#56 Another Boy Defends You

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Calum: Ashton and I had been friends for years so when Ashton and I ditched the boys at the studio to do some shopping neither of us were worried.

While we were out some fans noticed Ashton, they were giggling and talking behind their hands. Ashton was helping me find some clothes since some of mine were dirty and being on the road made it hard. "Uh, Y/N shouldn't you be looking in the plus size section?" A fan asked rudely, I kept my head down knowing that it would be the best thing to do. "Didn't you hear me Y/N, that section would be much--"

"Shut up. She heard you. She's just being the bigger person here." Ashton said defensively. "Yeah we know she's the biggest here." She sneered. "You know what I meant. Just shut up about Y/N. I know she's dating Calum but she's hot." Ashton said, I smiled blushing. "Oh can we have a photo please?" The girl asked, Ashton looked as if he was grimacing. "I don't want to be a dick here but you insulted my best friend and I don't appreciate that nor would Calum and we need to get back to shopping." He said coldly, I looked back at the rack. The girls huffed and walked off angrily. When they was gone I flung my arms around Ashton, he hugged me back. "Thanks Ash."

"Anytime babe. And don't tell Calum that I called you hot, he'll kill me." He said as he let go of me, I laughed and nodded. "Yeah... I'll keep that in mind though." I joked giving him a shove, he giggled shoving me back. I was so glad that he had defended me.

Ashton: Ashton had left Luke and I while he went to get a round of drinks, the pounding music could be felt in my chest. Luke wasn't paying much attention to what was going on. "Hey there beautiful." I heard a man say, I blushed looking away. I didn't really acknowledge it as Ashton was just over at the bar. "Hey I said something to you." He snarled grabbing my arm, I flinched away. "Hey get the fuck off her! She's taken!" Luke yelled ripping the man’s arms off mine. "Are you her boyfriend?"

"No I'm her best friend and her boyfriend is just over there." Luke said pointing to Ashton as he wandered over to us. The man looked at Ashton and then back to me, "I can show you a better time than this loser." He taunted, before I could stop myself my hand had already swatted across his face. "Get lost and don't you dare speak to her again!" Luke snapped pushing me behind him. The man walked off, Luke turned to me when he was gone. "Are you okay?" He asked, I nodded. I hugged him tightly, I heard Ashton cough behind us. "Thanks for doing that man. I appreciate it." Ashton said clapping him on the shoulder.

Luke: Since the boys were on tour, I had no time to go shopping for a dress for an award show I was going to with Luke.

Luke and I had planned to go shopping together but got called to the studio at the last minute, Michael offered to take me instead.


We had already gotten my shoes, "So where to next?" Michael asked, I shrugged. "Uh... Here." I said going into the shop, it looked a bit fancy but I was going to a fancy event. "Hello ma'am, sir. What are you looking for? Scarves?" The woman asked, Michael looked between us. "Uh no I was looking for an evening gown." I said, looking around the store. "I'm sure there is nothing here for you. I mean everything is way out of your price range and all our stock is a size 12 or below." She said her eyes drifting up and down my body. "Uh I'm a size 10 thank you very much and you have no idea how much money I have." I said crossing my arms over my chest. "Hmmm doesn't look like it." She sneered, I rolled my eyes going over to Michael. I told him what she said to me. "Let's just go." I said tugging on his arm. "No... Hey, how about you apologize to my friend?"

"I didn't say anything wrong." The woman said acting innocent. "Yes you did you basically called her fat. How dare you say something like that?" Michael snapped, she took a step back. "Oh yeah and by the way her boyfriend is in a band that may or may not have toured with the biggest band in the world. How dare you accuse her of being fat and not having enough money?" He continued, people were staring but I didn't really care. "I am so sorry. What can I help you with?"

"Absolutely nothing. We're going to spend our money somewhere else." I said linking arms with Michael, we walked out of the store. When we were outside, I turned to Michael embracing him in a tight hug. "Thanks Michael, I really appreciate it. So will Luke." I said, he wrapped his arms around me. "It's okay, I would always defend you. And don't listen to what she said, you're beautiful." I smiled shaking my head. "Don't say that when Luke is around and thanks. Let’s keep shopping." I said letting go of him, he nodded smiling at me. We continued shopping all day and finally found the dress.

Michael: My boyfriend Michael, Calum and I were all chilling out after a huge week of touring, we just wanted to relax. Michael decided to go get us some food, leaving Calum and I alone. “So, what’s it like dating Michael?” He asked awkwardly, I shrugged. “It’s good, definitely better than my last boyfriend. He was a dick head.” I said casually, he nodded at me. There was a sudden knock on my door, I jumped up to get it. I opened the door seeing my ex. “What the hell do you want?” I snapped, he looked at me through teary eyes. “Please, Y/N these last few weeks have killed me. I need you back.” He begged, I rolled my eyes. “You cheated! How do you expect me to take you back and I’ve found someone better anyway.” I scoffed, he dropped the begging act straight away. “Ugh, why do I bother with you anymore?” He asked, I shrugged. “Your new boyfriend is probably some pussy and couldn’t do the things I did to you.” He said, I smiled. “You know what good! I wouldn’t mind a boyfriend who is sensitive some of the time and I don’t want him to do the things you did to me. You tried to sleep with me and I was clearly not ready!” I snapped, he laughed. “Just leave and never come back.” I yelled, he continued to laugh. “Why did I even bother with you slut? I mean seriously what happened to you? You look like shit.” He continued, tears welled in my eyes. Before I could reply Calum had stepped between us and punch my ex hard in the face. “Don’t you dare ever speak to my best friends girlfriend like that again! She deserves so much better than shit like you! Get out of here!” Calum yelled as he continued his punches. “Okay, Calum. I think he’s had enough.” I said pulling Calum off him, he got up and ran back to his car. “Are you okay Y/N?” Calum asked, I nodded. “Thank you Calum. Please don’t mention this to Michael.” I said hugging Calum, he hugged me back awkwardly. We went inside to clean up his knuckles and come up with a good lie about his bloodied fist, I was just glad Calum was with me when my ex came to the door.   

A/N: Hope you like it! Sorry if there are any mistakes!

~ Lucy xx

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