Roomies - Luke/Michael Imagine (Part 2) (Special)

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Michael’s POV

I wanted to see if Y/N was okay. She always said that she didn’t like my girlfriend. I knocked on her bedroom door, hearing soft sniffles come from the other side. “Yeah, come in.” Luke said, I pushed the door open to see Y/N and Luke cuddled into each other. He was whispering in her ear, I’d always hoped that they would get together, I don’t know if it will happen. “So how’s the slut?” Y/N asked harshly looking up at me. Tears still rolling down her pink cheeks. She stood up off the bed, Luke stayed seated, while she stood. “My girlfriend, is still here and she feels terrible about it.”

“No she doesn’t!” Y/N snapped, I heard footsteps behind me. “I definitely don’t feel terrible about it. I’m just stating the truth hun and sometimes that hurts.” She said rudely, tear welled in Y/N’s eyes again. “You know what else hurts sometimes?” Y/N growled raising her fist, Luke’s arms darted out to pull her back as I pushed her back. “Of course you would defend her.” She snarled, she shook herself from Luke’s grip. “Well yeah. I’m sure you could just sit on me and I wouldn’t be able to get away.” She said harshly, I winced. Y/N sat down beside Luke, his arms going around her. “Get out.” I said not wanting to raise my voice. “What?! You’re asking me to leave?” My girlfriend screeched, I nodded. “Yes.”

“Why?” She asked, stamping her foot like a bratty child. “Because, my best friend doesn’t deserve to be treated this way. She is the greatest friend I could ask for and your comments aren’t even true. Just leave and don’t come back. We’re over.” I said, she was taken aback. “Ugh fine. Just don’t come crying to me when this fat cow has ruined your life.” She said harshly, I nodded at Y/N. She stood up and slapped my now ex-girlfriend, Luke and I both gasped. “Call me another bad name, I dare you.” Y/N threatened, my ex just rolled her eyes. “See you later dick.” She huffed leaving the bedroom and then house, slamming the front door behind her. “I’m sorry Michael.” Y/N began crying, I pulled her to me. I watched as Luke left us alone. “Don’t be. It’s not your fault she’s just a jealous bitch.”

Your POV

“What would she be jealous of?” I scoffed, Michael smiled. “You’re living with me first of all and second of all you are a knockout. No pun intended. I know Luke likes you so I’m not about to steal you.” He said, it sounded like it was for Luke’s sake more than mine. Don’t listen to the mean things people say they are just jealous.” He said, hugging me tighter. “Thanks Michael, but you know that you didn’t have to break up with her.” I said, he chuckled. “Don’t worry, it sounds bad but I was planning to, tonight anyway.” He said, I reached up and kissed his cheek. “You’re the best roommate a girl could ask for.” I said, I heard Luke clear his throat from behind the door. “What about me?”

“Okay second best roommate. Sorry Michael.” I joked, he smiled shaking his head. “It’s okay.” He said pecking my cheek before we went out to join Luke.         

A/N: Hope you like it!!!

~ Lucy xx

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