One Year Anniversary Date - Luke Imagine

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My hair was blowing past my face violently as I put the car window down. The stars were twinkling like a million little Christmas lights lighting the sky. “They’re beautiful aren’t they,” Luke said, breaking me from my train of thought. “Yeah they really are,” I replied, turning my head to look back out the window. “But not as beautiful as you…” Luke mumbled. I let a small smile appear on my face. I don’t think that I was meant to hear that. I turned around to face Luke again but this time I leaned over and gave him a quick kiss on his cheek. I pulled back and saw his cheeks turning a light shade of red. Naww he was embarrassed but I thought it was cute. “So where exactly are we going?” I asked. Luke had told me that he was going to take me for a drive somewhere and I was all for it, but now we have been in the car for two hours so I’m a little bit curious. “That’s for me to know and for you to find out.” He said with a cheeky smirk on his face. “But Lukey!” I complained while giving him puppy dog eyes. Normally when I said his nickname he would give in but this time he didn’t even give me a hint. “Babe it’s a surprise! And if I told you then it wouldn’t be a surprise anymore,” he answered. I huffed and sat back in my seat, crossing my arms as I did so. I hoped that this would make Luke give me an answer but all I got was a chuckle and a quick response, “We’re almost there I promise.” He reached over and lightly picked up my hand, holding it in his. It’s been a year since we got together but it still feels like electricity is flowing through my body when he holds my hand. I gave in from my mini hissy fit and gave him a small smile. Luke smiled in return and then turned his attention back to the road. After a few more minutes we pulled onto the side of a dirt road next to a large field. We were in the middle of nowhere. “Babe we are in the middle of nowhere,” I said, mirroring my thoughts. “You really don’t remember?” Luke inquired. I shook my head in response to his question. Luke then took off his seatbelt and got out of the car, walking around to my side to open my door. I hopped out of the car and saw Luke offering me his hand. I took it gladly and looked up to his face. “Well let’s see if you remember when I show you something.” Luke then shut the door and started to walk me over to the field. The electricity feeling was still buzzing through me as we stepped into the field. My shorts allowed the tall grass to brush my legs as we walked by. It tickled a little but I ignored it anyway. After a little bit of walking and staring at the ground I finally looked up to be met with a large tree covered in tiny twinkling lights. My mouth hung open as it took my breath away. “You deserve to have all of the stars in the sky in your hands Y/N, but I sadly can’t give you that, so this was the best that I could do.” Luke said while gripping my hand tighter. I looked up into his eyes while trying to hold back the tears threatening to flow down my cheeks. I literally had no words. This was the most amazing thing that he has ever done for me. I loved him to pieces and this made me love him more, even though I didn’t think that it was possible. “So do you remember now?” Luke questioned. And it suddenly hit me. How could I ever forget. 


"My car has broken down in the middle of nowhere. I mean seriously I don’t need this right now," I yelled to no one in particular seeing that there was no living thing within miles. I didn’t have my phone or any money seeing that I wanted to go for a quick drive, but of course I forgot to check my fuel gauge. I kicked the tyre on my car in frustration and decided that I needed to calm down. I turned around and looked into the field behind me. In the distance I saw a large tree. I thought that maybe I should just walk there and back to get my thoughts straight. So I headed off to the tree. It didn’t take long to get there and when I walked to the other side of the tree I saw a tyre swing. My inner child was just giddy with excitement and knowing that no one was around to see me I decided to swing on it for a while. I jumped onto it and laughed, enjoying the freedom of being alone and not being judged. It was nice to not have society criticizing my every move. I swung on the swing for a few more minutes enjoying the peace. "Having fun there?" I heard someone snicker. I almost fell off the swing from shock. I thought that I was by myself but apparently not. I looked up to see a tall, blonde boy with deep blue eyes. He looked to be around my age and to be honest he was absolutely gorgeous but I would never tell him that. Seeing that I hadn’t responded he decided to continue talking which wasn’t a bad thing to me, he seemed like a nice person. "Uhh I saw a car pulled over with the bonnet and doors open so I tried to see if anyone owned it. Then I heard some laughter coming from over here and walked over to find you. Soo is that your car?" "Uhh umm y-yep," I managed to stutter out. I have only been talking to him for one minute and he was already making me nervous. He laughed a beautiful laugh which gave me butterflies inside. Really Y/N, really? One minute and he’s already doing this to you. I was interrupted from my thoughts by the boy standing before me. "Did you say something?" I asked. He laughed again and repeated his question, "My name’s Luke. What’s yours?" I looked down and saw that he had his hand outstretched to me. I hopped off the swing and brushed myself off. I took his hand gladly and got a shot of electricity through me. It felt amazing. "My name is Y/N." I replied. Luke flashed a big grin and said "Nice to meet you Y/N. Now shall we go fix your car?" I nodded not realizing that I met the most amazing boy in my life. 


The memory made me smile. That was the best day of my life. Luke could tell that I remembered so he tugged on my hand and walked me over to a spot right underneath the tree. He twirled me so that I bumped into his chest and was now standing extremely close to him. Luke then placed one of my hands on his shoulder while taking the other in his hand. “What are you doing Luke?” “Am I not allowed to dance with my beautiful girlfriend?” He responded. I didn’t reply and just rested my head on his chest as we both swayed to the non-existent beat. “I know that our one year anniversary is tomorrow but I wanted to celebrate it today because I’m busy tomorrow and well, today was perfect for this.” Luke said. I looked up and stared into his eyes. He leaned his head down closer to mine. “Happy one year Y/N. I love you.” He whispered. “I love you too Luke.” I whispered back. Luke then leaned in a little closer causing our noses to touch. He then slowly placed his lips on mine in a slow, passionate kiss. Sparks were flying and it felt like fireworks. Maybe this is the best day of my life…

A/N This is the second imagine that I have ever written and I’m proud of it. I decided to post it a little bit later, I don’t why, I just did :) I hope you guys like it! 

Bianca xx

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