#32 Midnight Memories

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Calum: Calum had been home for a few days from tour in England so he was still jetlagged. Tonight his jetlag was getting to him, he told me just to go to bed because I was really tired. “Are you sure, Calum?” I asked, he nodded at me. “If I get lonely, I’ll come cuddle you.” He said cheekily.

I wandered into the bedroom, pulling the covers over my head to get to sleep. I drifted into a heavy sleep.

“Y/N? Y/N… wake up.” Calum whispered shaking my shoulder. I rolled onto my back, Calum beamed at me. “Okay two things, I’m lonely and two I’m hungry and I know what you’re like with midnight snacking.” He said, I rolled my eyes getting out of bed putting my shoes and jumper on. We got out to the kitchen, when Calum stopped me. “Close your eyes.” He said, I did as he said. He put his hand over my eyes just in case, I felt a cool breeze rush over me. Why were we going outside?

“Tada!” Calum said taking his hand away from my face. He had laid out a picnic rug with some food laid out and candles. I noticed a couple of pillows and blankets as well. “This is gorgeous.” I gushed, Calum smiled at me. “Well, I thought I’d do something for you since I haven’t been the best company the last few days.” He said as he sat down pulling me down with him. He looked so perfect with the candlelight on his face. He kissed me softly, my heart jumped in my chest as he lifted me onto his lap. I giggled as he squeezed my bum, I pulled away. “Okay Calum, why don’t we eat? Because I am actually kinda hungry.” I said crinkling my nose. “I knew it!” He gasped, I moved off him.

He pulled out a bowl of strawberries and melted chocolate. “You are perfect Calum.” I said before he fed me one. “Not as perfect as you.” He said winking at me. We continued to feed each other strawberries, mucking around as usual. He giggled as he tapped my nose. “You have some chocolate.” He said pointing to my face. “Let me get it.” He said leaning forward, instead of wiping it off. He licked the tip of my nose. “Calum! Stop!” I giggled as he kissed all over my face. “You love me.” He said sitting back.

When we were done, Calum took all the food inside and coming back and laying down with me. He blew out all the candles plunging us into darkness, I cuddled into his side. He pulled the blanket over us, I had never been so happy about Calum having jetlag. “This was amazing Calum.” I whispered, he kissed the top of my head. “I do only the best things for you.”    

Ashton: While Ashton was on break from tour we got to spend a lot of time with each other and even managed to squeeze in a mini holiday. Ashton drove me up the coast and we rented a house to stay in for a week. As Ashton used to always come here as a kid he took me to all the good places.

We had gone out for dinner at this beautiful restaurant right on the beach front. The view was amazing, the moonlight bouncing off the rolling waves and the city lights lighting up the sky above us. Not to mention the food was delicious.

“Ashton this is amazing. Thank you so much.” I gushed as we headed out to the car, he smiled and kissed my forehead. “I’m not done yet. Come this way.” He said directing me away from the car to the direction of the beach. “Ash? Are we allowed to do this?”

“Y/N, it’s a public beach. And its midnight. Did you think that we would last this whole trip without talking a midnight walk on the beach?” He asked, I smiled shaking my heads. “I didn’t even think of.” I mumbled.

When we got to the sand I kicked off my heels, Ashton taking his shoes and socks off as well. When we were both ready, Ashton wrapped his arm around my shoulders and mine around his waist. I inhaled the sea air, I had always loved the beach; especially at night. I looked up at the sky, the stars, the city glow and moonlight looked even more beautiful out here. A shooting star suddenly flashed across the sky. “Make as wish Ash.” I quickly said, he suddenly stopped walking and turned to me. His tall frame blocking out the lights, the moonlight shining lightly on his face, making him look angelic. He dropped his shoes to the ground with a thud, mine fell beside his. His hand coming up to my face, tilting my chin up to his face. He lightly pressed his lips to mine, sparks running through my body, the sound of waves crashing heavily behind us and the only light was from the glow of the moon. Ashton’s kiss was full of love and passion and only that. His arm moved down my back hugging me closer. He pulled away and rested his forehead on mine. “Wishes really do come true.” He mumbled, his lips brushing mine as he spoke; my breath hitching in my throat. “I love you Ash.”

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