#72 PDA

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Calum: Calum and I were out shopping, having some chill time while he was on tour. I jumped as his arm wrapped around my waist while I looked through the racks of dresses. “Calum,” I sighed, he kissed my cheek. “You’re really pretty today.” He whispered, I shrugged his arm off. I saw him pouting out the corner of my eye. I leaned over and pecked him on the lips, he grinned. “Ah, young love.” I heard the woman behind the counter mumble to herself. I blushed shyly, Calum knew I didn’t like it when I got caught like this. “I’ll stop I promise.” He said standing beside me, I laughed quietly knowing he won’t.  

Ashton: Ashton and I stood together in the airport, he had just come home from tour and I was so excited to see him. His arms wound tightly around me not caring about the flashing of cameras, his lips pressed to mine in a loving kiss. “I love you so much.” He mumbled against my lips, there was a collective ‘aw’ from the handful of fans that stood near us. He wrapped his arm around my waist before we went over to them, he acted as if he was proud to have his arm around me.

Luke: Luke had taken me out for the day to a park by the river, we had been walking for ages and I was getting tired I think Luke could tell. “Do you want me to carry you?” He asked, I smiled and nodded. I felt like a little kid. He bent down in front of me, gesturing for me to climb on his back. I giggled as he stood up; I gripped onto his broad shoulders and wrapped my legs around his waist. We got some weird looks from people passing us. I couldn’t care less, Luke’s hands tightened on my thighs. I giggled, softly kissing down his neck. “Stop, Y/N.” He groaned, I smiled pecking his jaw. “You love it.” I whispered in his ear. I didn’t really mind that people were staring at us, but I think Luke was more opposed.  

Michael: Michael was usually pretty cheeky when he was out with me but today was a whole ‘nother level. Michael was recording today and when he finally got a break we walked down to the nearest coffee shop, as I walked back out on the street I jumped as Michael’s hand came down on my bum. “Michael!” I hissed, knowing that it was making some of the people around us uncomfortable. He just laughed wrapping his arm around my waist. “You love me.” He teased in my ear. “Michael, stop! Not here, later. I promise.” I said, he grinned at me. I felt his hand slide down and sit on the curve of my bum. I rolled my eyes at him, knowing this was normal.   

A/N: Hope you like it!!! Sorry it was shitty!!!

~ Lucy xx 

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