Groupie - Luke Imagine

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I was pretty sure that everyone but Luke knew that I was in love with him, I couldn’t see myself with anyone else. Ashton was the one who introduced me to the rest of the band ages ago and I was always into Luke. Ashton had asked me to join him on tour for a while since I was off from university and I had nothing better to do.

We all got onto the plane, I was so excited. “Y/N, you’re next to Luke.” Ashton said, I glared at him, he knew about how I felt about Luke. Michael and Calum had asked but I had never told them, I only wanted Ashton to know for now. “Of course I am.” I groaned, I sat on the window seat and waited for Luke to sit down. I jumped feeling his thigh brush mine, I looked at him with a shy smile. I stared out the window at the airport. “I can’t believe you’re coming on tour with us.” Luke said leaning around me to look out the window. “Me either.” I turned to look at him, his face closer than I expected. I gulped feeling his close proximity, I wanted to sit beside him but I just couldn’t. “Excuse me Luke.” I said standing up, the air hostess looked at me. “Miss, I’m going to have to ask you to sit down.” She said, I groaned sitting back into my seat, doing up my belt. “Y/N? Are you okay?” Luke asked, his hand on my shoulder, I nodded. “Yeah, I’m fine.” I said forcing a smile. “Ashton told me that you aren’t good with taking off…” Luke said, I looked over at him with wide eyes. “Uh, yeah.” I mumbled, he smiled at me, his hand found mine. He laced our fingers together, my heart fluttered in my chest. “You’ll be okay.” He said, the flight attendants went through all the emergency procedures and then we were taking off, I gripped Luke’s hand. He smiled, his other hand covering our hands clasped together. “You okay?” He asked, I nodded. “Thanks.” I smiled, I leaned my head back against the seat. I was still tired from the early start, I don’t know how they did this all the time. I shut my eyes to get some well needed sleep.

The next time I opened my eyes, my head had fallen onto Luke’s shoulder and his head on top of mine. Our hands still clasped together, I blushed. I checked how much time had passed. I had slept for a good ten hours. Only fourteen hours left.

I tried to get as much rest as possible on the plane, I knew it would be all go once we landed.


The amount of people at the airport waiting for the boys was insane, I was definitely nervous. “You’ll be okay Y/N.” Ashton consoled me before we went out to the fans, one of their security guards took my hand and rushed me out to the car. I sat and waited for them, I scrolled through my twitter seeing pictures from inside. Tears pricked in my eyes seeing a picture of some girl kissing Luke, I know he isn’t my boyfriend but I was still hurt.

 Michael was the first in the car, I quickly wiped my tears off my face. “Well that was fun.” He laughed sliding next to me to make room for whoever got out next. “Yeah?”

“Yeah, Y/N I have to ask…” I nodded at him to continue. “Do you have a thing for Luke? I won’t tell him, I know Ashton knows.” He said, I looked at my fingers. “Uh yeah I do, its never going to happen so I’m not going to tell him.” I shrugged sadly, Michael took my phone from my lap seeing the picture. “Oh I’m sorry Y/N.” He said hugging me, tears rolled down my cheeks which I quickly wiped away as Luke and Calum got in the car. “We’ll talk about this later.” Michael whispered, I nodded.

Ashton finally got out of the airport and we were taken to the house we had rented.

We all went to bed when we got inside just to sleep off the jet lag, when I woke up again the house was still quiet. I went out into the kitchen seeing a note on the table. ‘Y/N, gone to get some food be back soon. Cal, Mike, Ash. Luke is still asleep.’ I heard weird noises coming from Luke’s room, I frowned going upstairs. It was the sound of a girl’s moans, tears pricked in my eyes. I heard Luke’s rough deep voice also, tears slid down my cheeks. I ran downstairs to get away from his room. I couldn’t believe he was doing that, I heard the other boys come into the house. “Y/N?” Ashton whispered, I got up and went to the front door. “Hey guys. Want me to help?” I asked, they shook their heads. “Have you been crying?” Ashton asked, I nodded. “What’s going on?”

“Well either Luke’s watching some really great porn or you know he has someone up there.” I shrugged trying to hold back tears. “Hey Calum, help me get the rest of the stuff?” Michael said leaving the room. Ashton hugged me close, I cried into his chest. “I’m sorry Ash.” I cried, he moved me over to the lounge. “Y/N, I’m not judging you.” He said, I heard movement upstairs, followed by a high-pitched giggle. My heart leaped in my chest. Luke came downstairs first and then his groupie friend. Calum and Michael came in again, I heard Michael gasp and then look at me. I pressed my face into Ashton’s chest again. “What’s wrong with her?” The girl said rudely, I ignored her comment. “Don’t worry.” Ashton said, I knew he was defending me. “Can you just leave please?” Michael said, I watched through teary eye as she left, pressing a sloppy kiss to Luke’s mouth. “That was fun. We have to do that again.” She muttered, but loud enough for us all to hear.

“What the hell was that?” Michael said angrily, Luke looked confused. “Bringing a girl back here! You know that we never bring girls back!” Michael said, I grabbed some tissues and wiped my eyes. “Fine! I’m sorry! It’s not like I’m hurting anyone.” He said back. “Not true.” I said, Luke frowned at me. “Never mind, just forget it.” I sighed, I got up and went into my room. That’s where I stayed for the rest of the day.  

A/N: Hello!!! This is kinda crappy but I want to do a second part to this and it will be better. I promise! :D

~ Lucy xx

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