Finally Mrs Hood - Calum Imagine

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A/N  Y/B/F/N= Your best friend’s name

"Are you ready?" Y/B/F/N asked. I took and in a deep breath and looked at the mirror one last time. My wedding dress was perfect. Everything I’d ever imagined as a little girl. Finally my dream was a reality that fit me in all the right places. I felt beautiful. But I also felt extremely nervous with a tinge of excitement. I had no idea why I was nervous though. I was about to marry the love of my life in a wedding that we had planned together, down to the finest details. This day was going to be perfect. I let out a deep breath and smiled. "Yeah. I’m ready." I nodded, clutching the sides of my dress. Lifting them up, I walked out of the small room the owners of the cottage allowed me to use. It was a cute little house next to a lake with views of a mountain range in the distance. So gorgeous. I walked out of the back door, silky dress in hand, and made my way to the side of the house where my dad waited, ready to walk me down to the aisle out front. "Hey dad." I smiled. Dad turned around and took me in. One side of his mouth turned up as tears formed in his eyes. The back of my throat burned, tears collecting at the corner of my eyes. "Don’t cry dad! You’re gonna make me cry!" I nervously laughed, wiping away tears that were about to fall. He moved closer and hugged me. "Sorry pumpkin. You just look so beautiful," Dad whispered into my hair before pulling away to look down at me, "Calum’s a lucky man." I smiled back up at him. "Thanks dad." Dad nodded before looking behind him. "Now," He started, looking back at me, "I have a beautiful girl to give away." Dad raised his arm expectantly, waiting for me to take it. I hooked my arm around his and we made our way down the side of the cottage. This was it. The final moments before I became Mrs Hood. Excitement, nervousness, happiness, relief were the emotions coursing through me, screaming for attention. "It’ll be okay pumpkin. I love you." My dad cooed. I looked up at him. "Love you too dad." We came up to the corner of the cottage and awaited our cue. I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath to calm my shaky hands. It was going to be okay. Everything would be fine. My eyes flew open as the music started, cuing me to walk down the aisle. I glanced at dad who gave me a reassuring nod before we began walking towards the start of the aisle. Everyone rose from their seats as I approached. People from both sides of the family gave me both looks of happiness and looks disapproval. But I didn’t care because this wasn’t their day. It was mine and Calum’s. My dad and I were at the start of the aisle and my eyes instantly found Calum. He seemed to be in a world of his own, a world governed by his nerves as he held his hands tightly. Luke, his best man, nudged his chest which brought him back to the ceremony. Calum looked over at me as I walked past the rows of seats and a smile instantly plastered his face. His hands loosened and he let out a breath that he was holding in. "Beautiful.." He mouthed at me. I dropped my gaze and blushed, a smile breaking out on my face. I looked back up at him and realised that I was at the end of the aisle. Luke, Ashton and Michael were all standing beside Calum, smiling at me reassuringly. I turned to my dad who kissed me on the cheek before giving Calum a warning look. "Dad!" I whisper-yelled at him. He looked at me and shrugged before chuckling and letting me go. I turned and walked over to where Calum and the minister were standing. My dress swished about as I faced Calum. All of those feelings from before evaporated and I was left with one emotion. Happiness. "We are gathered here today to unite Y/N and Calum in the bonds of holy matrimony. If there is anyone who objects to this marriage please speak now or forever hold your peace?" I couldn’t focus on what the minister was saying, all I could focus on was Calum’s deep brown eyes staring into mine. It was hard to believe that two amazing years has led to this. Us getting married. "And the couple have prepared vows for each other. If you would like to begin Y/N." the minister smiled. I let out a shaky breath and turned to Y/B/F/N for my vows. She handed them over to me, unfolded, as I turned back to Calum. "Calum. I know that all vows begin like this but it’s true. Where do I start. These have been the two most amazing years of my life and it’s all because of you. You have brought so much happiness into my life when I needed it most. I was going through some tough times and I felt like I was falling. I didn’t know what to do so I closed my eyes and let go. Before I could hit the bottom, you caught me. You helped me get back on my feet and I thank you for that. Even though you caught me, I was soon falling again. I was falling in love with you. With your smile, your humour, with the way you’d hide your face when you laughed, the way you always wanted cuddles. You have brought me so much happiness and love that I can’t describe it. Thank you so much. For loving me, for caring for me and for being there for me. I love you so much Cal. I can’t wait to be Mrs Hood." My voice wavered as I finished, looking up at Calum. His eyes were glossy and I could see that he was trying not to cry. "Very nice Y/N," The minister said before turning to Calum, "Calum. If you would like to recite your vows." Calum nodded and smiled before pulling out his vows from the inside pocket of his jacket. He opened them up and began. "Y/N. You are my everything. You’re the reason for my smile, the reason why I get out of bed everyday and the reason for my happiness. Ever since I first saw you I couldn’t shake the feeling that you would be mine one day and here we are," A tear slid down Calum’s cheek as I tried to hold back mine, "I can’t imagine a morning without you’re beautiful smile to greet me when I wake up. I can’t imagine a day without you’re giggles and kisses to show me your love. I can’t imagine a night without kissing your forehead just before you go to sleep as we whisper I love you to each other. Nothing would be the same without you. Without my beautiful sunshine. I love you Y/N. I love you so much." I let some tears fall down my cheeks to my dress. I couldn’t help myself. "Very good. Now Y/N do you take Calum to be your husband? Do you promise to love, honour, cherish and protect him til death do you part?" The minister asked. I smiled at Calum. "I do." "And Calum, do you take Y/N to be your wife? Do you promise to love, honour, cherish and protect her til death do you part?" "I do." Calum smiled, looking directly into my eyes. I blushed at his look. "The rings?" The minister asked. Luke gave Calum a ring while Y/B/F/N gave me the other. The rest of what the minister said went by in a blur as I slid the ring onto Calum’s finger and he slid one onto mine. I felt warm and fuzzy at the sight of it. A ring is shaped as a circle and a circle never ends. Just like my love for Cal. "By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride." Calum pulled me in for a kiss, his arms wrapping tightly around my waist. I cupped his face with my hands as our lips moulded together. Cheers sounded as we separated. "I love you Cal." I giggled. "I love you too Mrs Hood." He beamed. I shook my head playfully as I placed one last kiss on his lips.

A/N Well I hope you like it! :) Love you guys 

Bianca xx

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