#51 An Interviewer Insults You

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Calum: Lately Y/N had been feeling a bit down due to hate, people were saying she’s not pretty enough for me which is not true at all. The boys and I had an interview today and I invited Y/N to come and watch, she gladly accepted. We went on stage meeting with the interviewer, he smiled at us, giving us a hug each and a hand shake. I sat on the end of the lounge furthest away from the interviewer. He went through all the usual questions asking about our tours, music and everything else we were doing. “So Calum? You are the only taken man in the band yes?” I nodded smiling, I saw a photo come up on the screen before us. It was of Y/N and I last week at our dinner date, she looked beautiful. Ashton nudged me giggling. “Shut up!” I said pushing him back, he just laughed. “Stop drooling.” Ashton said wiping my chin, I pushed his hand away. “What would he be drooling over?” The interviewer asked, silencing Ashton and I. “Y/N.” Luke said simply, the interviewer smiled shaking his head. “Isn’t she a bit… average?” He asked I sat up a little straighter, the boys following suit. “Average? I’m sorry to jump in on you Cal but there is no way she is ‘just average’!” Michael defended, I smiled at him. “Look I don’t think you should be saying things like that about someone I love.” I added, the interviewer shrugged. “Just saying what everyone is thinking.” That really hit a nerve, I got up storming out of the studio to the dressing room. Y/N was sat on the lounge almost in tears, “Oh babe.” I sighed wrapping my arms around her as she stood up. “Calum you need to go back out there.” She whispered into my t-shirt. “No, I want to make sure you’re okay.” I replied in to her hair. “I am.” “No you’re not, you’re beautiful and you need to know that. You’re definitely not average you’re the most unique girl I have ever met. I love you Y/N.” I said looking at her face, wiping her tears away with the pads of my thumbs. She nodded sniffing, “Go back out there Cal.” She said letting go of my waist. I nodded kissing her softly, before running out to the studio again. I hoped she was okay. 

Ashton: The interviewer was asking the normal questions and then she turned to me. “Ashton you’re the only one with a girlfriend, correct?” I nodded, a smile formed on my face. “Yeah, Y/N.” The boys all nudged me, I shoved them back. “I don’t want to be upfront but many of the fans are saying that she hates them. And in return they don’t like her. Would that be because she snubbed fans at the airport last week?” The interviewer asked with a rude tone, I shifted in my seat. “Y/N doesn’t hate the fans. And she didn’t snub fans.” I defended, I knew the situation she was talking about. “Well apparently she does and she left with Luke not you. Luke what do you have to say about that?” She asked sourly. “Y/N has claustrophobia and she can get panic attacks, I know what it’s like and she couldn’t handle it and Ashton wanted to stay and talk to fans so I took her out of the airport to calm her down.” Luke explained, the interviewer nodded at him realizing she’d made a big mistake insulting my girlfriend. “Can you please apologize to my girlfriend because I don’t think she’s going to appreciate how you spoke about her?” I said snidely, she smiled. “Fine, Y/N I am sorry for accusing you of hating the fans.” The interviewer said, I shrugged knowing it was the best I was going to get. Later that night I checked my twitter seeing if Y/N had seen the interview. ‘@Y/T/N: I don’t hate any of the 5SOS Fam it just got too much for me!!! X’ I smiled to myself knowing that she was okay. 

 I was sat on the lounge with my beautiful girlfriend watching some late night entertainment news. She sat up a little straighter when the reporter said; “Up next a special on 5 Seconds of Summer member Luke Hemmings.” We both looked at each other, unsure of what to expect. We sat silently through the ad break, I turned the volume up when the show came back on. “By the looks of it Luke Hemmings seems to have a very young female friend.” The reporter said in a mocking way. “We’re still unsure of her relationship with Luke Hemmings, she may be an old friend of his, or his girlfriend. Although she looks too young to be his girlfriend, if anything she looks like a young cousin.” She said, an image of Y/N and I on one of our dates. The report finished there. She turned to me, she looked a but upset. “Well that’s just rude.” I said looking at her, she smiled up at me. “Am I too short for you Luke?” She asked, tears in her eyes, I smiled shaking my head. “No baby, because I can do this.” I said lifting her onto my lap, her little torso pressing to my long one. “You’re the perfect size to me. Don’t worry what they say. I love how small you are, I feel like I can protect you.” I said wrapping my arms around her, nuzzling my face into her neck. She giggled under my touches, I smiled knowing she was okay. 

Michael: I knew Y/N wasn’t always happy with the way she looked, I could never figure out why; she is beautiful. She always tells me that she was too fat for me but I refuse to believe such a lie. So when an interviewer brought up Y/N’s figure, I was angry to say the least. “So Michael, do you ever think that Y/N should lose weight? I mean she isn’t as healthy as she should be.” The interviewer had asked me, if I wasn’t on live television I would have punched him out right then and there. “I think that’s a really insensitive thing to say and no I don’t think she needs to lose weight. She is beautiful!” I snapped, the interviewer rolled his eyes. “Surely you can’t think that. I mean she’s just unhealthily fat.” I sat forward at the man’s words. Ashton and Luke pulled me back by my shoulders. “Are you actually serious? My girlfriend is beautiful! I love her curves and she is not at all fat. It’s people like you that upset her so much because she thinks she is worthless. And she’s not, she means so much to me!” I snapped at him, he didn’t let up though. “What do the other boys think of Y/N?” “We love her. She has made Michael so happy and honestly we think she has a great body and what you are saying about her is just plain rude and…” Ashton defended, he turned to Luke who nodded. “We don’t want to finish this interview with you if you’re going to treat your guests like this.” Luke said as he stood up, the rest of us following him out of the studio. “Are you alright mate?” Calum asked as we got into the dressing room. “Of course not. He just said the things about my girlfriend that I try to tell her aren’t true!” I said sitting on the lounge. I just hoped that she didn’t see the interview.

A/N Hey, I hope you guys like this one!! :D
Lucy xx

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