot. “How about, ‘Hey Y/N. You’re beautiful, I like you. Want to go to a movie with me?’ It’s not hard Michael.” Ashton said, I rested my chin on my arms. “Oh and you were so casual when you asked out Y/B/F/N. ‘H-h-hi I’m Ashton ‘Haha I know we’ve Y/Nn friends for two years’ ‘Yeah we have. Um I like you a bit. And yeah?’ ‘Yeah?’ ‘Gotoamoviewithme!’ So that wasn’t hard?” I mocked, he smacked me on the back of the head. “At least I did it and I’m glad I did because I’ve had this beautiful girlfriend for a year and a half.” Ashton said and as if on cue Y/B/F/N walked up beside him. Y/N following behind. Y/B/F/N sat beside Ashton while Y/N sat beside me. “Oh! Luke, Cal I just remembered that we have to clean up in the music room. Y/B/F/N want to help?” Ashton said spontaneously, the four of them got up and left Y/N on our own. “What was that all about?” She asked, I shrugged my shoulders even though I knew what it was about. I opened my mouth to speak but was cut off by the bell. Dang it! The boys are going to kill me. Y/N and I walked in silence back to our lockers. Maybe I could be corny and put a note in her locker.

Y/N was standing at her locker getting, while talking to Calum who was waiting for us. The three of us walked to our classes and then went our separate ways. I had a class with Y/N and she had already gone into the classroom, “You better make good use of your time. I don’t care Ashton, Luke and I will push you to her house if we have to.” Cal said as we were out of Y/N’s hearing distance. “I was gonna do it when you guys left but the bell rang. Believe me I want to I’m just worried she’ll turn me down.” I said. “She won’t! I was talking to Michael about her and he said that Y/B/F/N told him that Y/N likes you!” He said loudly. “Shut up!” I said. “Alright I’ll do it tonight after school when you lot aren’t around.” I said as I made my way into the classroom. Y/N was sitting on her own, I went and sat beside her, hoping I could at least talk to her sometime this lesson.

We were back at our lockers. “Cal you have soccer tonight don’t you?” I asked locking my locker, he nodded. Y/N was being oblivious to what was going on…again. Calum left to go to training, I turned to Y/N. “Hey do you want a ride home?” I asked, she shrugged. “If it’s not too much trouble.” I laughed nervously. “Y/N you say that every time I ask you. Of course it’s fine. Come on.” I said as we walked out of school together and to my car.

We tossed our bags into the back. She got in before I did, and rested her head back. “Tired?”

"Very." She sighed. "You know the entire time I’ve known you. You’ve always said that you Ashton, Luke and Calum are in a band but I’ve never heard you guys play." She pondered as I started the car. "We haven’t have we?" I said as I began driving off to her house. "Alright next band practice we’ll have you and Y/B/F/N over and you guys can enjoy the awesomeness that is 5SOS." I said in a funny voice, she giggled looking over at me. "So if you don’t mind me asking." She hummed in response watching me as I drove. "Do you like anyone?" Her cheeks went red as she nodded. "Yeah I do, but there’s no way he’d like me back." She said sadly, looking at her hand in her lap. "Why not? You’re a beautiful girl, and you’re really fun to talk to." I said, I felt blush creeping on my cheeks. "You think I’m beautiful?"

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