Lazy - Luke Imagine

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I still couldn’t believe what had happened between me and Luke the night before. I jumped feeling a cold hand on my bare shoulder. “Morning beautiful.” Luke’s raspy voice whispered in my ear, I giggled at the feeling of his nose brushing the back of my neck as he gently kissed me there. “Morning Luke.” I whispered back, I pulled the covers further over me, wanting to go back to sleep. “Oh no you don’t.” Luke teased pulling the quilt down so he could see my face. “I want to see that beautiful face of yours.” He said in my ear softly, I felt blush creep up on my cheeks, I rolled onto my front. “Shut up Luke.” I grunted into the mattress, why did he have to wake me up so early? He knew we had a long night last night. “I made you breakfast.” Luke whispered, as he poked my side. He knew the only way to get me out of bed was food. I snuggled into his side, he chuckled, his hand gently stroked my back. “But you’re so warm, Luke. Just stay and cuddle with me.” I teased, I gently kissed his chest, know he loved it when I did that. “How about we go have breakky and then we come back to bed and we don’t move for the rest of the day?” He suggested happily, I grinned. “Hmm… you drive a hard bargain… okay.” I said sighing heavily. He handed me his shirt, I pulled it over my head. Luke lifted me out of bed. “You don’t have to carry me.” I giggled, Luke shook his head. “I want to and plus, I’m not sure if you can walk. I’m saving you the embarrassment.” He chuckled, I pressed my face into his chest blushing.

Luke put me down, I wobbled a little as I sat in the chair at the table. Luke laughed as he walked into the kitchen. “Told you.” He teased, as he put a plate down in front of me. I smiled at the food in front of me. He had made pancakes, bacon and eggs. “This is amazing!” I gushed, Luke grinned at me. He leaned down and kissed me softly. My hand went up to his face, he smiled against my mouth. “Eat your breakfast, sweetheart.” He said as he sat down and pulled his plate towards him. We ate our breakfast in silence, it was just so good I could stop to speak. Although Luke’s foot would gently kick mine under the table as we ate, it was the only communication we needed in that moment. I had cleaned my plate almost, Luke grinned as he took my plate to the kitchen. “You didn’t enjoy that did you?” He teased, I shook my head. “Nup. It was terrible.” I joked, he rolled his eyes. “Come on, let’s go back to bed.”

Luke insisted on carrying me back to the bedroom, he dropped me onto the bed and fell on top of me. I laughed as he pressed all his weight down onto me. I grunted under his weight. “Ugh! Luke you’re heavy!” I said pushing him off me. He flopped down beside me, his arms wrapped around me.

We moved under the covers and snuggled up to each other. I shivered against his body, the morning air carrying a chill. “You cold?”

“A bit, I’ll be okay.” I whispered, Luke rolled onto his back pulling me with him. I laid my head on his chest, my hand splayed across his bare stomach. His fingers brushing through my hair, his other hand rubbing my back. It was soothing just to be with him like this. “I love you so much, Y/N. Last night was perfect.” He mumbled, I smiled to myself. “I love you too Luke.” I mumbled back, my fingers began to draw gentle circles on his stomach. Luke’s hand came to my hand stopping my movement. “That tickles.” He chuckled, he held my hand in his large one. “Sorry.” I mumbled, I rubbed my thumb over his knuckles.

We laid in bed all day, we shared an odd kiss every now and then. Lazy days like this with Luke always made me happy, even if we were doing absolutely nothing.     

A/N: Hope you like it!!! Sorry it’s short… better than nothing right?!??! haha

~ Lucy xx  

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