#66 He talks to the boys about your private life

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Don’t hate me with the title…. I feel better saying private life… you all know I mean sex life :D x 

Calum: Calum had the boys over at the house as usual, it didn’t really bother me. I was in our shared bedroom, settled down with a book and a cup of tea. I heard the boys suddenly all laugh really loud, naturally I was intrigued. “Okay, Calum since none of us have girlfriends you’re up mate. How is she?” Luke asked, I crept towards the door of the lounge room. “She’s a great girlfriend. She’s the best girlfriend I’ve had.”  He explained shortly, everyone knew that’s not what Luke was asking. “No, how is she in bed?” There was a pause and then a chuckle which scared me. “She’s amazing. Like I said never had a girlfriend like her.” Calum said, I let out a sigh glad knowing that I wasn’t disappointing Calum. “Lucky bastard.” Michael groaned, Ashton made the same disgruntled noise. I laughed to myself before yelling out, “Thank you Calum. I love you baby.” He groaned, I could imagine the blush on his cheeks. “Love you too. Go and read your book and stop eavesdropping.” Calum joked back, I laughed going back to our room and picking up my book.

Ashton: I jumped hearing my phone ring from the kitchen, bolting out to catch it. “Hello?” I asked just making it. I heard muffled voices on the other end. I heard Ashton laughing, I knew he was out with the band recording. Then it clicked… he had butt-dialled again. I was going to hang up when I heard Calum ask “how is your sex life with Y/N?”

“Well… she’s inexperienced let’s put it that way.” He said, I felt uncomfortable all of a sudden. He knew that I didn’t like him discussing that with people… it’s out now… oh well. “In a good way or bad?”

“Both… good because she only knows me in that way but bad because I can’t do everything I want to do to her.” He said, the boys all went silent. “You’ve just got to give her time I guess. I wouldn’t throw it away because of that. I mean look at her she’s fuckin’ gorgeous.” Michael said, I heard shuffling on the phone. “I know she is. You know I wouldn’t break up with over something so shallow. It’s just the waiting for her to be… ready I guess.” Ashton sighed, I never knew he felt this way. I hung up the phone and left the issue. When he came home, I would talk to him about my readiness.   

Luke: It was always hard to get alone time when Luke was on tour, the only time we would get to be with each other alone was when the other boys were asleep or out. We agreed to use the bus one night and the boys would stay in the hotel.

After a long night, Luke and I ventured into the kitchen to make breakfast… only to find Calum, Ashton and Michael all staring at us with raised eyebrows. “Good Morning Y/N.” Michael teased, I waved coolly. I bolted back to the bunk to put some bottoms on. “Looks like you had a fun night Luke.” Calum teased, Luke chuckled. “Better than yours I’ll bet.” I came back into the kitchen sitting at the small table, the three boys crammed into the seat in front of me. While Luke sat beside me, he kissed my cheek. “Okay, let’s cut to the chase you guys were so loud last night.” Ashton complained, Luke and I frowned confused. “Weren’t you guys upstairs in the hotel?”

“No. We were in here.” Luke and I looked at each other horrified, before his lips broke into a grin. He leaned close to me, his lips at my ear. “Don’t be embarrassed babe, at least they know we’re getting some and they’re not.” He said into my ear. “And you’re really good.” He said a little louder for the boys sake. “Shut up Luke!” They chorused, Luke and I laughed getting up from the table to make breakfast.  

Michael: Being on tour with the boys was so tiring sometimes, but it was fun. We were all curled up under blankets while the boys played Fifa, my head was resting on Michael’s thighs as I watched the simulated game on tv. I slowly drifting in and out of sleep, I didn’t want to move though I was so comfortable. “So… how are things with Y/N?” Ashton asked, it woke me up a bit but I thought I’d listen in. Keeping my eyes closed, to look asleep. “It’s been great. I love spending time with her. I just want a bit more… if you know what I mean.” A million thoughts went through my mind until I settled on one… he wanted me sexually. “It’s understandable, she’s really attractive. Maybe you should talk to her about it.” Luke advised, I tried to hide my smile. “I have and I respect her. It just doesn’t stop… you know.” He said slightly embarrassed. “Would she do anything? Like you do something for her?” Calum suggested, I wasn’t going to lie I was very intrigued. I felt Michael shrug above me. “You know, Michael… I would be up for that.” I said opening one eye to look up at him, his face red with embarrassment. “You heard that didn’t you?” I nodded, he leaned down and kissed me. “Go wait in the bunk.” He whispered against my lips, I sat up, smiled at the boys and left.

Michael crawled into the bunk a few minutes later, he smiled at me apologetically. “I’m sorry you had to hear that. Are you angry at me?” He said softly, I shook my head. “No, Michael it’s okay. I understand, I still want to wait. I’m sorry Michael.” He smiled at me, kissing my nose softly. “It’s okay sweetheart. I love you.” He whispered snuggling into the sheets beside me.     

A/N: Hope you like it sorry Calum’s was shitty…. my bad!

~ Lucy xx

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