#46 Song Preference: "Say Something" by Great Big World and Christina Aguilera

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Calum: Say something, I’m giving up on you
Over the past few weeks Calum and I have been feeling pretty distant. His usual flame has dwindled to a glow, leaving me feeling cold and alone. I have tried my hardest to get closer again, find out what’s going on in his head, but all I get is a glare, filled with all the response I need. But for the last few days Calum has been warming up to me again. I don’t feel so alone anymore. And with Calum becoming close with me again, it’s showed me how I truly feel. I’m in love with him. And I need to let him know. Maybe it will close the gap between us. I sat on the edge of the bed, taking deep breaths to calm my nerves. This was the first time I was going to say I love you and it was nerve racking. The front door opened and shut, telling me Calum was about to come in. My heart pounded as the adrenalin rushed through my system. “Y/N?” Calum called. “In here!” I smiled, as if he could see it. Calum walked in the bedroom with a smile on his face. He was in a good mood which meant he would take what I was going to say in a better way. “Sit.” I breathed, patting the empty space beside me. Calum nodded slowly and sat down with me, frowning in confusion. “Everything alright?” He asked. I nodded and swallowed. “Yeah. I just have something to say.” Calum’s gaze flicked between my eyes, not knowing where to look. I took his hand in mine and gave it a small squeeze. “Calum. Lately I have realised something and uh..” I said, trailing off from the lack of words in my head. I looked right into Calum’s soft, brown eyes. “What I realised was… was that I..” Calum frowned again but this time in concern. His grip on my hand tightened. “What babe?” He asked, concern written all over his face. “What I realised was.. no is.. that I’m totally in love with you.” I said, sitting completely frozen, worried about his reaction. Calum’s face went blank and his soft eyes turned cold, a steel wall blocking me from seeing how he felt. I wanted to say something but I had no idea what to say. Calum rubbed his jaw and released my hand, rising from the bed. “Calum?” I breathed, my breath quickening. “No..” Calum shook his head and left the room, walking to the bathroom. “Calum please.” I said, more to myself than him. I headed toward the bathroom to see the door shut. “Calum?” Calum didn’t respond to my question causing a sharp pain to shoot through my chest. He didn’t love me.. Tears stung at my eyes as I stared at the door. He didn’t love me back, there was no point in this if I was the only one doing anything in the relationship. “Calum.. Say something please!” I sobbed, leaning my forehead against the door. It was a mistake to say anything. I can’t believe I said what I did. “I’m giving up on you..” I whispered. My tears fell to the floor as I waited, hoping Calum would listen and say something. My head fell forward as the bathroom door swung open. I looked up to see Calum with puffy red eyes standing before me. “The reason I didn’t say anything was because I didn’t think I deserved you. You are worth so much more than you settle for and I have no idea why you even deal with me. That’s why I pushed you away before. I was scared that you would realise you were too good for me so I pushed you away. Tried to make sure I wouldn’t get hurt.” Calum croaked, tears and the need to cry closing up his throat. I took his hand in mine again. “I’ll never leave you Calum. It does ‘t matter how good you think I am, I know that all I want is you. Okay?” My heart soared as Calum’s flame returned. “I love you Y/N.” he smiled. My whole body felt warm and intoxicated with this new feeling buzzing through me. “I love you too.” I whispered. 

Ashton: It was over my head, I know nothing at all 
His POV 
I watched the way Y/N looked at Luke. The way they sat close to each other even though there was a whole couch they could sit on. What really bothered me was that they both welcomed it, not caring that I was in the same room or even sitting right beside my girl. My girl. This had been going on for weeks and neither one if them had stopped the affection they were giving each other. I sighed as Y/N laughed at another one of Luke’s jokes. I was fine with that until I saw her place her hand on his thigh. That was it. “Y/N we need to talk.” I snapped, shooting up from the couch. Y/N’s hand raised from Luke’s thigh as she realised she had done something wrong. I snatched her other hand and dragged her to another room, shutting the door behind me. “What the hell do you think you were doing?” I whisper-shouted. I became really pissed when she gave me an innocent look. “What was I doing?” She asked back. I gripped my hands in my hair in frustration. Y/N was driving me up the wall. “Don’t even pretend! You were practically on Luke’s lap! And your hand was way higher than it should have been!” I said harshly. Y/N’s eyes glossed over with tears as her bottom lip trembled. “I’m sorry.” She whispered. I sighed and pulled her in for a hug. “It’s okay,” I whispered into her hair. I chuckled to myself with my next thought. “It was like you had a thing for Luke.” Stroking Y/N’s hair I waited for her to chuckle with me, but she didn’t. I pulled away and looked into her eyes. “Do you have a thing for him?” I whispered. Tears left her eyes as she nodded slightly. The air felt like it had been sucked out of my lungs. She had a thing for Luke. No no. This can’t be happening. “Tell me it’s not true. Tell me you’re lying.” I rushed, grabbing her shoulders in desperation. Y/N sobbed and shook her head. “Please don’t. I said I was sorry.” Anger coursed through me. “That wasn’t even for the same thing!” I yelled, gripping her shoulders tighter. Y/N winced and pulled away from my grip, pushing past me to leave. “No..” I breathed, letting myself fall to my knees. I can’t believe I didn’t realise. It was all so obvious but I guess it went over my head. I thought I knew Y/N inside and out. But I guess not. Really I know nothing at all. 

Luke: I’ll be the one, If you want me to 
His POV 
My palms were sweaty as I paced our bedroom. I was going to propose in a few minutes. A few minutes. The nerves buzzed in me, making everything go into overdrive. I was sweaty and tingly while my stomach twisted. What if Y/N says no? What will I do then? I breathed deeply as I walked around in circles. “Luke?” A small voice asked from the doorway. I snapped my attention to Y/N standing with a worried expression on her face. I didn’t even hear her come in. “Hey Y/N.” I half-smiled, my nerves getting the better of me. “Hey Luke. Is everything okay?” She questioned, stepping further in. “Yeah babe. Everything’s fine.” I smiled fully. Y/N nodded and came closer. Now I had to put my plan into action. “Um Y/N. Can you please grab my shirt from the drawers behind you?” I asked. She frowned at me but did it anyway. While she was turned away I snuck up behind her and dropped to one knee, pulling out the ring box. “Okay which shirt?” Y/N asked, turning around before dropping the shirts in her hands. Her jaw dropped as she saw me on one knee. My heart thundered in my chest as I began saying what I had practiced for hours saying to the mirror. “Y/N. I love you so much and I don’t want to live another moment without you fully being mine. I love you and I’ll be the one if you want me to. Y/N…. Will you marry me?” Y/N’s eyes welled up as she nodded, her smile lighting up the room. I pulled out the ring and slid it in her finger. It looked so gorgeous on her. “I love you so much Luke!” Y/N whispered. I rose and lifted her up by the waist, nuzzling my head into her neck. “I love you too.” 

Michael: You’re the one that I love, and I’m saying goodbye
Your POV
“Michael what are you trying to say?” I breathed, tears spilling down my cheeks. “I can’t see you hurt anymore. Every time I leave I break your heart. You deserve so much better.” Michael said, cupping my face in his hands. I shook my head as more tears fell, being caught in his hands. “Please Michael no!” I cried. People passed us in the airport, giving us weird looks as they saw me in tears. “I have to Y/N. I have to let you go.” Michael’s voice cracked when he said my name, the pain also evident in his expression. Tears teased the corners of his eyes, threatening to fall. “Michael you don’t have to. You really don’t okay?” I rushed. I couldn’t let him go. Michael was my everything. “Y/N I really do.” He pleaded. I gripped his hands still touching my face. “Why?” I whispered, sniffling while trying not to cry. It wasn’t very successful. “I have to because you’re the one that I love, and so I’m saying goodbye. I love you so much Y/N.” Michael said, kissing my forehead, then my nose and finally my lips. He pulled away from me, leaving me feeling empty. My chest constricted as if he took the air with him. “If you really loved me then you would stay with me.” I cried in a final attempt. Michael shook his head, a small tear falling away from his eye. “Good bye Y/N.” He said, walking away. I sobbed the hardest I ever had. The love of my life walked away, leaving me with nothing. He took everything away when he stepped away from me. Because he was everything I had.

A/N Okay not my best I know. School has been a pain in my butt and stressing me a bit, I hope you all like it though! :)
Bianca xx

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