A Happy Birthday After All - Ashton Imagine

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I was a bit upset that I couldn’t spend tomorrow - my birthday - with my boyfriend Ashton, and some of my friends had bailed on me. Leaving me completely alone.

I got into bed hoping for a miracle. I tossed and turned for half the night trying to stop stressing.

I jumped hearing my phone buzz loudly beside me, I sighed seeing a message from my friend one that hasn’t cancelled. I opened the message;

'Sorry Y/N I can't come today my boyfriend wants me to come out with him.'

Great. I would be spending my birthday alone… Again.

I decided to get up since it was 8 a.m. and I couldn’t get back to sleep. I went to make myself some eggs on toast. “Would you like breakfast in bed Y/N?” I asked myself in a deep voice. “Yes thanks that would be so nice.” I replied to myself in my normal voice. I continued that for a while trying to make myself feel better.

I checked my phone seeing a message from Ashton, 'Happy Birthday Beautiful! So sad I can't spend it with you, have a good day babe! I love you!' I slumped onto the bed, tears streaming down my cheeks. No one even cared about me.

Through my crying I heard the doorbell ring, I huffed not bothering to make myself look better. I opened the door to see three delivery men. One holding a bunch of roses, the other a teddy bear and the third a heap of balloons with Happy Birthday on them but I couldn’t see their faces. “Delivery for Y/N!” They all said, I knew the voice from anywhere… But what the hell were Calum, Luke and Michael doing here? They all lowered their things, I was right. “Happy Birthday Y/N.” They all cheered, I smiled almost attacking them with hugs. “Thanks guys.” I said wiping away my tears from before. They handed me the things which I put down on the dining table and then ran back to them. “Where’s Ash?” I asked, they all smiled and moved, lifting a box that was behind them. I heard a giggle come from inside it. The boys brought the box that clearly had my boyfriend in it, into the lounge room. As soon as they put it down I tore at the box trying to open it and when I did it just had more flowers in it. I looked down disappointed, I heard the other boys moving around the room. I jumped when a pair of arms wrapped tightly around my waist. “Happy Birthday beautiful.” I squealed turning around in Ashton’s arms. “Ashton!” I yelped wrapping my arms around his neck, pulling him in for a kiss. “I can’t believe you’re here, I love you.” I whispered against his lips. “I love you too sweetie.” Ashton whispered back, I giggled as he softly kissed my neck. “Woah, woah. Keep it PG kids.” Luke said smiling at us. Ashton and I stepped away from each other. “Happy Birthday Y/N.” Luke said hugging me. “GROUP HUG!” Michael yelled, I felt all the boys hug me. “I’m so glad you guys are here!” I said my voice muffled by their chests. “Ashton was whining too much and we heard that everyone bailed on you.” Calum said, I nodded. “Yeah but you guys are here and that’s all I want.”

"So I guess it’s a happy birthday after all?" Michael asked, I smiled nodding.

We spent the rest of the day mucking around playing stupid games, singing silly songs as maybe having too much to drink.

Even though my girlfriends had bailed on me I had my best friends and my boyfriend with me and that’s all I could ask for.

A/N: Hope you like it!

~Lucy xx

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