Falling - Calum Imaigne

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Metal and glass scattered the ground. My vision slowly blackening, boxing out the light. The smell of smoke and blood surrounded me in a thick cloud as I tried to pull my legs out. They were stuck. Crushed between my seat and the dashboard. As I hung upside down I wondered if this was it. Sirens wailed in the distance, fast approaching the accident. Would I ever be able to see my friends again? Blood dripped off my fingertips, pooling near my face. Would I ever laugh again? My eyes became heavy as the trauma and blood loss took hold of me, dragging me into the pits of the unknown. Would I ever feel the sun beating down on my skin again?Blue and red flickered in my almost black sight. Would I ever be able to see Calum again? My breathing slowed as my vision almost totally blacked out. I felt the nothingness take it’s hold on me, dragging me away from my body. Before it took me, I whispered the only words I could think of. “I love you Cal…” 
I was floating. In a dark world I’ve never been in before. Nothing felt real. I felt like every thought was someone else’s. That I was in a body that belonged to another. I couldn’t open my eyes. Something was holding me in that place. Keeping me from seeing things. Keeping me from feeling things. Keeping me from being alive. But something pierced through the dark. A single beep. And then another. I felt the grip on me loosen. Instead of floating I was falling. I wanted to scream but all that came out was an empty breath as my mind filled with the words I only wish I could speak. I didn’t want to fall. But I didn’t get a choice. Before I could think anymore, I was let go. Falling. Falling. Stop. 
My breath hitched, caught in my throat as I saw Y/N laying on the bed. Wires and machines were hooked up to her unconscious body. She didn’t look like Y/N. Just the ghost of the girl I fell in love with. I walked to her bedside. Y/N’s beautiful face was pale and sunken, worn from the blood loss. She lied there, motionless, as she drifted through another world in her mind. I sunk into the chair behind me as I took this all in. Y/N almost died. If the ambulance didn’t get there in time then… I grabbed onto the armrests as my world tipped, the room spinning before me. My mind felt light and fuzzy. I shut my eyes and took a deep breath. Life without Y/N wasn’t something I could think about yet. Not with her laying there, her lifeless body only a shell. I opened my eyes and looked at her. Truly looked at her. The way her hair splayed out perfectly across the pillow. The way her eyes moved slightly beneath her eyelids. The way her lips looked like they were moulded to perfection. She was perfect. She was beautiful…. And I almost lost her. I reached my hand out to hers, grazing my fingertips lightly across her skin. Soft and supple. My eyes burned with tears. Y/N almost didn’t make it. I was that close to not being able to touch her like this. Or even see her again. I wrapped my hand around hers lightly as the tears slipped down my cheeks. “I love you so much Y/N. So much.” I whispered, letting my light sobs fill the too quiet room.

Your POV
Everything hurt. I couldn’t breathe without feeling like I was breaking. The pain was so excruciating. Wait. Am I dead? No. I wouldn’t be able to feel anything if I was dead. Beeping and buzzing were the only sounds I could hear. I started panicking, my breath quickening. My chest constricted in pain and I cried out. “Y/N?” A familiar voice pierced the blackness. I peeled my eyes open and was blinded with white light. Squinting against it, I ignored the stinging sensation, waiting as everything cleared. A face appeared above me and I instantly recognised it. “Cal?” It barely came out as a whisper. Even speaking hurt me. “Y/N, baby you’re okay.” Calum smiled, fighting the tears that were forming in his eyes. “Yeah but-” I gasped as pain shot through my chest. “Take it easy babe.” Calum cooed, brushing some hair out of my eyes. “Cal where am I?” I began to panic again, moving even though my body protested. “Calm down Y/N.” Calum’s voice a bit stronger than before. “What happened? Please Cal.” I pleaded. Another pain shot through my chest. “You’re in the hospital.” I stopped moving and held my breath. “You were in a car accident.” I let the breath go. I could remember black and nothingness. But something shone through that. A memory. I shut my eyes and let it come to me. Screams unheard. Glass and car mixed with my blood. Blue and red before black. I remembered everything. My eyes flew open as tears found their way down my cheeks. “I thought I was going to die Cal. I thought I was going to die.” I sobbed. My chest hurt as I cried, staring at the all white ceiling. “You weren’t going to die. And you didn’t.” Calum whispered, his hand finding mine. I turned my head to face him. Tears continued to fall. “But I thought I was.” I cried. “I was alone. No one could hear me. I didn’t even know if anyone was coming.” I took a breath and continued. “Before I was losing consciousness I called out your name. I wanted you to hear me. But I knew you couldn’t.” I croaked. Calum bit his lip and looked down at his fingers laced in mine. “I was in so much pain. I was so scared,” I turned my head to look at the ceiling again, “thinking about death. But you wanna know what the scariest thing was?” I looked back at Calum who was still looking at our hands. “Look at me Calum. Look at me.” I pleaded, squeezing his hand. He looked up at me and stared into my eyes. “You wanna know what the scariest thing was?” Calum shook his head, a single tear falling to the floor. I pressed on. “The scariest thing was thinking that I was never going to see you again..” I croaked, “Never getting the chance to say goodbye…” I could barely whisper. The pain of saying that was more excruciating than my physical pain. Calum pulled his spare hand to his face and sobbed. I’ve never seen him cry before. His sobs racked his chest as he took in what I said. I let him cry. Nothing I could say would make him stop. He almost lost me when I thought I had lost myself. Minutes went by as Calum’s sobs melded with the sound of the beeps. “Baby..” I whispered. Calum didn’t look up. I let out a single sob. “Baby please. Look at me.” I breathed in sharply even though it hurt. I needed to say it. “Please baby, please.” I cried. Calum looked up at me, his hand frozen it’s position. I took him in for all he was before breathing in deeply. “I love you Cal..” Calum let the words sink in before the corner of his mouth turned upward. “And I love you Y/N.” We both relished in the sound of the words we never thought we would say again. Nothing else needed to be said. That was all we needed. And that was how we stayed. Hand in hand in silence, taking in the feeling of each other. Something we thought we could never do again.

A/N I hope you guys liked this one! :)
Bianca xx

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