Puppy Love - Calum Imagine

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Calum’s POV

Even though Y/N wouldn’t admit it she was upset about me telling her I wasn’t ready for children. I knew she understood but she was still upset.

I found Y/N on the lounge, she was watching something on TV. “Hey sweetie. You okay?” I asked quietly, she shrugged. “Yeah I guess. I’m sorry, Calum. I’m just a bit upset.” She said softly, I hung my head in my hands. “I’m so sorry babe. You know I love you right?” I said sitting beside her, she smiled and nodded. “I know you do Cal.” She said leaning into my side. “It’s okay. I understand, you’re not ready and that’s okay.”

"When I am, you’ll be the first to know. I just like it being you and me." I said nudging her shoulder, she grinned up at me. "Just think we can still practice making babies." I teased, kissing her temple softly. She blushed and hid her face in her hands.

I was still upset that Calum had said no to having a baby with me but it was my birthday tomorrow and nothing could stand in the way of my happiness. I curled up in bed early as I was tired from a hard day at work. “Good night baby.” Calum whispered as he crawled into bed with me. “Night Cal.” I muttered pressing my face into his chest. “I’m still really sorry.” I heard him say before I drifted off to sleep.

I woke up feeling Calum sloppily kissing my face. “Calum what are you doing?” I giggled rubbing my face. He didn’t stop, I opened my eyes seeing that it was Calum. “Aw! Who are you?” I asked in a childish voice. A tiny golden retriever puppy sat on my shoulder. I lifted the puppy off me as I sat up. “Calum!” I called out, Calum rushed into the room. “Oh you got your first present then. This is Rosie.” He chuckled as he got into bed beside me. I noticed a red ribbon tied around the little puppy’s neck. “She’s so cute!” I gushed cuddling the puppy to my chest. “I’m guessing you like her?” Calum teased, he scratched the dog’s little head. “I love her! And I love you!” I said happily, I kissed Calum quickly. “I love you too.” He whispered pecking my lips. “Happy Birthday Sweetheart.” Calum whispered kissing me softly. “Thanks Calum.” 

"Come on let’s get breakfast." He said taking the little puppy from my hands. 

Calum and I spent the rest of my birthday inside, playing with my new puppy. Well Calum spent more time with her than I did. The boys had come over to celebrate with me, and there was more attention on my new puppy. Although I had to admit she was adorable. 

"I hope you like Rosie." Calum said as he cuddled close to me, I grinned. "Yeah I do. Something tells me you didn’t get her just for me." I chuckled, he blushed and nodded. "Yeah, kinda. I also got her so that we could still have a little family, even if it wasn’t a baby." I grinned, having not thought of that. "Calum! I can’t believe you, that is the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me!" I gushed kissing his cheek, he grinned. "I love you and I want to have a family with you but I’m not ready for a baby so I thought what about a puppy? And clearly you love her too. So for now everyone wins!" He said happily, I smiled so broadly. "This is the best birthday ever! Calum I love you so much." I said kissing him passionately, he smiled against my mouth returning my passion. "I love you too Y/N Hood." He said, pecking my nose. 

A/N: Hope you like it!!! I enjoyed writing this one :) 

~ Lucy xx 

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