#53 His Favourite Place to Kiss You

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Calum: Your Nose

Calum loved to kiss your nose because he thought it was the cutest thing ever. The way it would crinkle when you laughed at his lame jokes, it would make him want to kiss your nose all day. If you were out in public or out with the boys he’d kiss your nose because he liked to keep real kisses just for you and him. If you were play fighting to settle both of you he would quickly kiss the tip of your nose, causing you to erupt into giggles.

Ashton: Your Hands and fingers

Ashton was fascinated with your hands and fingers as much as you were with his, only his fascination was for the opposite reason for yours. He loved how small your hands were in comparison to his, he would be such a gentleman kissing your hand and then your cheek when he greeted you for a date. If you were lying in bed with him, his fingers would be laced with yours and he gently kiss your fingers and knuckles and say something like “You’re so beautiful…” He would be kissing your hands any chance he got.

Luke: Your Forehead

Luke wasn’t a big fan of PDA, he would only kiss your forehead in public. If you were out on a date and fans approached you he would sweetly kiss your forehead and see them. He would always be hugging you and just so he could feel like he was protecting you he would softly kiss your forehead. Before bed he would always kiss your forehead and then your lips, whispering a soft good night.

Michael: Your neck

Michael was definitely a sweet guy and that was reflected in his soft kisses to your neck. He would kiss your neck if things were getting heated or if you were play fighting and he just wanted to hear your giggle. Michael was all about showing you off to the world so when you were out he was would say something cheeky in your ear and quickly kiss your neck, causing you to blush. This gave the fans so much to talk about on twitter.

A/N: Sorry its short I’ve been caught up with school work! :D 

~Lucy xx

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