#69 First Time

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A/N: Okay so these are four full smuts so yeah I’m warning you now they are long :) 

Calum: Calum had taken me to a soccer game to just have some chill time together, since we hadn’t seen each other in months. 

Calum’s arm wrapped around my hips again as we walked to the car in silence.  

When we got to the car, he slightly pressed me up against the side. “Wh-what are you doing?” He lowered his face to mine, “I love you and you’re so beautiful inside and out.” He whispered before pressing a lingering kiss to my lips. “I love you too.” I replied against his lips. He smiled and pecked me quickly before opening my door for me, I smiled and sat in the car. Calum went around to the driver’s side. I did my seat belt up and unlocked my phone. As Calum started the car, I turned the volume up on the radio. 

I checked my messages, nothing there as usual. As we got closer to home the music was turned up louder. We both sung along, he sounded amazing like always and I sounded like a dying cat like always. 

I noticed that he was driving the wrong way for my house. “Calum? Where are we going?” I asked turning the volume down a bit. “I was thinking Macca’s then back to mine.” He said as he went into the drive through. 

He pulled up in the driveway, he looked over at me with a goofy grin on his face. “What are you up to?” I asked grinning back, his grin rubbing off on me. “Nothing, you’re just so beautiful and I can’t believe I can call you my girlfriend.” He said lightly touching my face. “Come on let’s go eat. I’m hungry.” He said as he got out of the car.

He got my door for me and we went inside. We sat watching TV while we ate our very late dinner. “Cal, I’m gonna have a shower.” I said throwing out my empty boxes, he nodded. 

After my shower, I walked out of the bathroom and into Calum’s bedroom for something to wear. I was startled by Calum standing in front of me. “I need some clothes.” I said shyly, clutching the towel around me tightly. He handed me a pair of boxers and his t-shirt. “Uh-uh. I need something in return.” He grabbed my wrist, dropping the clothes and pulling me close. I giggled as his chest bumped mine. “You’re so perfect.” He whispered dipping his head to kiss me softly, he was being so gentle and so loving. Maybe I was ready… no I was ready.

"Calum?" I said sort of hoping he wouldn’t hear me. "Hmm." He hummed as he watched my face. "I want you to make love to me." I said quietly avoiding his gaze. "Are you sure?" He asked hesitantly, I nodded shyly. He kissed me passionately, my hand slid up to his neck, tugging at his hair. His warm hand pressing into my low back, while the other slid up my side. I knew this was right and it felt right. I didn’t want to be anywhere else or with anyone else. He pulled away looking a bit dazed, I was a bit breathless. I let the towel drop to my feet, Calum stepped back to look at me. I dropped my gaze to my feet, “You’re so beautiful.” He said, his fingers tracing over my skin. He went silent worry flashing across his face. "I’m worried I’m going to ruin it for you. This is your first time. I want it to be good for you." He said watching my face waiting for something. I gripped onto his forearms. "You’re not going to ruin this. You are the one and only person I want to do this with." I said trying to get him to look at me. "Are you sure? I don’t want to ruin this." He finally met my eyes. "Y/N, I promise tonight will just be about you. If you ever feel uncomfortable or it hurts just say the words and we can stop." He whispered in my ear, I nodded. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he picked me up, my legs locking around his waist. My face level with his, he kissed my neck along my jawline. I gripped tightly onto his neck. He lightly put me down on the bed. I helped him pull his shirt off. I traced my fingers down his toned stomach. "Like what you see?" He said seductively, I nodded smiling. He came back to kissing my neck, I ran my fingers through his hair. I sat up Calum still kissing me. He pulled the covers back, coaxing me in. His jeans and boxers were kicked off before he climbed in beside me.  He smiled at me, he kissed my neck and chest. I swallowed nervously. "I’ll be careful beautiful." He assured touching my cheek lightly. His lips attacking my chest, kissing, sucking and biting. I sighed at the intimate contact. I ran my fingers through his hair again. His fingers brushed over my nipple, I leaned my head back. He was sucking and lightly biting on my left breast while his hand caressed my other breast. I lightly moaned as his thumb rolled over my nipple. He lightly kissed his way down my stomach to the top of my underwear. He hooked his fingers into the sides of my underwear and slid them down my legs. He threw them behind him. He kissed my inner thighs, he moved to the side of me. He moved his face back up to mine. His hand slid down my stomach, he kissed my cheek. I felt his finger lightly graze me. His thumb grazed my clit, I felt my heart pick up speed. His finger slipped into me, I moaned at the contact. "Is that okay?" He asked kissing my cheek, I nodded unable to speak. He pumped his finger inside me quickly, I kissed his neck as he continued. "I’m going to try two okay baby?" He said into my neck, I nodded. I felt him put a second finger in me, he moved them in and out of me quickly. I felt my climax approaching in the pit of my stomach. "Calum, I’m close." I sighed, he went a bit faster bringing me to my climax. He pulled his fingers out of me. My breathing erratic, he kissed me on the lips so delicately. "I love you." I muttered against his lips. "I love you too." He said as he moved down my body sucking and biting down my stomach. He kissed my inner thighs, he smiled up at me as his head disappeared between my legs. I felt him lightly suck on my clit, I moaned loudly and clawed at his hair. His tongue plunged deeply into me, I arched my back in pleasure. He kept working on my clit and his tongue inside me. He kept going until I came, I felt him lick me clean. He came back up to my face, he kissed me passionately. I could taste myself on his lips. He ripped back the covers and helped me get under. He got on top of me, "Are you sure?"

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