Shower Difficulties - Michael Imagine

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I stood in front of the shower not sure how to continue, I held my broken arm out away from the water. Once I got it to the right temperature I stood under the water. “Okay, this isn’t going to work.” I grumbled to myself. “Michael!” I called out, he knocked on the bathroom door. “What babe?”

“Can you come and help me?” I asked, he laughed before coming into the bathroom. I watched as he took off his clothes, he laughed as he stepped into the shower with me. “What do you want me to do?” He asked, I shoved him lightly. “I can’t wash myself or my hair because of this stupid cast!” I complained, he laughed. “Okay, you know I think this is the first time that you have asked me to join you in the shower.” He pondered as he rubbed the soap covered sponge over me. “And it might be the last. You know after I get my cast taken off.” I said bashfully, he smiled. 

He washed my body, he focused on some areas more than others, not that I was complaining. Next was my hair, he rubbed the shampoo into my roots. It felt amazing, I leant into his front. “Maybe I should get you to wash my hair for me all the time.” I giggled, he pressed a soft kiss to my shoulder. “I wouldn’t mind.” He mumbled over the sound of the water. 

After I was clean, Michael helped me out of the shower. He wrapped me up in a big fluffy towel, after wrapping a towel around his waist. “Uh Michael can you help me get my clothes on and do my makeup for me?” I asked, he grinned. 

He didn’t say anything while we went into the bedroom. I picked out a shirt and jeans. I giggled as he pulled my undies up my legs. He fumbled with my bra, “Michael you’ve seen and unhooked my bra heaps of times. How is this so hard for you?” I huffed as he accidentally snapped the clasp against my back. “Key word in that sentence ‘unhooked’. I’m not usually doing it up, I’m usually taking it off.” He said, a smirk plastered on his face. “True.” I pondered. He finally got my bra on, he picked up my jeans. He awkwardly helped me in, we both knew it would be worse with my shirt. He managed to get one of my arms through and my head. I laughed at my own silliness. “How did you get this on before?” 

"With difficultly." I replied quickly, he chuckled. "I can see that." He guided my arm through the sleeve. 

I sat down at my little make-up table, Michael beside me. “Now I am already disabled I don’t need to be blind too.” I said handing him my foundation brush. He nodded. “Just tell me what to do.” I nodded. 

After several attempts to do my make-up. “I give up!” He exclaimed slamming the brush down. “It’s okay Michael. We just won’t go out today.” I said, he turned to me all flushed in the face. “You mean I didn’t have to do that!?” He asked shocked, I laughed. “It’s okay. You gave it a good shot. Thank you though.” I said kissing his cheek. “Come on let’s watch a movie.” He said, I nodded getting out of the chair and going into the lounge room. We laid together on the lounge, he tried not to touch my broken arm. 

A/N: Hope you like it! (it’s kinda short my bad) haha 

~Lucy xx

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