#99 Slow Dancing

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Calum: Neither of us had moved from our tight embrace since I had said “yes!” Calum had proposed to me tonight and I couldn’t be happier. I had a constant smile on my face. He had pulled out all the stops for me, red roses, candles, dinner which was pizza but it was still sweet and music. The music continued to play as we stood in our hug. I smiled wider as he gently began to sway me. “May I have this dance?” He asked, I giggled into his shoulder and nodded. “I would love to.” I grinned up at him. We gently swayed to the song, his lips at my ear singing the lyrics. I didn’t ever want this to end. He pressed his forehead to mine, his nose nudging mine. I giggled as we spun around the room. I felt so warm and loved in his arms. I couldn’t believe I was going to spend the rest of my life with him.

Ashton: I had finally married the love of my life Ashton Irwin. We had gone up to our hotel room, waiting for the reception to start. “Mrs. Irwin.” Ashton mumbled in my ear as I shut the door to the bedroom. “I love you.” I whispered turning around to face him. “Y/N. I’m scared…” Ashton mumbled, I frowned. “About what?” I asked scared. “About our first dance. I’m scared I’m going to screw it up.” He muttered, I smiled relieved. “Why don’t we practice?” I asked pulling him into the centre of the large bedroom. I pulled out my phone that had our wedding song on it and pressed play. He wrapped his arms around my waist, mine going up around his neck. He held me close, “Just relax Ash.” 

Time had flown by and we were now faced with a room full of people to see our first dance. He wrapped his arms around me, just like he had in the room. “Just relax. Ash, it’s just you and me.” I whispered as we began to slow dance around the room. It felt as if we were the only two people in the world.

Luke: I couldn’t believe that it was only a week until I was marrying Luke, time had flown by so quickly. There was still one thing that was scaring the hell out of me. Our first dance, everyone knew that I had two left feet, and no co-ordination. Luke, however was just good at everything and wasn’t worried.

“Luke, is there anything scaring you about the wedding?” I asked, still unsure how to bring up the dancing thing. “No. I’m just excited to marry the most amazing woman in the world. Are you worried about anything?” I nodded shyly, he moved closer to me. “The first dance thing. You know I just can’t dance.” I sighed, he stood up in front of me and moved the coffee table out of the way. “Let’s fix that.” He took my hand and pulled me close to his chest. “I’ve been taking lessons because I didn’t want to look silly.” He said sweetly, I smiled. “Just follow my lead.” He said softly, he moved my hand to his waist and then held my other hand to his chest. Luke danced me around the room, we were doing well until I tripped over my feet. We both burst into giggles. I hid my face in his chest. “I can’t do this!” I laughed, I felt the rumble in his chest. “Hey, if this happens I can just do the robot!” He beamed, he then began to do the robot in front of me. We both laughed so hard. I loved that he could make a fool of himself and still laugh. He pulled me close to his body. “I don’t care if you have two left feet, I love you and if you trip then that’s okay. I’ll just make a dork of myself to make you feel better.” He grinned, kissing me softly. I knew that we would never forget this. 

Michael:“Michael…” I whispered poking his shoulder. It was about 3am, and we had been awake all night. “Hmph.” He grunted, he squirmed away from me. “Are you awake?” I asked, he grunted. “I am. Are you?” He asked, I frowned; a smile on my face. “Michael who do you think asked you?” He sighed and pressed his face into his pillow. “Still can’t sleep, huh?” He asked sitting up beside me. I shook my head. He grinned, he rolled out of bed and took my hand.

He led me to the kitchen. “What are we doing?” I giggled as he pulled me tightly against his chest. “Midnight snacking.” He said simply, I grinned. He turned to go to the fridge. “Wait, just hold me. Please.” I said softly, he wrapped his arms around me tightly. “This okay?” He asked, I nodded. He gently began to sway me, as if we were dancing. I giggled loudly as he spun me around, I crashed back into his solid body. We both laughed at our own clumsiness. “I like dancing with you.” He whispered kissing my cheek. “I like dancing with you too. I don’t think I need a midnight snack anymore. I just want to do this.” I said as we danced in the light of the fridge. This is why I loved Michael and our relationship, everything was spontaneous and we didn’t mind laughing at each other. 

A/N: Hope you liked it!!! :D 

~ Lucy xx 

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