Whipped Cream and Ice Cubes - Michael Imagine

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This is smut again :D

I always enjoyed sex with Michael but sometimes I would prefer something different, as if he read my mind he came into the bedroom holding a can of whipped cream. “Hey babe, want to try something different tonight?” He smirked at me, a grin spread across my face. “Always.” I replied, he sauntered over to me putting the whipped cream on the bed side table. My stomach fluttered as he stood close to me, I looked up at him. I moved off the bed to stand in front of him. His big hands gripped my hips. “I know that being intimate hasn’t been the best lately and I’m sorry, I want to make it up to you.” He said sweetly, I smiled. He ducked his head kissing me, before he pushed me back onto the bed. He rested between my thighs. It was weird how he could go from really sweet to dominant. He peppered kisses along my jaw, and down my neck. “Michael.” I whimpered as he gently sucked on my sweet spot. He continued to suck on my neck while his hands ran over my torso. “So sexy.” He mumbled, I smiled. His hands drifted up under my shirt, his hands cupped my breasts. I helped him get my shirt off, I tugged his shirt off next. His torso pressed down to mine. I ran my fingernails down his chest and stomach. He groaned at my touch, my fingers hooked into his jeans. I pulled his hips to mine, getting some relief from the heat between my thighs. “These need to go.” I mumbled popping the button and sliding down the zip on his jeans, purposely pressing my fingers onto his hardening length. “Stop teasing.” He muttered against my neck, I giggled as he kicked off his jeans. “Now you’re wearing too much.” He whispered, his fingers tugging my shorts down. I pulled his boxers off as he pulled of my panties. His hands went up my back unclasping my bra. “Hmm… perfect.” He hummed against my skin, igniting me with goosebumps.  

Michael rolled his hips against mine, my breath hitching in my throat. He leaned over grabbed the can of whipped cream, he shook it. I couldn’t believe he was actually doing something like this. “Did I ever tell you that I wanted lick whipped cream off your body?” He mumbled as he poured it on my breasts and on my stomach. I sucked in a sharp breath, “you okay?” He asked suddenly concerned, I smiled lazily. “Yeah it was cold.” He smirked up at me. “Don’t worry baby I’ll warm you up soon but I haven’t even started yet.” He warned, my heart picked up speed. His tongue darted out licking off the cream on my breast. He gently bit, and tugged on my hardened nipple. “Mike—” I whimpered, he smirked up at me. His kissed and sucked on the skin of my breasts before moving to my other breast. He began to bite and suck his way down my stomach, he cleaned off all of the cream with just his tongue. To say I was ready for him was an understatement. “Please just do something.” I cried out feeling his lips get close to my heat. “Hang on.” He said quickly getting off me and running out of the room. I frowned, that bastard. He came back with a glass in hand with what looked like ice in it. “Michael, what are you doing?” I asked scared, he grinned. “Don’t worry baby.” He muttered, his hand finding mine. He grabbed a piece of ice and put it between his teeth. Goosebumps formed on my skin just with anticipation. He gently touched the ice to my chest, my heart rate when through the roof. He trailed it down my cleavage and my stomach, he left it sitting on my belly button. His freezing cold tongue was suddenly pressed to my clit, the added coolness of his mouth made the stimulation so much better. “You like that?” He asked, I nodded. “I want that piece of ice to stay there.” He threatened, he licked his fingers before plunging them into me. My back arched, I felt the ice slide on my stomach. Michael’s mouth caught it, he winked putting it back in place. His tongue darted out against my heat, I gripped his hand tightly. “Michael please. Do something.” I whimpered, he smiled. “As you wish sweetheart.” He said taking the ice in his mouth again, he moved up my body. He kissed me passionately, his mouth pried mine open. We passed the melting ice between our mouths. Once it was melted, Michael leaned over and grabbed a condom. “God you’re so hot.” He groaned looking down at my torso. He rolled the condom on with steady hands. He slid into me making us both cry out in ecstasy, the room suddenly getting so much hotter. “I wish I had that ice now.” I chuckled, Michael smiled. “I like it when you’re hot and flustered, I like it when you’re writhing under me.” He said against my lips. He continued to pound into me, my breath catching in my throat every movement. “I love it when you get me hot.” I groaned back, he smirked. “Oh god!” He moaned out heavily, as I clenched around him. “Are you close?” I nodded, he continued to thrust into me while he grabbed the glass taking out a small ice cube. I watched him in awe as he gently put it on my clit, my back arched into him. He threw the ice back into the glass before he rubbed harsh circles on my clit with cold fingers. “Michael! Don’t stop!” I cried out, dragging my nails down his back. “Hold on baby, I’m almost there.” He replied, thrusting in even harder. “Okay now!” He grunted, my walls clenched around him as he spilled into the condom. A string of profanities and each other’s names came from our mouths. He rode out our highs before pulling out of me and tossing the condom away. He returned to the cuddle, my chest still sticky from the cream. “That was amazing!” Michael said breathlessly, I chuckled kissing his chest softly. “Round 2 in the shower?” He asked, I nodded. We both got up and ran into the bathroom.  

A/N: Hope you like it! (Sorry my writing hasn’t been as good lately, just been going through some stuff) 

~ Lucy xx

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