#40 What He Looks for in a Girl

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Calum: I feel like Calum would look for a girl who was a bit of a weird one. He would love to let go and be himself, saying what was on his mind, no matter what it was and have you accept it because you think the same way. Calum would also love a girl who had an adorable personality. A girl who would find small things cute, who would be amazed by the biggest thing and get caught up in the moment of admiring these things. He would find that so cute! I don’t think height would really matter to Calum, he’d love you for you, no matter what your appearance was. I also think Calum would love a girl who was down to earth. It would be refreshing for him, seeing that he’s in ‘show business’ where people fake it to make it, so he would love how real you were. 

Ashton: I feel that Ashton would probably like a girl who was just as insane as he was but was able to chill out. He would like if he could be completely crazy and make silly keeks, Instagram videos and selfies with her. A girl who could be introverted and extroverted at the same time, so he could just relax too and cuddle with her if he wanted. He’d like someone who got along with people because… let’s face it Ashton is very outgoing. So he’d feel comfortable if she was comfortable. Ashton would just love someone who could be shy and outgoing at the same time. I think Ashton would love a girl that could take banter and also dish it out because he seems like the kind of guy to make fun of his girlfriend but in a cute way; so someone who didn’t take everything to heart. He would also love someone who could tell jokes, because he is more physically funny (he doesn’t tell the jokes… he’s just funny in how he acts). I feel like when it came down to physical affection, I think he would like someone that he can cuddle with and be protective of because he seems like he has that nature. I am now imagining him being protective. 

Luke: Luke would love a girl who was outgoing and could be loud and funny, someone to bring Luke out of his shell a bit more; Luke seems to be camera shy so if he was with someone energetic on camera, he would be his off-camera self. Height wise he would love a short girl because one it would be so cute and he would help her with everything and he’d want to protect her. He would be happy if he knew he was helping her and being protective because he seems like he could be protective but not in a parent-y way. I think when it comes to PDA he would like a girl that is willing to show off their relationship but not too much. Also a girl who is passionate about everything she does like he is, I feel that if she was really into reading he would just read all her favourite books so he could impress her. He would also love someone small to cuddle.

Michael: I think that Michael would love a girl who wasn’t the best at games. Yes he would love it if you played games, but I think he’d have a soft spot for girls who didn’t play it. It would give Michael a chance to make some moves of the gaming kind. Like wrapping his arms around you and placing his hands on yours. He would love it. And he’d also like that he can show you something new, help you, teach you. It’d give Michael a protective sort of feeling. I also think that Michael would look for a girl with a passion, weird or not. It could be reading, painting, drawing, writing or singing. Anything really, as long as she gets absorbed in it. I think that firstly, he’d find it cute. And secondly, he would understand you for it because he’s passionate about music and gaming for example. I think Michael would definitely want a girl who was shorter than him. It doesn’t matter how much shorter, just as long as he was taller than her. Mikey, the little cutie, would like to feel protective and hold her and nuzzle his cheek into the top of her head before planting a soft kiss in her hair and oh my gosH IT’S TOO MUCH!!

A/N We decided to write half again. I (Bianca) wrote Malum and Lucy wrote Lashton :) This was an anon request (on Tumblr) and we decided to post it as a full pref :) Hope you like it!

Bianca and Lucy xx

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