They Aren't You - Luke Imagine

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I had come home early from work to find Luke in the kitchen singing loudly, in an Indian accent as he cooked dinner for us.

He slightly jumped as I wrapped my arms around his stomach, pressing a kiss to the middle of his back. “Evening.” I said, he turned around and smiled.

"How was today?" He asked as he plated up, he quickly leaned over and kissed me. "It was alright." I shrugged, today wasn’t that great as I was getting hate as usual but it was really getting to me. "What happened sweetheart?" He asked touching my arm softly, I moved away and sat down at the table, Luke sat across from me, concern evident in his eyes. "It was just the usual crap, haters giving me shit." I said roughly. “On twitter?”

“Yeah and out in the street. I was going to get a coffee and fans saw me and started yelling things at me.” I said hoping he would drop the conversation. He did and continued to eat his dinner, while I just sat there thinking about today.

As he finished his dinner, he spoke. “Eat up love. It’s going cold. I know my cooking is amazing hot or cold but it’s better hot.” He joked, a small smile cracked on my face. “Luke when will you learn… You’re not funny.” I replied smiling. “Well that can’t be right you’re laughing.” He joked; he knew he was making a total fool of himself. “So how was recording?” 

"It was good. We finished the album today!" He said excitedly. "Really oh my god! Do you have any tracks I can listen to?" I asked happily. "Yeah later." He said, I watched as his eyes trailed from my face to my plate. "Y/N why aren’t you eating?" He asked worried, I shut my eyes before I got up and left the table.

I felt tears forming in my eyes as I shut the bathroom door on Luke. I felt bad but I didn’t want him to see me like this. I didn’t want to eat because of what the haters had said to me. Calling me fat, ugly, dumb, slutty, try hard and other things. “Y/N! Please! Let me in, whatever I did I’m sorry.” Luke’s deep voice sounded through the door, I wiped my eyes and unlocked the door. I sat on the floor, wrapping my arms around my knees as I hugged them to my chest. Tears taking over my body, causing me to quiver. Luke opened the door, his footsteps approaching me. He sat beside me, his arm wrapping around my shoulders. His broader – than normal – shoulders giving me a sense of being loved. “Y/N what’s going on?” Luke asked stroking my face, trying to get me to look at him. He wiped away my tears with his thumb. I looked up at his face, he was a lot closer than I expected. His blue eyes locking with mine. “Now tell me what’s wrong?” He said softly, moving a piece of hair from my face. “They all called me fat, ugly, slutty and dumb. So I might as well solve one of my problems.” I sobbed cuddling into Luke’s chest.  ”Come here.” He said softly in my ear before lifting me up bridal style. I buried my face in his shoulder. He gently put me down on the soft carpet; we were standing in front of our full length mirror. He stood behind me his large hands on my stomach. “Luke what are we doing?” I sighed, he smirked before he lightly kissed my neck. He stood to his full height, I had never noticed how tiny I actually was. “I’m showing you something. See this gorgeous girl in front of me.  She is the sweetest, cutest, funniest and most beautiful girl I have ever been with and will ever be with. I can’t bear to see her hurt. She is the girl I fell in love with and I never want to fall out of it. Y/N I don’t want anyone else but you. Those haters are just jealous of you and who wouldn’t be? You’re absolutely perfect and I couldn’t ask for a better girlfriend.” He said, his words making my heart melt and my knees go weak. If Luke wasn’t holding me I wouldn’t be standing right now.  “Luke.” I sighed leaning back into his touch. His hands slid down to my hips, sliding my shorts down a little on one side, revealing my stretch marks. I covered them up quickly. “No don’t cover them up. They are beautiful like everything else about you.” He whispered as he got on his knees and pressed delicate kisses to my scars. I ran my fingers through his hair, a low rumble sounded deep in his chest. “They’re like tiger stripes. You’re fierce and you’ve earned your stripes.” He muttered running his fingers over the red lines.  He took his hands away from my hips, pulling my shorts up again. Luke stood to his full height again, I turned around in his arms. He towered over me, his broad shoulders giving me sense of protection. “Never ever think badly about yourself, it’s not true and those who tell you those lies are just jealous. I mean who wouldn’t be?” He said hugging me tightly. “A lot of those girls aren’t jealous. They are all so much skinnier than me.” I said quietly moving to the bed and curling into a ball. I felt Luke get into bed beside me. I turned away from him. “Hey look at me.” He said turning my head to look at him. “Yes some of those girls are skinnier than you but guess what… they aren’t you. I wouldn’t change anything about you. There is only one girl I want in this world and that’s you.” He said his face inching closer to mine. I smiled shyly, blushing. He leaned in and pressed a soft, loving kiss to my lips, muttering an “I love you.” 

A/N: This is my first imagine. Sorry its a bit long. I really enjoyed writing this :). Hope you like it. 

Lucy xx

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