The Boxer - Luke Imagine

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I really don’t want Luke to do this. I’ve been trying to convince him all week not to go to a boxing match. Now we were in the car and on the way to the match. “Y/N I’ll be fine trust me.” Luke reasoned. He placed a hand on my thigh, trying to reassure me. I fiddled with the ticket in my hands. He was really going to do this. “I do trust you. I just don’t trust the other guy.” I mumbled. We pulled into the car park where the match was going to take place. Now I was really nervous. Luke turned to me in his seat. “Babe I know that you don’t wanna be in there but I need you there. You’re my good luck charm.” Luke smiled. I looked over at Luke and smiled back. I didn’t want to throw off his game or else he’ll get more injuries. So I decided to push my worried thoughts out of my mind. This was about Luke tonight. “Okay baby. I’ll be right in the front row.” I put on the most reassuring smile that I could fake. I had to seem okay. For Luke. He seemed to buy it. “Love you Y/N.” “Love you too.” I leaned over and gave Luke a quick kiss on the lips. I really hope that everything will be okay. ~~~~ The match was about to start. I found my place in the front row and grimaced. This place was grimy and smelt of sweat and blood. It made it harder to pretend that I was even slightly okay with this. The announcers voice boomed through the speakers as he introduced Luke’s opponent. His name was ‘Bone Crusher’. Oh no. Bone Crusher burst through the door on the other side of the room. He was big and intimidating, staring down anyone who looked at him funny. The announcer called out Luke’s name ‘The Newbie’. I’m pretty sure the announcer picked that name for him. Luke appeared at my side and have me a wink before stepping into the ring with his large opponent. The nerves were twisting my stomach, making me feel sick to my core. The spectators next to me roared with excitement as the boxers stared each other down. *Ding Ding*. The round had begun. Luke did some fancy footwork as him and Bone Crusher sized each other up. Bone Crusher took a step forward and swung at Luke, hitting him in the jaw. The sound of the punch made my stomach turn. The hit caused Luke to stumble backwards, but he quickly steadied himself. He went in for an uppercut punch and got Bone Crusher in the stomach, winding him. He took a few steps back, holding his stomach. Bone Crusher looked back up. The look in his eyes was one of fury. I don’t think that he got hit that often. Luke moved forward and went to take another shot, but his opponent moved faster and got in a punch. Luke twisted around and fell to his knees. He wavered, obviously in a daze. Luke’s opponent moved across the ring, ready for the final kill. “LUKE WATCH OUT!” I screamed. Luke snapped back to reality and jumped to his feet. He twisted around and punched Bone Crusher square in the jaw. But he didn’t stop there. Luke threw another punch and then another, clearly in a frenzy. He punched his opponent in the stomach and then in the face. I’d never seen this side before. Luke pulled his arm back one last time and smashed Bone Crusher in the face, sending him to the ground. The referee could see that he was unable to fight so he walked over to Luke, grabbing his arm and raising it to signify his win. The crowd roared with the excitement of the win. Luke quickly lowered his arm and climbed out of the ring, heading straight towards me. He kneeled down so that he was at eye level with me. “See! I told you I’d be fine! I won baby! I won!” Luke exclaimed. “And I want to fight in another match. This is just the beginning Y/N. You’ll see!” He grabbed the back of my head and leaned in to place a kiss on my forehead. Once he pulled away I realised that there was something dripping down into my eyebrow. I placed my hand where Luke had kissed and felt a warm liquid. The sick feeling from before spread through me. I pulled my hand away and saw blood dripping from my fingertips. I couldn’t take it anymore. The blood, the violence, the fact that people thrived off this. It was disgusting. I leapt from my seat and ran out of the room. “Y/N! Y/N what are you doing? Y/N!” Luke called after me. I ran as fast as I could down the hall toward the exit. I knew that once Luke pushed through the crowd he would come after me. He just didn’t understand. Everything that just happened was wrong. And the look in Luke’s eyes when he went crazy was one that I’d never seen before. And it scared me. I found my way out of the building and hailed a taxi. “Y/N stop!” I turned around to see Luke finally making his way out of the building. He spotted me and ran in my direction. I jumped into the taxi and gave him the address of my house. I needed to get as far away as possible from that place. The driver sped away just as Luke was almost at my door. I sunk into the seat and placed my head in my hands. The blood stain on my fingers didn’t bother me anymore as the tears rolled down my cheeks. I just needed to get home now. ~~~~ The taxi driver pulled up at my place. I payed him the fair muttering a small, “Thank you.” before rushing into the house. I knew that Luke wouldn’t be far behind so I had to grab a few things and stay at a friend’s place until I calmed down. But first I needed to get the blood off my hand. I charged up the stairs and quickly entered the bathroom. The front door opened and closed. “Y/N! Where are you? We need to talk right now.” He called out. I turned and slammed the bathroom door shut. Luke’s footsteps came flying up the steps. He reached the top and slammed his hand on the bathroom door. “Y/N open this door right now!” He yelled. Hot tears streaked down my face. “No Luke.” I sobbed. Luke didn’t hit the door anymore, I just heard him sigh. “Y/N please open the door.” I hesitated, then padded over to the door and opened it. Luke’s face was filled with concern. “Babe what’s wrong?” He asked as he stepped toward me. I took a step back, causing Luke to hesitate. “What did I do?” He whispered. All of my emotions came bubbling to the surface. “The boxing! It’s the boxing! You were mental out there! You were hitting a guy that you don’t even know and you knocked him unconscious! You’re eyes though…. they scared me..” I trailed off during the last part but I pushed through. I needed to say this. “And when you got hurt, it hurt me too.” I looked down at the blood still left on my hand. Luke closed the distance between us and enveloped me in a hug, rocking me side to side comfortingly. “I didn’t know. I’m sorry Y/N.” Luke said into my hair. “I won’t go to another match I promise.” I pulled back and looked up at his face. His lip was busted and swelling up. That must have been where the blood on my forehead came from. I reached up and touched where his lip was busted. Luke winced, taking my hand and putting to his side. I got up on my tip toes and lightly kissed where I had touched. “Now let’s get you cleaned up.” I smiled.

A/N: I know that this isn’t cute like normal I just wanted to try something different, I hope you like it

Bianca xx

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