Out of Place - Luke Imagine

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Everyone had always said that it wasn’t good for me to be dating Luke. Everyone saw him as the bad boy because he had tattoos and piercings; he was so much more than his appearance. Sure he could be intimidating and scary but no one ever saw the soft side to him. He acted all tough and he could definitely throw a few hard punches but when he was with me he was the most caring, sweet guy I had even been with. Luke was only sweet behind closed doors, he never let his mates find out about that; he would never treat me badly in front of his friends though.    

So I thought it was a bold move by him when he asked me to go to the fun fair with him, seeing as we had done nothing all day. “Luke are you feeling okay?” I asked reaching up and pressing the back of my hand to his forehead. “I’m fine.” He said taking my hand in his before kissing my cheek. “I just want to do something for you.” He said sweetly, I blushed. It still astounded me how he could make me feel. “But what if people see you there? I thought you didn’t want that for your tough reputation?” I asked innocently, he smirked at me biting his lip. “I don’t really care anymore. I only really want to impress you.” He said sweetly, this is the side of him that nobody but me saw. “Are you sure?” I asked, lightly touching his arm. “I’m not about to jump off a cliff… we’re going to the fun fair. Calm down Y/N.” He assured jokingly, I rolled my eyes. “Alright let me get changed.” I sighed walking into my bedroom, Luke followed. “No. You stay out here.” I said pushing his chest as I shut the door on him. “Please… Y/N… I’ll be good.” He whined from outside the door, I laughed shouting a ‘no’ from the other side.

I changed quickly into a pair of jeans and a nice shirt. I came out to see Luke standing at my doorway, I smiled laughing. “You’re such a dork.” I sighed as I went to touch his hair, he caught my wrist. “Don’t mess with the quiff.” He warned, I rolled my eyes as he dropped my wrist.

Luke and I hopped into his car and he drove us to the fun fair. I was so nervous, I didn’t know why. I think because this time when we were going out it didn’t involve a concert, a club or the movies.

When we arrived it wasn’t dark enough for the lights to start coming on. We paid for our entry and wandered around for a while. After a while I noticed that people were shying away from us as we walked through the crowds. Luke seemed oblivious to peoples stares, he seemed oddly content with everything around him. Usually he would be on edge seeing if any guy was looking at me, but tonight he wasn’t. People were giving both of us strange looks; I moved a little closer to Luke. His arm wrapped around my shoulders protectively. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah people are just looking at us.” I said looking up at him, he smiled at me. “Don’t worry about it.” He assured squeezing my shoulder, okay now he’s acting strange. It was getting darker now so we didn’t have to worry about people recognizing us anymore.

When I looked around I do see that he does look out of place, that’s until he tugs me towards the Ferris wheel. He sometimes looks tough but he’s really a big softie, it’s really cute. “Luke what are we doing?” I asked knowing I wasn’t very good with heights. “Going on the Ferris wheel.” He said pointing to the non-existent line. “I’m not good with heights Luke.” I confessed, he smiled and walked me in a different direction. I decided to get over my fear and go. “Luke, wait. Can we go on the Ferris wheel?” I asked tugging his hand. “Of course babe. I’ll keep you safe.” He said whispering the last part in my ear, his lip ring grazing my lobe, making me shiver. He smirked at me, feeling me shiver under his hold. He was so cocky when it came to affection, he knew how he made me feel.

We got into the cage, Luke sat so closely to me. His arm around my shoulder the other holding my hands. “You’re going to be okay.” He whispered in my ear. I jolted in his hold as the wheel began moving.

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