Not Worth The Tears - Michael Imagine (Part 5)

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Y/B/F/N = Your best friend’s name

"What the hell are you doing here?" I seethed, my anger bubbling over my walls, spilling into my words. Sylvia inspected her nails as if this were a casual conversation. "I wanted to see the party. I mean, I planned it so I have the right." She smirked. I clenched and unclenched my fists by my sides. Sylvia lost her right when her lips met Michael’s. "Just leave Sylvia." I breathed, trying to keep the anger under control. Just her presence made me want to ball up and cry in pain and rip out her throat all at the same time. It was overwhelming. "Leave?" Sylvia scoffed, "You should be thanking me!" She stepped closer to me while I stood my ground. I couldn’t show weakness. "Yes it is a nice party but I don’t know why you’re here. I didn’t think cows were allowed in houses." I said too innocently, tilting my head. Sylvia glared at me before crossing her arms and coming even closer. "You watch it bitch. You should be thanking me for the party but also for something else." She half smiled. A sick feeling boiled in the pit of my stomach and my skin crawled. Sylvia was up to something. I swallowed through the sick feeling. "What are you talking about?" I asked, crossing my arms. "I took Michael off your hands." My face completely drained itself of colour but I tried to make sure she wouldn’t notice the effect her words had on me. I opened my mouth to say something but Sylvia wasn’t done. "You should be glad. He is a terrible kisser," She laughed before looking up in thought, "Although I bet he is good in bed. Oh wait! He is! I should know." My heart dropped and the dull ache returned after days of trying so hard to get rid of it. Footsteps thundered up the stairs behind Sylvia. "Sylvia no!" Michael yelled, running down the hallway. "Michael?" I whispered. I staggered back. This was becoming too much. I grabbed my head as the hall began to spin. Sylvia turned to Michael. "I’m putting her out of her misery. Ridding her heart of you. And then you’ll be mine." I could hear the smile in her voice causing the anger in me to boil up again. "He won’t be yours-" Sylvia spun on her heels. "Oh yes he will. He’ll belong to me, not you. You wanna know why?" She smiled, approaching me again. I dropped my arms to my sides in fists. What made her think she was so good? "Why?" Is all I said, but I said it as harshly as I could. Sylvia walked closer and closer until her nose was about to touch mine. "Because I slept with him." She breathed. It felt like someone punched me in the stomach. Everything hurt but at the same time everything was numb. I opened my mouth again to speak, but nothing came out. My words and my heart were torn from me, leaving me with nothing. I pushed past Sylvia with my head down and stumbled, the dizziness gripping me. A shadow before me stopped me and I looked up. One word came to mind and it was all I could say. "Michael.." I whispered. His eyes searched my face desperately, as a tear escaped my eye. I stood there as Michael lifted up his hand and wiped the tear away with his thumb. The sudden urge to lean into his touch rose in me, but then I looked at his hand and realised they touched Sylvia in ways I didn’t want to think about. It made me feel physically sick. "Don’t touch me!" I yelled, running past Michael. My wall caved in and let all of my pent up emotions pour out. Anger, pain, sadness, betrayal all came flooding through me, making it hard to think. I ran down the stairs a sobbing mess. Y/B/F/N spotted me from amongst her circle of guests and rushed over to me. "Y/N! What’s wrong?" She asked, grabbing my shoulders in panic and worry. "Just take me home!" I sobbed. Y/B/F/N wrapped her arm around my shoulders and guided me out of the crowded house. "Y/N please!" I turned my head to see Michael trying to push through a group of people. "Quickly." I whispered. Y/B/F/N nodded and hurried me out to the car, hopping into the drivers side. I slid into the passengers side and sobbed into my hands. My whole chest ached and my stomach twisted within me. What I found out tonight was devastating but it also brought up something else. Something from my past that I had kept a secret for two years. I tried to push the memory out while Y/B/F/N drove but it was hard. What Sylvia had told me hit too close to home. 


I sunk into my bed after having changed into some comfortable clothes. “Y/N?” Y/B/F/N asked gently. I lifted my head to look at her. My tears had stopped, leaving red puffy eyes and stains on my cheeks as reminders of the news from the party. “Do you want me to stay here?” She asked. I shrugged in response. Honestly it would have made me feel better to have company, but my brought up memories were nibbling at my insides, screaming for attention. “I’ll stay.” Y/B/F/N smiled, kneeling in front of me. I gave her a weak smile but quickly looked away, unable to look her in the eye. “Look, I know you’re hurting a lot right now. But you need to forget about them. They’re fucking stupid for doing that.” I looked up at her again in surprise. She never swears. “Yes. I swore now let me finish.” Y/B/F/N held my hands in hers and gave them a quick squeeze of reassurance. It didn’t help though. The ache was too big to be taken away by a small gesture. “I love you so much and I will always be here for you. Through thick and thin. Okay? Okay. Now you should get some sleep Y/N. It’s been a big night.” Y/B/F/N smiled while standing up and walking away. “Wait.” I called, stopping her at the doorway. She turned to face me. A beautiful smile graced her face, and it hurt me to think that I could take that away. “Would you ever forgive Ashton if he cheated on you?” I asked hopefully. Y/B/F/N frowned. “No, and I wouldn’t forgive the girl either. If you’re thinking of forgiving them then don’t. They’re horrible for what they did okay?” I nodded, looking down at my hands as I tangled them up in each other. “Goodnight Y/N.” Y/B/F/N smiled, leaving the room. “Goodnight.” I whispered. Everything felt wrong. Everything felt disgusting. And everything hurt. I sighed and got under my covers, pulling them up to my chin. Y/B/F/N pretty much said cheaters were horrible and that she would never forgive one. The suppressed memory eating at me pushed to the surface, causing fresh tears to roll down my cheeks. Y/B/F/N would never forgive me for what I did. I hadn’t even forgiven myself. It was a mistake from two years ago but that wasn’t a good excuse. I hate what I did. And it felt horrible to think that I understood what was going through Michael’s head when he slept with Sylvia. I shuddered at the pushing memories and rolled over, letting the tears fall to my pillow. The memories that would ruin everything. The memories that would tear this small group of friends apart. The memories of me sleeping with Ashton.

A/N :O Oh.My.Gosh. Draaaammmaa!! Were you expecting that? Now everyone is getting involved! Wonder what will happen next… I hope you all like it! :)

Bianca xx

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