#15 He's your best friend and your boyfriend gets jealous

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Calum: Calum and I had been best friends for years so it was a little weird when I got a boyfriend because Calum was worried about not only me but our friendship. I promised him that we would still do all the same things. Like tonight we were having our weekly Friday movie night.

Calum and I didn’t mind cuddling with each other because we knew it meant nothing. We stayed up into the late hours watching movies and occasionally talking.

I woke up to find that I had fallen asleep spooning with Calum; I got up in a hurry accidentally waking him. “Y/N. Where are you going?”

“Cal, go back to sleep. I need to go. My boyfriend has probably called me so many times already.” I said before checking my phone to see 30 missed calls. I pulled on my shoes and yelled out a bye as I left his house.

I drove back to my house to see my boyfriend’s car in the driveway. Great.

I went inside before I even had the chance to call out his name he had me pinned to the wall near the door. “Y/N! Where were you?” He growled, I winced as his grip got tighter. “I was at Calum’s. We had our movie and we lost track of time.” I said trying not to cry. “Like hell! You’re mine! You’re first priority is me not him… not any other man on this planet!” He spat at me, his face getting close to mine before ducking his head to my neck. Where he started sucking and biting harshly, marking me. I tried to push him off me. “Stop! You’re hurting me!” I screeched, he pulled back and before I had time to compose myself he had hit me hard across the face sending me to the ground. “Dumb bitch! You can never see him again!” He yelled as I sobbed, he pulled my up by my hair. My cries were cut short as I heard a loud thump and my hair released. I was pulled into warm protective arms. “Don’t you dare touch Y/N again!” Calum’s voice boomed over my head. “Fine you have the fat slut.” My boyfriend yelled back. “Get out.” I said quietly, my boyfriend nodded his head at Calum. “You heard her.”

“No! You get out!” I yelled at him, he jumped slightly and left with the final words, “You will always be mine!” It sent chills through my whole body. Calum’s arms tightened on me as he led me to my lounge. Calum cuddled me into his chest trying to calm my sobs. He moved a little, startling me. “Can you stay with me, Cal?” I asked weakly. “I’m not going anywhere sweetie.” He said kissing the top of my head.

Ashton: Since Ashton have been back from tour I had been spending a lot of time with him. Going out to gigs, hanging out at his place and just having fun like the old times.

Ashton had insisted on going out today just for a coffee and shopping, I knew he secretly loved it. “So Y/N, how’s that guy you liked?” Ashton asked as we walked past the shops. “I’m his girlfriend.” I said happily, his face dropped a little. “Is he okay with you spending this much time with me?”

“I don’t need permission. No he’s cool with is. He knows that I wouldn’t do that to him.” I said, Ashton nodded before dropping  the conversation.

Later that day,I had gotten a call from my boyfriend. “Hey babe.” I answered. Ashton walked into a shop away from me. “Hey, are you with Ashton at the moment?”

“Yeah, why?”

“Can you come over I want see you, I haven’t seen you in ages.”

“I’ll let him know that I’m going. Okay, bye.” I said hanging up. If followed Ashton into the shop. “Hey Ash. My boyfriend wanted to hang out with me this afternoon. Do you mind if I go?” I said, he nodded blankly at me. “Yeah, that’s cool. I’ll give you a ride.”

“No, Ash. That’s not a good idea.” I said pressing my hand to his chest, he nodded and leaned in for a hug which I gladly returned.

I rushed home to see my boyfriend, I found him sitting on the lounge. “Come sit.” I sat beside him. “Okay, I need to know. Are you cheating?”

“Are you serious? Of course not! Ash is my best friend. Nothing more. Are you jealous?”

“Kind of yeah. He’s seen more of you than I have this week.”

“Look you have nothing to worry about. It’s only you.” I said, he smiled at me. He pulled me into his arms and honestly… Ashton’s hugs were better, but I would tell anyone that.

Luke: I was currently out with my boyfriend, he was taking me out shopping.

As we were walking down the street I noticed the unmistakeable face of my best friend Luke. “Y/N? Hey!” Luke said coming up to me and my boyfriend. We went to each other for a hug as we hadn’t seen each other in so long. “Luke, how are you?”

“I’m good and you?”

“Great, question how much did you grow; 3 feet? You’re huge.” I said looking up and down his tall frame. He laughed, and shook his head. I stepped back to my boyfriend, who’s arem wrapped around my waist strongly. “Nah, you’re just a shortie.” Luke laughed, I smiled giving him a light shove. “So how was the tour?”

“Amazing. You should come to one of my shows one day.” He beamed, I nodded. “Definetly. I’ll give you a call and we can sort something out. You’re still the same number?” He nodded and smiled at me. “Alright I’ll let you go. Bye, Y/N.”

My boyfriend’s arm tightened on me as we walked the other way. “So that was Luke?”


“You guys seem close. Are you actually going to his show?” He asked jealousy in his voice, I nodded. “Yeah we’ve been friends for years. I will got to Luke’s show. He’s amazing. I really like his band’s music.” I said not thinking it was a big deal. “You’re not going.”

“Are you jealous?” He looked at his feet. “You are! You’re jealous. You have nothing to worry about. I don’t like Luke that way.” I assured he nodded.

Michael: Lately I had been having problems with some things, I just wasn’t myself. Whenever I was upset I would go to my best friend, Michael. This was something that continued even when I got a boyfriend. We had been together about a month, and he was already jealous of Michael.

Today, I didn’t really want my boyfriend to find out that I was going to see Michael about some things. I just wasn’t feeling great at all. I made my way to Michael’s house, tears stinging in my eyes.

“Hey, Y/N. What’s up love?” Michael asked as he opened the door to me. I automatically hugged him, his arms tightly wrapped around my shoulders. He led me to the lounge; sitting me down. He held me close, letting me sob into his chest. It seemed like everything was going wrong.

When I had calmed down a little Michael spoke, “Y/N?” He asked, making me look up at his pained face. “Why did you come to me, and not your boyfriend?” I swallowed nervously. “He doesn’t understand. You know me inside and out.” I said smiling, he kissed my forehead softly. “I’m just worried about you with what he’ll say because I know he doesn’t like you seeing me.” He said honestly, I nodded. I suddenly felt that my boyfriend didn’t need to be a problem anymore. I didn’t really like the jealously thing, Michael is my best friend.

I was about to answer him when my phone rang. I answered it quickly, “Hey.”

“Hello babe. Are you with that guy, Michael?” He asked disgusted, I sucked in a deep breath. “Yes. Is that a problem?”

“Yeah. I know he just wants to get into your pants.” He said, I shook my head annoyed. “He’s my best friend. And if you can’t deal with me seeing Michael in my spare time then this isn’t going to work. You can’t be jealous of Michael.” I said, I noticed Michael perk up in the in the corner. “Fine. I just don’t like to share you with him.”

“He’s my best friend. If you don’t like Michael than I don’t want to be with you.”

“Alright, bye. Y/N.” He said coldly before hanging up. I turned to Michael, he smiled and opened his arms, I sat beside him. He pulled me onto his lap, he pecked my cheek. “Here’s a question for you…” I looked at him quizzically. “Why don’t you and I go out… like on a date?” I nodded shyly… maybe things will start to pick up. 

A/N Hey guys hope you like it :D. Imagine will be up later today. Bianca needs to send it to me… Sorry for the delays… Much love :D <3

~ Lucy xx

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