Cramps - Luke Imagine

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I was laid out, trying different positions to get comfortable, I had terrible period pain and there was nothing I could do about it. I tried walking and that was a complete and utter fail. Luke should have been back from recording twenty minutes ago. I just wanted him here, beside me. I finally found a good position, however it was convenient especially if Luke saw. I had my legs and arms up in the air, so I looked a bit like a dead cockroach. I laid like that, my cramps were okay but they would continue to come back. I heard the front door open, but I wasn’t game to move. I jumped seeing Calum, Ashton, Michael and Luke all staring at me. “What?” I shrugged… well as much as I could in that position. “Are you okay?” Michael asked clearly confused. Ashton and Calum seemed to understand, they both had a sister so surely. “Let me guess, period?” Ashton asked, I glared at him annoyed at his joking. “Shut up Ashton.” I growled, I pulled a pillow over my face. “It can’t be that bad.” Michael wondered aloud. “Michael, can I punch you in the gut repeatedly and then make you bleed from your dick? I don’t think it will be that bad.” I said sarcastically. “Oh and I’ll throw in some weird ass food cravings! And on top of that mood swings.” I continued, Luke smiled over at Michael, who had his hands up in surrender. “That’s what I thought.” I said pulling the pillow down on my face more. I heard the boys move out of the bedroom. I felt the bed dip, a hand took away the pillow, Luke smiled at me. “Cramps again, huh?” He asked. “Yeah. It’s been like this all day. You can tell Michael I’m sorry. I don’t mean to snap.” I groaned rolling onto my side. “It’s alright he understands. Can I get you anything?” He asked softly, I nodded. “A hot water bottle, my pills, chocolate and… love.” I said, he rolled his eyes and then grinned. “Coming right up.” He said, kissing my forehead and then racing off into the kitchen.

He came back with a big bar of chocolate, my pills and a hot water bottle which had turned the skin on his arm red. He put the hot water bottle on my stomach, which I readjusted to my liking. He put my chocolate and pills down and left again. He came back with a glass of water. “Thanks Luke.” I said softly, he smiled handing me my pills and water. I swallowed them down whole. I rested my head against the pillows, the heat on my stomach finally relaxing me. Luke turned to leave, “wait! What about my love?” I asked childishly, Luke turned around grinning. “I thought you’d never ask.” He crawled into bed beside me, his arms wrapped around me pulling me against his warm body. “Much better.” I sighed, pressing my face into his chest, a low chuckle rumbled in his chest. “Definitely.” I looked over at the door and saw Calum, Ashton and Michael watching us. “Awww… you guys are sickeningly cute.” Calum grumbled, Luke and I laughed. “You’re just jealous.” Luke said, I frowned. “Of what? Cuddling with a girl who can go from nice to a bitch in 0.2 seconds?” I asked, Luke grinned and nodded. “As long as you’re not being a bitch to me then its fine. If it’s at Michael even better.” Luke joked, I grinned cuddling closer to him. “Shut up Luke.” Michael grumbled, Calum and Ashton both laughed. “We should go, we’ll leave you to rest. Hope you feel better Y/N.” Calum said sweetly, I smiled tiredly. The painkillers finally kicking in. “Thanks Cal. Bye guys.” I said, shutting my eyes. Luke’s arms tightened on me as I drifted off. 

A/N: Sorry its really short! but I hope you like it!!! (Also this was originally a blurb request but I am running out of ideas and yeah :D 

~ Lucy xx

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