#58 Punk 5SOS: How You Meet

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Calum: I stood at the bar, the beat of the music could felt in my chest. The barman handed me another beer. Some guy bumped into me, “Oi! Watch it mate!” I called, wiping the spilt beer off my tattooed arms. I spotted a gorgeous girl standing behind the man who bumped into me. “Shut up squiggles!” He drunkenly retaliated, I rolled my eyes. “Come on Y/N let’s go.” The man said taking the girls hand, she looked… scared. I put my beer down after taking a huge swig and followed them out.

I found her being pinned against the brick wall of the club, “do you think it’s okay to be looking at other men? God you are such a slut.” The man she was with snarled, he lifted his hand to slap her. I moved quickly, taking him out with one punch, I heard her screech behind me. “You weak son of a bitch! How dare you try to hit a woman?” I yelled, he whimpered under the force from my fist. “She was being a slut.” He replied sharply as he wiped the blood from his lip. “That is no reason to hit her! You have no reason to hit her or any other woman! You’re a piece of fucking trash!” I replied, shoving him down to the ground. I stalked forwards towards him, he got up and ran down the street. I turned to the girl, she was cowered back against the wall. “Are you okay?” I asked in a soft voice, she looked up at me; fear still evident in her eyes. “I’m not sure. First of all why would a punk like you want to save a girl like me?  Second of all, thank you.” She said quietly, her eyes darting around. “I might have tattoos and piercings but I’m not a dickhead and I wouldn’t want to ever see any woman hurt at the hands of a man.” I explained smiling at her. “And you’re welcome. Do you need anything? A ride home? Money for a taxi?” I asked lightly touching her shoulder. “Can I get your name at least?” She asked shyly, I smiled. “I’m Calum.”

“Y/N. Thank you again. Would it be too much trouble for you to take me home?” She asked her eyes finally holding mine, I shook my head. “It’s totally fine. Come on.” I said, she followed me to my car. On the drive to her house, I realised that we weren’t that different and that we could work in a relationship… maybe.

Ashton: I sat in my normal seat when I went into Music… at the drum kit. I’d always loved music mainly because not many people took music so we didn’t really do anything but practice our instruments. “Mr. Irwin? How many times have I told you no gum in class?” My teacher said, I rolled my eyes. “I need to be minty fresh for the ladies.” I said cheekily, he rolled his eyes and turned away and spoke to someone. “Ashton, can you please give Y/N a run down on everything please? She’s new here and your timetables are similar.” He said turning back to me, I looked down knowing it was probably some nerdy girl that I wouldn’t ever want to talk to. I watched as my teacher left, I looked up at her… okay she was fucking gorgeous!… but still nerdy. “Hi I’m Y/N.” She said sweetly, I smiled at her. “So what brings you to music?” I asked leaning back in my chair, she shrugged grabbing a chair. “I sing and play guitar and a bit of drums.” She smiled at me, I nodded. “I’m Ashton by the way.” I said coolly, she nodded. “I know. If you don’t mind me asking, what’s a guy like you doing in music? I would’ve though P.E. maybe but not music.” She said, I shook my head. “Well yeah, I’ve always loved it, and I take P.E. as well.” I said in a jokey tone. “It’s just the—”

“Tattoos? Piercings? Do you like them?” I asked flirtatiously. “Yeah, they’re cool.” She shrugged. We spent the rest of the lesson getting to know each other and she wasn’t like other girls, I liked that.

Luke: I was so pumped to go to the All Time Low gig tonight, sadly some of my mates had bailed on my last minute.

I was really enjoying myself, but I stared to get a bit hungry and ready for a rest. I wandered over to the bar, spotting a girl ahead of me. She looked so out of place it wasn’t funny. She was in a bright pink dress and ballet flats. I stood next to her at the bar, “a beer over here.” I said to the barman who nodded at me. “oh sorry,” she gushed as she accidently stood on my foot. “No it’s all good, barely felt it.” I said, the barman handed my beer to me. “So what’s a girl like you doing a gig like this?” I asked looking at the girl beside me, she smiled, her face beaming up at me. “What? Innocent girls aren’t allowed to like All Time Low?” She asked with attitude, I like it. “Sorry, it’s just what you’re wearing is very… pink.” I said, she laughed and nodded. “And what you’re wearing is very… black.” She joked back, I chuckled at her quick wit. I noticed her eyes drifting up and down my arms, she had obviously noticed my tattoos. “You like ‘em?”

“Yeah, I do. Did you design some of these?” She asked, I nodded. “Yeah, just a couple.” I shrugged looking at my arms in the faint light, spotlights were flashing all over the room, one landing on us. I didn’t realise how beautiful she was. “Oh, I didn’t get your name!” She said, breaking me out of my trance. “Luke and you are?”

“Well Luke and you are, I’m Y/N.” She joked, I laughed at her jokes.

By the end of the night my sides were hurting from laughing so much with Y/N she was so much fun to be around, I just hope she enjoyed herself as much as I did.

Michael: I sat at the back of the classroom, my feet up on the desk. I was the only one in Saturday detention this week. I scrolled through my phone looking at new tat designs. I jumped almost dropping my phone when the door opened. I saw a girl walk in, I’d seen her around but from what I could remember she was a goody two shoes. I wondered what she did to get detention and a Saturday. Her name suddenly clicked in my head Y/N Y/L/N. The teacher left us again after he told her what to do. She sat a desk in the middle of the room. “Y/N Y/L/N? What the hell did you do to get into detention?” She turned to look at me, her eyes narrowing. “Okay how do you know my name and I may or may not have punched a girl.” She said quietly, I burst out laughing, her glare made me calm down a bit. “I’ve seen you around, I know everyone in this school. And why would you do such a thing?” I asked moving up a few desks so I was beside her. “She was making fun of me so I hit her. And don’t laugh because I know that’s what you do? It’s Michael, isn’t it? Michael Clifford?” She said, leaning back in her chair. I laughed and nodded. “So did you get into another fight?” She asked, I shook my head. “No, I didn’t hand up some work.” I said coolly, she rolled her eyes.

After our banter to each other we began talking about other things and getting to know each other and she wasn’t that bad, when she had to go she left saying, “Maybe I should get detention more often.” It made me smile that a girl like her wasn’t scared off by a guy like me.          

A/N: Hope you like it! It’s not edited sorry! Also I was thinking of doing a Punk 5SOS series but let me know :) (Sorry Michael’s was shit)

~ Lucy xx

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