#35 Losing the Baby

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Calum: "Push!" The doctor yelled. I pushed as hard as I could as I squeezed Calum’s hand through the excruciating pain. Nurses started rushing around the room, whispering to each other but I ignored them, wanting to get the baby out. "Push again!" The doctor said. "Come on baby you can do this." Calum whispered into my ear. I screamed as I pushed, the pain becoming more unbearable. A nurse approached the doctor and whispered in his ear. He nodded, looked at me and back down. "We’re almost there. One last push." He said, less enthusiasm in his voice. I pushed and felt the baby come out. "Done." The doctor said, slumping forward as a woman took the baby in a towel. Calum and I breathed a sigh of relief as we looked at each other. "You did it babe!" He whispered kissing my forehead. My smile fell when I realised I didn’t hear any crying. No noise from my baby. I watched as the doctor walked over to the nurses who whispered to him again. He nodded and approached us solemnly. "I’m so sorry." He apologised. "For what?" I asked. He sighed before saying, "You’re baby didn’t make it. We believe she died during labour." He informed. My breath hitched in my throat, what he just said swirling in my mind. "We were going to have a girl?" Calum breathed, I could hear the sadness in his voice. The doctor nodded, "I’ll leave you two alone." After the doctor left Calum fell to his knees by my side. "My princess.." He whispered, grabbing onto me. Calum clutched my hospital gown as he sobbed into my arm. I leaned over and kissed his head, letting my own tears fall. "My little princess.." He sobbed. My heart broke more seeing Calum like this. But he was right. Our little girl was gone. I turned my head to see nurses surrounding a small table. Sobs racked my chest as I caught glimpses of her. "I love you princess." I sobbed. I will love her even though she’s not here. Forever and always.

 I had to tell him now. This could ‘t wait. I looked down to my stomach, placing my hand on it, trying to feel something. Unlike every other time, this time it felt empty, something was missing. And I knew what it was. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and dialled Ashton’s number, holding back the tears. “Hey babe! You’re calling a bit early, did ya miss me too much?” Ashton giggled. “Ashton..” I breathed, my voice wavering slightly. I sniffled, trying to hold back the breakdown threatening to come. “Y/N, what’s wrong?” He asked. I didn’t know how to tell him. The words floated through my mind but I didn’t know how to say them. “Uh,” I sobbed, “It’s gone.” I lifted my hand to my eyes, shaking my head in disbelief with what I just said. “What’s gone babe? What’s happened?” Ashton persisted. “I’m so sorry Ash.. I know you wanted kids. This is all my fault.” I whimpered. “Y/N what’s happened? You’re scaring me now.” Ashton said, voice low. I sobbed again, broken by what I have to tell Ashton. “It’s dead! The baby’s dead!” I cried. Ashton didn’t reply, I couldn’t even hear him breath. After a long silence, “What?” He breathed. I took a deep breath, trying to steady my voice. “I’ve had a miscarriage Ashton.” I whispered. “No no no!” Ashton cried, making me cry harder, “I’m not even there! I need to be there!” I could hear him crying through his words. “I know Ashton. I know baby,” I winced at the word, the pain fresh. I couldn’t do this without him. It hurt too much, like someone ripped out my heart, a part of me missing. “I need you home Ashton. I need you home.” I sobbed. “I’m coming home.” Ashton was silent for a long moment before speaking again. “I love you.” I held back my crying just to say it back. “I love you too Ash.” I whispered, hanging up the phone, leaving me alone with my sadness and empty stomach. 

 I shot up in bed, cramps and pure pain shooting through my stomach. Another shot of pain made me cry out, waking up Luke. “Huh. What’s wrong?” Luke asked, still in a half-asleep daze. “I dunno Luke but I’m scared.” I whimpered, holding onto my stomach. I cried out in pain again, sending Luke into a panic. “It’s okay Y/N. I’ll take you to the hospital.” He rushed, jumping out of bed and putting some clothes on. More unbearable pain came as I clenched my teeth through it. I groaned as they kept coming. I wasn’t due yet. What was going on? “Luke please!” I cried. Luke ran to my side of the bed and held onto me as he helped me up. I screamed out as another cramp like pain gripped my stomach. Luke looked down at my stomach and back to me, panic filling his eyes. “It’s gonna be okay. Everything will be okay.” Little did I know, nothing would be okay. Nothing. 
"I am so sorry to say this. But you’ve had a miscarriage," The doctor replied sadly, "We need to induce labour as soon as possible." The news took the breath out of me. I didn’t look at anyone and I couldn’t. Not even Luke, who just gripped my hand as the news sunk in for him as well. My baby was gone. We weren’t going to have a baby. My breath came back but in the form of cries and sobs. "Luke." I sobbed. Luke snapped back into reality as he held me. "Shh. It’s okay." He cooed, stroking my hair. "But it’s not!" I sobbed as Luke rocked me back and forth. A nurse entered the room. "I’m sorry honey but we need to take you there now." She said, separating Luke from me. "No I need to be with her!" Luke yelled. "Excuse me sir we need you to calm down." More nurses flooded the room, prodding me with medical equipment. "Luke?" I whimpered. "She’s scared please." Luke cried. My bed started rolling with the wave of nurses, taking me away from Luke. Pain flooded me again, making me scream. "Please no! Y/N! Y/N no!" Luke yelled. I turned my head to see two male nurses holding Luke back with everything they had. "Luke!" I cried before the nurses turned my head back. "We need your full cooperation ma’am." A female nurse said. I nodded as tears streamed down my face. I don’t think I’ve ever felt so alone surrounded by so many people. 

 “Hey babe.” Michael smiled from the couch. I didn’t reply as I shrugged off my jacket and hung it up. The news I had to tell Michael was lodged in my throat, stuck with everything I wanted to say. “Babe are you okay?” Michael frowned as I shuffled to him. I slowly sat on the couch and tried to look at him. Tears welled up in my eyes as he looked back at me with concern. “What’s wrong Y/N?” He asked again, touching my cheek gently. I turned away from his touch, biting my tongue to stop myself sobbing. “I need to tell you something important.” “Well if it makes you sad I don’t want the baby to hear.” He smiled, trying to brighten the mood. Michael placed his hand on my stomach which was the final straw. I broke down into a heap of sobs as he panicked, not knowing what was happening. “What?” What’s wrong?” He asked frantically. I shook my head and sniffled, trying to stifle the sobs again. “The baby won’t hear you.” I whispered, looking down at my lap. “What?” Michael questioned, not hearing me. I cleared my throat, “The baby won’t hear you Michael.” I said, looking back up at him. Michael’s eyes searched mine. I knew that he knew what I was saying, I just don’t think he wanted to believe me. “What are you trying to say?” He whispered, eyes glossing over. “I’ve had a miscarriage Michael. I’m going to the hospital tomorrow morning.” I whispered back. Michael pulled me into a hug, crying into my hair. I clenched my eyes shut and buried my head into his neck. I couldn’t believe this was happening. “I’m so sorry Michael! I’m so so sorry!” I sobbed. “No don’t be sorry,” He croaked, “I love you. That’s all that matters…” I can’t remember how long we stayed like that. Embraced in a hug filled with tears and pain. Too fragile to move or let go. As if the slightest movement would break us both. But the truth is, we were broken. Completely and utterly broken. 

A/N It’s not my best, the topic was hard to write about (emotionally) so yeah. I hope you like it though :)
Bianca xx

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