#59 Waking Up

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Calum: I woke up feeling Calum’s fingers brush over my face, my eyes fluttering open to reveal Calum smiling down at me. “Morning beautiful.” He whispered, kissing my nose softly, I smiled up at him. “Morning Cal.” I moved to get up, to get ready for work. “No, no. Stay please. Five more minutes.” Calum groaned into my arm, I smiled. “I can’t I have work.” I said trying to pull away. “You have two hours until you have to leave.” He whined, I rolled my eyes moving back into his arms. “Okay, just a little bit longer.” I said into his chest.  “Thanks babe. I love waking up next to you, I like to have you with me while I’m off work.” He whispered kissing the top of my head, I tried to stay awake but just couldn’t. Calum and I stayed in bed all day.

Ashton: I jumped feeling soft kisses being pressed to my shoulder, I looked over and saw the loose curls of Ashton’s hair. I giggled as it softly tickled my neck, he smiled up at me. “Morning gorgeous.” He kissing me softly, I giggled against his lips. “Stop laughing!” He replied against my lips. “Sorry, your hair was tickling me.” I said, kissing him back. His hands moved to my waist as he rolled onto his back, pulling me on top of him. I laughed as his hands danced on my sides. “Stop it!” I laughed, he only giggled and continued. “Never, I love the sound of your laugh.” He replied, he quickly turned us over. He tickled my sides, I squirmed under his long fingers. He pressed kisses on my face and chest, a big smile on my face. He eventually stopped, kissing me softly. “I’m going to miss this.” 

Luke: Luke always woke up a lot earlier than I did, so he would do different things for me, which I thought was the cutest thing ever.

Luke’s lips at my ear brought me into consciousness, “morning beautiful.” Luke’s deep morning voice whispered at my ear. “Morning Luke.” I replied trying to wake up, his baby blue eyes staring into mine. His lips trailed down my neck, his arms tightly around me. He pulled away as one of his hands searched for mine, he laced our fingers together bringing our hands up to his lips. He pressed soft kisses to my knuckles, his eyes shutting in restlessness, we relaxed into each other our hands clasped together and our lips on each other. I never wanted this to end.

Michael: Michael and I were completely opposite, I would be up at the crack of dawn and Michael is lucky to get up during the morning hours. So mornings when we had to be somewhere were a pain… like this morning. “Michael!” I groaned laying on top of him, trying to wake him up. He groaned in his sleep, shoving me off. I giggled as I straddled his hips, “Michael, we have to go!” I whined, grinding down on him hoping for some reaction. “Y/N! Stop!” He groaned trying to roll over, but I pinned him back down. “Wake up Michael! We need to leave soon.” I said shaking him. “No!” He groaned, I shrugged sitting up off him so I was on my knees hovering over him. “Fine, no sex for the next week.” I said smirking at him, I have never seen him sit up so fast in my life. “Good morning.” I laughed, he smirked taking hold of the back of my thighs coaxing me down with him. Let’s just say we didn’t get to what we needed to… 

A/N: Sorry it’s shitty … again… sorry if there are any mistakes and yeah 

~ Lucy xx

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