Late Night Confession - Calum Imagine

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I dropped my duffle bag into Calum’s bedroom.  I smiled seeing Calum’s bed made. “Hey! You finally made your bed!” I cheered to Calum. He grinned at me. “Yeah, I remembered you scolded me last time.” He chuckled, I smiled. “Are the boys coming over tonight?” I asked, Calum shook his head. “Luke’s studying, Ashton has a date and Michael is too lazy to get off his ass and come here.” He grinned. “So it’s just us.” He nudged my side. “Great…” I groaned, he rolled his eyes at me. “You love me.” 

"No, I don’t." I teased, his hands darted out to my stomach. I ran away from him quickly, his hands caught my waist before I was out of his room. I giggled as his hands tickled my sides. "Calum! Stop!" I cried out, I dashed out of his grip, before he tackled me on his bed. "Calum!" I laughed, squirming beneath him. "Say you love me!" He teased, he continued to tickle me mercilessly. "Okay, okay! Calum I love you." I cried out, he stilled his fingers. I was panting beneath him, he grinned down at me. "Well, we’re in an interesting position? Aren’t we?" He chuckled, I shoved his chest. "Calum, that’s just gross." I teased, okay yes I liked Calum but it would never happen. I wasn’t good enough for him. "You’re hurting my ego here Y/N." He chuckled, I grinned. "Sorry Calum. I’m sure it will survive." I said sitting up against his pillows. He rolled his eyes at me, I smiled.

We spent most of the afternoon mucking around and teasing each other, like always.

Calum had gone to have a shower, I waited in his room scrolling through my tumblr. I tried to think of how I could tell him how I felt but it was just going to be too awkward. “Calum, I like you.” I mumbled out to myself, I heard the door open. “What did you just say Y/N?” Calum asked, my heart stopped for a second. I glanced at him seeing him in nothing but a towel, my mouth went dry. I stared at him before snapping back into reality. “Uh, nothing. I was just mumbling to myself don’t worry.” I grinned, hoping he would leave again. He went to his chest of drawers pulling out a pair of boxers and leaving the bedroom again. I gulped as he left the room, I buried my head in my hands. I couldn’t do this, I needed to tell him but it was just finding the right way to do it.

Calum came back into the bedroom, now in just his boxers. “Want to watch a movie?” He asked, I shrugged. “Sure.” He nodded at me to follow him to the lounge room. “Are you gonna put some clothes on?”

“Does it bother you?” He teased, I glared at him. “Yeah, Calum you’re almost naked.” I said, he laughed and pecked me on the cheek. “Pick a movie and I’ll be there in a second.” He said, I almost melted there and then.

I sat on the lounge, I had picked the movie and curled up with a blanket and waited for Calum. I don’t know what came over me but I chose a scary movie. “Y/N? You’re using the whole blanket.” Calum laughed sitting beside me. He frowned looking at the DVD I had put in. “Jeez you’re game.” He commented, I smiled nervously.

Calum was sat at one end of the lounge by the start of the movie, within the first ten minutes we were clinging to each other. My face in his chest most of the time. My hands gripping his shirt. “Y/N… do you mind if I turn the movie off?” I nodded. “Please, be my guest.” He grabbed the remote turning off the TV.

He held me close. “I heard what you said before.” He whispered, he was so close his nose gently bumping mine. Hearing him say that was scarier than the movie. “So you like me?” He asked, I nodded shyly, glad he couldn’t see my face. “Look if it makes things weird I’m sorry, but I can’t help how I feel.” I said quietly, Calum’s fingers caught my chin before I could look down. “Y/N…” He sighed, his lips were pressed to mine. Calum was kissing me… me.  I couldn’t believe this. His hand slid around the back of my head, his other arm pulled me onto his lap. “Calum.” I sighed, breaking the kiss. “What? I’m sorry.” He said quickly, I smiled shaking my head. “No, why did you kiss me?” I asked, he pecked my lips quickly. “Because I like you too. I could never get the courage to tell you.” He said, before he kissed me softly again. “Can we go to bed? That movie has really freaked me out and yeah…” I trailed off, he chuckled and kissed my cheek. “Sure babe.” I smiled at the nickname.

We bolted into the bedroom, still freaked out by the movie. We laid in bed together, like we always did but tonight it was different. His arms were tightly around my waist, his legs tangled with mine. “Y/N?” He hummed, I waited for him to continue. “Be my girlfriend?” He whispered, I wasn’t sure if it was a question or statement. “Of course Calum.” I whispered, I pressed my lips to his quickly. I cuddled into him to get to sleep, I fell asleep smiling that I was where I wanted to be. In Calum’s arms.     

A/N: Okay, yeah… this wasnt very good haha this was requested on tumblr a while ago :) xx

~ Lucy xx

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