#92 Ticklish

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Calum: Calum and I were curled up on the lounge with the boys watching TV, I giggled as Calum’s fingers danced gently on my sides. “Are you okay Y/N?” Calum asked, I held back a smile and a laugh. “Yep.” He did it again and I squirmed against him. “Oh my god! Are you ticklish?” He asked happily, I shook my head. The boys were all looking at us now. “Yes you are!” Luke said from the other side of Calum. Calum tickled my sides as I squirmed and giggled. “Stop!” I tried to get away from his fingers, Michael stopped me and tickled me as well. I tried to get away but all four of them were tickling me. I ended up curled into a ball on the floor with the boys over me and tickling me. They finally left me alone, “I’m so glad I can use that against you now.” Calum grinned, I glared at him trying to calm down from laughing so hard.

Ashton: The boys and I were talking about rubbish because we were bored and there was nothing much else to do on the bus. “Y/N are you ticklish?” Michael asked, I shook my head. “No.” I smiled, glad I didn’t have to deal with them ever attacking me by tickling me. “Really?” Calum asked, Ashton shook his head. “Believe me I’ve tried many times…” He ran his fingers over my sides, tickling me. “See… nothing.” He shrugged. “Y/N, did you know Ash is?” Luke said, I frowned and then looked at Ashton. He looked so scared. “Oh really?” Ashton shook his head. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Luke poked his side, which he squirmed away from. “Oh… this is great.” I said evilly, Ashton looked so scared.

Later that night the boys were in bed and Ashton and I were in the back room. I didn’t even realise I was doing it but my hands were squeezing his waist too much and he was squirming. He giggled, moving away from me. I laughed purposely continuing. “Stop!” He giggled, I ended up straddling him. “You guys are so weird.” Michael said coming into the back room. Ashton sighed beneath me, I laughed and climbed off him.  

Luke: I came home to find Luke on the phone to someone. “Okay, I have to go, I’ll talk to you later.” He said, when he saw me. “Hey, who was that?” I asked, hugging him. “Just you’re best friend.” He said smirking at me, he kissed my cheek. “What did she tell you?” I asked, knowing that the only time that Luke ever spoke to my best friend was to get some dirt on me. “Just that you may be ticklish…” He said cheekily, I shook my head. I pulled out of his grip and ran away. I got to the bedroom and I didn’t know where to go. Luke tackled me onto the bed, I squealed as he turned me over. “Luke! Stop!” I laughed, pushing away his hands. He grabbed my foot, running his fingers up and down the sole of my foot. “No! Luke!” I laughed, panting heavily. I tried to get out of his grip but he was too strong. “Luke! Please stop!” I laughed, trying to get away. I managed to fall off the bed and get away. Luke’s arms wrapped around my stomach pulling me back into his chest. “No, don’t.” I giggled, Luke chuckled in my ear. I knew that he would use this against me any chance he got.   

Michael: I was woken up by screaming from the other room, I knew that the boys were coming over today. I heard Michael screaming the most, I rolled my eyes worried about what they were doing. I came out of the bedroom to find Michael squirming on the floor, laughing and panting. The boys were all tickling him. “What are you doing?” I asked, all the boys turned to look at me. “He’s ticklish! How could you not know this?” Calum asked laughing still. Michael was on the floor still panting, trying to calm down after the boys terrorised him. “I hate this band!” He groaned from the floor. “Well… I don’t terrorise him. You guys are so weird.” I groaned, I sat on the lounge as they all got off the floor.

The boys all left later that day, I had been itching to tickle Michael all day. “I’m sorry about this morning.” He said after they left, I shook my head. “No it’s okay. It was pretty funny. So you’re ticklish huh?” I asked holding back my giggles, he rolled his eyes. “No…” He said laughing, I poked at his side to which he squirmed away from. “You are! I love your band!” I grinned, he tried to get away from me. He landed on the floor with me on top of him still poking at his sides. “For such an innocent girl you are so evil!” He growled through his laughter, I grinned. I stopped leaning forward and kissing his nose gently. “I’ll stop but I can use this against you now.” I grinned happily, he chuckled. He might be laughing but I could tell he was terrified.  

A/N: Hello, sorry these are terrible but I’ve had no time to write anything bc I’m moving house so yeah :( 

~ Lucy xx

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