Broken - Calum Imagine (Part 2)

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Warning - This imagine contains sexual content. Read at your own discretion.

Calum turned to his head to look at me. “I’m going to show you exactly who you belong to.” He growled. My breath shuddered as I was dragged through the bedroom door. Calum turned and shut the door behind me, pushing me against it. “I love you. I love you so fucking much.” Calum whispered. The look in his eyes was genuine. I could see that he meant it. “But you still need to learn that you’re mine.” Calum slammed his lips onto mine, not holding back the hunger. His tongue slipped in causing me to moan. I gave in. My hands reached up and grabbed Calum’s neck pulling him closer. His hips grinded against mine as his tongue searched my mouth. I tangled my fingers in his hair as his hands slid down my thighs. “Up.” He mumbled against my mouth. I jumped up, wrapping my legs around his waist. My back still against the door, Calum moved his mouth down my neck, leaving a fiery trail of kisses until he reached my sweet spot. He stopped and sucked, another moan escaping my lips. I could feel a smirk against my skin as he sucked. Calum’s hand drifted up the inside of my thigh, finding my underwear under my skirt. He slid his fingers in between the lacy fabric, slipping them straight inside me. “Calum!” I moaned. I inhaled sharply as he took them out and slid them back in. Calum lifted his head from my neck and looked into my eyes with pure lust. “You want more?” He breathed. “More. Please.” I begged between breaths. Calum smirked and brought me over to the bed, crawling on it and dropping me into the pillows. He took off his shirt and threw it away. Hunger and lust was written all over his face. Calum reached down and pulled off my skirt as I pulled off my shirt. He hovered over me as he kissed my lips hungrily. His hands roamed my body as mine felt his chest and abs. Calum grinded against me again, his moan vibrating against my lips. I could feel him hardening against my thigh as I reached my hands down to the waistband of his pants. Calum quickly kicked off his pants as I pulled down his boxers. He removed his lips from mine and kissed between my breasts, trailing kisses down my stomach. Calum reached my underwear and stopped. He looked up at me and seeing the eagerness in my eyes, pulled them off in one swift movement. Calum spread my legs with his hands and went down, licking my clit. I threw back my head as he inserted his tongue and swirled it once. “Calum.” I moaned. Calum pulled away and looked up at me, smirking. He knew that he had total control over me. Calum moved himself up so that he was back above me. I could feel him lined up at my entrance, leaving a burning sensation between my thighs, begging to be relieved. “Please Calum.” I breathed. The desperation was evident in my voice but I didn’t care. I needed him in me now. “Who do you belong to Y/N?” He asked. “You.” I whispered, moving my hands to his back. “I couldn’t hear you.” Calum smirked. “You!” I cried. He inserted himself into me making me cry out in surprise. I gasped and moaned as he thrusted deep. “Calum!” I cried. My fingers scratched deep into his back as he quickened the pace. He rested his head into the crook of my neck. “Y/N.” Calum moaned into my neck. I felt myself coming to my high. “Calum, I think I-” “Me too.” Calum groaned. My moans became higher and higher as Calum went deeper and faster, trying to reach our highs. “Calum!” I screamed in pleasure. I threw my head back as I released, clenching around Calum. He quickly reached his climax and groaned my name. Calum’s thrusts became sloppy and he pulled out, collapsing beside me. My heart was racing as I gasped for breath. “That was amazing.” I said between breaths. “It was.” Calum agreed. He draped his arm across my waist, pulling me into his chest. I rolled over so that I faced him. Calum’s eyes searched my face. “I’m sorry.” Calum whispered. “What?” I asked, looking up to his face. “I’m sorry,” He said, looking away from my gaze, “For doing drugs again.” I couldn’t think of a response to what he said but Calum quickly said something for me. “I know that I always promise not to and then break it. I want to try though for real.” “Calum.” I sighed. His grip tightened around my waist. “No. This time I mean it.” He said. Something was different with how he said it this time. Every other time it sounded empty but this time, it sounded full of determination. “Please just stay.” He whispered, tracing patterns on the small of my back. “One chance Cal. Just one.” The smile on his face was indescribable. He kissed me with passion, sealing his promise.

A/N I’m so glad that you guys liked Part 1! I hope you guys like Part 2 as well :)
Bianca xx

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