#84 Fight and Make Up (Part 2)

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A/N: WARNING: These are smuts bc that's what was requested :) x 

Calum: I was in the bathroom after breakfast getting dressed to go out with some friends. I gasped feeling Calum's arms wrapped tightly around me stomach. "Fuck off." I grunted shoving him off me. "No, you want attention. I'll give it to you." He growled in my ear, his teeth softly nibbling on the lobe. I reluctantly leaned back into him. I put down my hair brush before Calum spun me around, before I could register anything his lips were pressed to mine in a hot desperate kiss. I knew where this was leading and despite the situation I didn't really care because sex with Calum was always great. His tongue darted into my mouth, he obviously won dominance. His hands slid down to my thighs, he tapped then twice signalling me to jump. My legs wrapped around his waist as we left the bathroom and into the bedroom where he pinned me to the wall. He ground his hips into mine, the pressure on my heat giving me some relief. I almost forgot about our earlier fight. I couldn't care less though. I squeaked feeling Calum's hand on my breast, he chuckled against my mouth. His warm calloused fingers rubbing over my skin. His mouth working against mine, the heat between my legs getting worse. I felt the bulge in Calum's pants press against my centre. "I'm gonna prove how much I want you in my life." He growled, he moved us to the bed. He pinned me down on the mattress. His body pressing down to mine. His hands slid up torso under my shirt. He threw my shirt onto the floor. My lace bra making Calum's eyes go wide. He ducked his head harshly sucking on the top of my breasts. "Calum you're wearing too much." I squeaked out, he almost ripped his t-shirt off. Throwing it on the floor. My body was hot with anticipation. I leant up to kiss his chest only to be pinned down. "No it's about you." He grunted in my ear as he rolled his jean clad hips into mine. I squirmed under the pressure and his kisses. His fingers undoing my jeans and sliding them down my legs. I flipped us over to undo Calum's jeans. I softly kissed his stomach as I pulled his jeans down. "God you’re so sexy.” Calum groaned out, I smirked up at him. I crawled up his body pressing down onto his length, he groaned before rolling us over again. His slid his fingers into my panties, his eyes going darker as he felt how wet I was. “Who made you this wet?”

“You did.” I whimpered, I wanted him to touch me more. He plunged his fingers into me, I cried out and arched my back. “Calum!” I groaned out, he smirked down at me as he kissed along my collarbones, leaving marks. He continued pumping his fingers, rubbing my clit. I could see stars I was getting close to my high. “Cal, I’m close.”

“I know let go.” He mumbled against the skin of my breast. I clenched around his fingers and came. I was breathing heavily, my chest heaving. I heard Calum get off the bed to take off his boxers and roll on a condom. I shut my eyes trying to get my breathing back to normal, I jumped when Calum’s hands were pressing onto my hips, he ripped my panties down my legs and undid my bra. I looked up at his figure looming over me. I wrapped my arms around his back as he thrust heavily into me. “Oh god!” I cried as he grunted with his strong fast thrusts. He pounded into me relentlessly; my thighs were shaking with pleasure. Calum left love bites all over my chest. “Cal- don’t stop!” I whimpered, getting close to my high, his hand came down and rubbed harshly on my clit sending me over. He continued to thrust into my riding out my high and reaching his own. I felt Calum pull out, he tossed the condom away and pulled back the covers. I slid under beside him, “was I too rough?” Calum asked quietly, I shook my head. “No it was perfect.” I whispered, I curled up against his chest. “I’m sorry I haven’t been spending time with you. What do you say to the rest of the break it’s just you and me?” Calum suggested kissing the top of my head. “Sounds perfect.”

“I love you Y/N, I really do.” He whispered, I pressed my lips to his. “I love you too Calum.” I whispered against his mouth, I curled up against his chest. His arms wrapped tightly around me.   

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