#76 It's Not His Baby

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Calum: I still couldn’t believe that I had said yes to being a surrogate for my best friend and her husband Ashton, I was even more shocked that Calum was supportive of it. It had been about two weeks since I had been implanted. “How are you feeling?” Calum asked as we laid in bed, I turned to look at him. “I’m okay, I guess. I haven’t really had any symptoms I guess.” I said, he pulled me close. “I can’t believe you did this. You are amazing.” He said softly, he kissed my nose. I curled up against his chest, slowly drifting off to sleep.

I woke up covered in sweat, a strong wave of nausea washed over me. I raced to the toilet, I held my hair back as I vomited. So clearly the surrogacy worked. “Y/N?” Calum asked, his hand rubbing my back and holding my hair back for me.

I went to the basin cleaning my face and washing out my mouth. “So I’m guessing your pregnant now?” Calum said, I nodded, he embraced me. “I never thought I’d say this but, Ashton is going to be so happy that you’re having his baby.” He whispered in my ear with a chuckle. “I’m so happy for him and Y/B/F/N though, they want a baby.” I replied, he kissed me softly.

Just in case, Calum left me on my own to take a couple of pregnancy tests, which all came up positive. I was going to give Ashton and my best friend a baby.

We went back to bed and planned to tell them in the morning.

I got up and called Ashton and my best friend to come over, they were over so quickly. It was great that we all lived near each other. “Hey, Y/B/F/N, Ashton!” I said hugging them both when they came in. Calum hugged her and then Ashton. “Okay, last night I took a pregnancy test and it was positive!” I said happily, Ashton and my best friend hugged me tightly. “Are you serious?” Ashton asked, I nodded tears in my eyes. “Thank you so much!” He said happily, Ashton stepped away from me and my best friend to talk to Calum. “I don’t know how I can ever repay you.” She said, I laughed. “You just have to look after me and listen to me complain all through this.” I said laughed, she laughed with me. “Calum man, this means a lot to us. I still can’t believe you agreed with her doing this.” Ashton said, I looked over at him. “Yeah, I love her and I love you guys. I respect her decision and the fact that she’s willing to do that for you is amazing.” Calum said wrapping his arm around me. Ashton smiled at me, thanking me. I was so happy that they were happy.         

Ashton: I didn’t know what to do but to call Luke, I knew that I had made a mistake and I didn’t know what to do. I had found out that I was pregnant and it couldn’t be Ashton’s baby because we hadn’t slept together in ages. “Y/N?” Luke asked picking up his phone, I sighed. “I need to talk to you.” I said holding in my tears. “Do you want me to come around?”

“Yes please, but don’t tell Ashton.” I said shaking, I was so scared. I didn’t even know how it happened. All I remember was being dragged away by some guy in a club, and then waking up in a hospital bed.

Luke was over at my house in a few minutes. “Luke, I need help.” I said, tears brimming in my eyes. “Y/N, what’s going on?”

“I am in so much trouble.” I said flopping onto the lounge, he sat beside me. “Please tell me, what happened that night at the club?” I asked, he frowned. “You know when I ended up in hospital and I have no idea how I got there.” I said softly, Luke sighed. “Okay, I’m going to tell you but please don’t freak out on me and Ashton already knows because I felt so guilty afterwards.” I nodded for him to continue, he took my hands in his. “I was at the bar getting us another drink each and some guy was talking to you and I think he gave you a drug or something. You were still conscious but you couldn’t really think properly. I tried to get to you but he took you into the crowd and I lost sight of you. I went everywhere looking for you and then Ashton called me telling me that you were found outside of the club. The guy that drugged you had uh… raped and beaten you. You had been taken to the hospital and I felt so bad.” He said, tears in his eyes. “He what?” I asked not wanting to believe any of it. “You know what I said. Ashton knows it happened and he thought something like this would happen, he obviously didn’t want it to happen. “Y/N? Luke?” I heard Ashton’s voice call out through the house. “Hello.” I said, moving away from Luke. Ashton came into the room. “I’m so sorry Ashton.” I cried hugging him, he was stunned for a second and then he relaxed. “I told her what happened that night at the club.” Luke said to Ashton. “Babe, what’s wrong?”

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