Right In Front of You - Luke Imagine

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I woke up startled by my phone ringing loudly beside my bed. I checked the time seeing that I had slept until 2 in the afternoon. “Hello?” I asked trying to make myself sound awake. “Y/N? Would you be able to come to Luke’s house?” I heard Calum ask sounding worried on the other end. “Is he okay?” I asked sitting up quickly. “Uh, yeah. His girlfriend broke up with him today. He’s been asking for you.” Calum whispered, for Luke’s sake I’m guessing. “Okay I’ll be there as soon as possible.” I said before hanging up.  

I got dressed and made myself look presentable, and headed over to Luke’s.

I saw Calum’s car in the driveway, so I parked on the street. I went up to the front door, knocking once. The door swung open to see Calum, he smiled at me. “Hey, Luke only wants to see you. He’s not doing very well.” He said honestly, I nodded. “Alright, are you leaving now?” He nodded at me. “Good luck.” He said before shutting the door behind him as he left.

I walked into the lounge room to see Luke curled up clutching a pillow, tears running down his pink cheeks, his blonde hair a mess from running his fingers through it. My heart sank, he looked so vulnerable. “Luke?” I asked softly coming towards him. He looked up at me, his blue eyes glossy and red from crying. I rushed over to him, he sat up. I sat close beside him, prying the pillow from his iron grip. “Am I not good enough?” He asked softly, I wrapped my arm around his shoulders, I reached up to his face wiping away his tears with my thumb. “Luke… how can you even say that?” I asked, letting my hand fall to my lap. “She dumped me… she said that she had cheated on me and that I wasn’t good enough for her.” He said holding back tears. Okay, now I wanted to kill the bitch! “Luke… listen to me.” I turned his head to look at me, and taking his hand in mine. “You were too good for her. You deserve better than her. She clearly didn’t know what she had when she had it.”

“But –”

“No. Luke, you are a great guy. You’re funny, smart, attractive. And… you’re not a dickhead. Any girl would be the luckiest girl on the planet to have you as their boyfriend.” I said cutting him off. “I just – I don’t know where I went wrong. I loved her. She was perfect, I couldn’t help but smile when I was around her and now what? She just left me for some other guy.” He said sobbing lightly, I felt a bit of jealousy when he mentioned how happy she made him. To be honest I had always had a soft spot for Luke but never said anything… Now I wish I had, I couldn’t imagine ever hurting him like this. He didn’t deserve to be treated like this, he deserved a girl who would date him for him not for how famous he is. “Luke as harsh as it sounds she may have been perfect but she was stupid.” He looked at me shocked, but I continued. “She was dating you because you are famous and because you have money, and when you didn’t give her things she left. She wouldn’t have left if she was there for you.” I said, he nodded at me. “Do you have cookie dough?” I asked, he nodded at me. “Always.” He perked up a little. I ran into the kitchen grabbing the tub and two spoons.

We sat and talked for hours about his ex-girlfriend. I tried my hardest to make him feel better. Before I knew it was almost midnight. “Come on, you probably need to go to bed. Sleep some of this off.” I said pulling him off the lounge.

Luke got into bed curling into a ball, clutching his pillow. “Alright Luke, don’t do anything stupid. Do you want me to come up tomorrow?” I asked, he shrugged. I leaned down kissing his forehead, he smiled up at me. “Goodnight Luke.” I said turning and walking to the door. “Wait, Y/N. Can you stay with me?” He begged sitting up in bed. “I don’t know Luke. Is it a good idea?”

“Please.” He said pouting at me, I smiled at him. “I don’t have anything to sleep in.” I said kicking off my shoes. “Put one of my shirts on.” He said pointing to the set of drawers, I shrugged. I grabbed his smiley shirt and went into the bathroom to change. I came out feeling self-conscious, given that I was wearing my best friend’s shirt and nothing else but my underwear. I crawled into bed beside Luke, he turned over so he was facing me. His arms wrapped around my waist tugging me close. His face in line with mine, I swallowed at how close he was to me. I reached up to run my fingers through his hair, he smiled and shut his eyes looking relaxed for the first time tonight. His eyes opened, revealing the most beautiful blue I had seen. “Do you ever wonder if the person you were looking for was right in front of you?” He pondered his eyes catching mine. My breath hitched in my throat. “Sometimes… but it will never happen.” I mumbled, he smiled at me. He pressed his lips to mine in a sweet, chaste kiss. My heart thumped in my chest, did he just do that? “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to do that. I bet that looks really bad. I’m so sorry. You can leave if you want.” He said unwrapping his arms from me and rolling away. “No, no, no. Luke? It’s okay.” I gushed grabbing his shoulder, he looked back at me. “Really?”

“It’s okay, why don’t you get some sleep?” I said wrapping my arms around his strong torso, he rolled over in my arms. His legs tangled with mine and his face pressed to the top of my chest. “Thank you for staying with me.” He whispered, I smiled kissing the top of his head. “It’s okay Luke. Go to sleep, you need it.” I said, running my fingers through his messy blonde hair. His arms wrapped around my waist, I sighed feeling him finally relax fully. He fell asleep minutes later. “I wish you knew that I’m right in front of you.”      

A/N: Hope you like it…. this is a bit different… I like it haha

~ Lucy xx

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