#52 He Holds Your Baby for the First Time

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 Calum: I was so tired but I didn’t want to go to sleep, I just wanted to stare at my beautiful baby girl in my arms. Calum had just left to go tell his mum and dad that I had given birth to our baby girl.

Calum came back into the room with a big smile on his face. “Shh, she’s asleep.” I whispered, he tiptoed over to me. He wrapped his arm around my shoulders, my head tiredly fell onto his chest. His other arm sat under mine. “Can I hold her?” He asked softly, I nodded. He held out his arms, I gently laid her in his strong arms. “She’s gorgeous.” He whispered, his finger lightly tracing over her soft head. “Like her mum.” He said glancing up at me, I blushed. “Hey gorgeous. I’m your daddy. I’m going to love you so much.” He whispered, kissing her forehead, I smiled knowing he was going to be an amazing father. She softly stirred in his arms, her little chubby arm reaching up. Calum put his finger out so she could hold it, in that moment I knew she already had him wrapped around her little finger.

Ashton: Ashton was sat up on my bed beside me, while our son was getting cleaned up. I was rested my head on Ashton’s shoulder. “You did so well.” he whispered in my ear. The nurse came back to us holding a little blue bundle. She handed him to me, tears welled up in my eyes. “Hey handsome.” I whispered, Ashton smiled at me. I kissed the top of our baby’s head, he moved a little, whimpering. His little arms reached out to Ashton. “Do you want to hold him?” I asked looking at Ashton, tears in his eyes; which he hastily wiped away hoping I didn’t see. “Yeah.” He said, he held his arms out. He gently took him from my arms. “Hey there little man. I’m daddy. I’m gonna teach you to be a rock star like me.” He said smiling down at the tiny boy. I lightly rubbed my thumb over my son’s head. He let out little noises, Ashton rocked him softly. “Shh, shh. It’s okay. Daddy’s here.” Ashton whispered, his long finger lightly traced over the curve of his tiny head. I smiled, leaning my head on Ashton’s chest again. “We finally have our little family.” Ashton said softly, I nodded.

Luke: I was still a bit upset that Luke had missed the birth of our first child but he managed to get to the second one. I had given birth to twins, I shut my eyes trying to calm down as I was so tired. Luke’s arms wrapped around me. “I am so sorry.” He whispered into my hair, I shook my head. “Luke it’s fine you were here for one and that’s the least I could ask for.” I said kissing his lips softly. The nurse came over holding a small pink blanket bundle and a blue one. She handed my girl to me, the nurse looked at Luke. “Dad, do you want to hold your boy?” The nurse asked, holding him out to Luke. With tears in his eyes he nodded. The nurse lifted our boy into Luke’s long arms. He didn’t say anything, he just stared. I looked between the two babies. “I don’t know who to look at, they’re both perfect.” I said peering at my son, and back to my daughter. “Well they should be, have you seen their mother?” He said sweetly, I blushed looking at my baby girl. “Can I hold both of them?” Luke asked softly, I nodded. He held out his arm, I lifted our girl. He clutched her to his chest along with our boy. “She’s beautiful.” He whispered, I smiled rubbing her soft head. “I love you and our perfect family.” Luke whispered, I smiled. Looking at the tiny babies in Luke’s arms.

Michael: I was laid in my hospital bed, my baby girl in my arms. Michael was playing a gig and had to leave halfway through, he didn’t get here in time to see the birth. My mum and Michael’s mum were by my side, mum was sitting beside me. “Can I hold her?” Mum asked, I sighed shaking my head. “I want Michael to hold her first.” I said looking at the stirring girl in my arms, I saw mum nod out the corner of my eye. The door was swung open revealing a distressed Michael. Tears welled in his eyes, “I missed it…” He concluded, I nodded. Mum got up leaving the room with Michael’s mum. “Can I hold him?” He asked coming closer to me, I smiled. “The ultrasound was wrong. This is your daughter.” I said smiling up at him. I handed our little girl to him, his face lit up with joy. He held her close to his chest. I could tell he was going to love her so much. “Hey beautiful. It’s daddy.” He whispered, she moved a little. I saw her big eyes open staring up at the man with wild hair. He pulled a face at her, her chubby hands reached up, Michael held his finger out which she grasped. Tears freely rolled down his cheeks, I smiled. “She’s perfect, like her mummy.” Michael said kissing her forehead and then mine.

A/N: Hope you like it! I thought this was really cute! haha

~ Lucy xx

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