Jealous - Michael Imagine

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I had to get him out of the house. Ever since the boys came back from tour Michael has been cooped away in his room playing video games. “Do I have to go?” Michael whined. The only option that even made him consider leaving the house was to go to my best friend, Marcus’ house. Marcus was a big gamer like Michael and has been my best friend since child hood. It seems stupid to try to get him out of the house just to put him in another but I couldn’t think of anything else that would even tempt him to leave. “Come on! Marcus and his mates will be there and they all love gaming like you do! It’ll be fun, I promise. Now please come!” I pleaded. Michael finally broke his gaze from his computer screen and looked up to me. I could see that he was actually considering this. “Mmm I don’t know.” Michael said, turning his attention back to the screen. I was starting to get a bit frustrated, but then I got an idea of how to distract him long enough to get my point across. I slowly walked over to his chair and pulled it back slightly. “Hey!” Michael exclaimed. I walked around to the side of his chair and swung my leg over his lap. I sat down, causing me to straddle him. “Hey..” He said in a seductive tone. Michael put his full attention on me, looking me up and down. His hands rested on the back of my thighs, gripping them slightly. I leaned forward and played with his hair a bit. “Please baby, come with me.” I could see that his stance was weakening so I went in for the last attack. I slowly leaned forward again so that my body was resting on his torso. My face was extremely close to Michael’s. I teasingly brushed my lips across his and pushed my lips against his in a slow, long kiss. I pulled back slightly and looked into his eyes. “Please baby..” I breathed. I could see him crumbling with my every word. “Fine.” Michael sighed, knowing that I won this little battle. I hopped off his lap and turned around to face him. “We’re leaving right now!” I cried. I ran out of his room, slipping on my shoes as I did so. I ran to the front door and looked back to see Michael slowly making his way towards me. “Hurry up slow poke!” I yelled. “I’m coming, I’m coming.” He muttered. I jokingly let out a groan and took Michael’s hand. I pulled him to the car and hopped in. I watched as Michael made his way around to the driver’s seat. Wow he really didn’t want to go, but he said that he would so here we are. “I hate that you know my weakness.” Michael admitted with a cheeky grin. “You know that you love it.” I chuckled. Michael shook his head with a smirk on his face. He picked up my hand and softly pecked my fingers. Michael could be so adorable sometimes. He held onto my hand as he started the car and pulled out of the driveway. 


Soon enough we had arrived at Marcus’ house. I saw Marcus standing on the doorstep waiting for me, seeing that I had sort of pre-planned this. “Did he know that we were coming?” Michael questioned. “Uhh I forgot to tell you? Oops.” I grinned. “Well it’s too late now I guess.” Michael huffed while getting out of the car. I jumped out of the car and ran over to Marcus who I hadn’t seen in months. I threw myself into his arms as he wrapped them around me, swinging me in circle. “Y/N!” Marcus exclaimed. “Marcus!” I laughed. He finally put me down and I felt Michael’s presence behind me. I turned my head to see him glaring at Marcus while putting his arm around my shoulders. Wait… was Michael jealous? “Uh Marcus this is Michael, Michael this is Marc-” “Yeah I know who this is.” Michael interrupted. Marcus awkwardly looked back and forth between Michael and I. “Would you like to come inside?” Marcus asked. Wow he was being so polite even though Michael was being a complete butt-hole. I shrugged off the arm draped over my shoulders and quickly walked inside, followed by Michael and then Marcus. 


Marcus was acting really weirdly ever since I stepped into the basement which was occupied by some of his mates and stacks of games. Marcus and I have always had a close relationship since childhood. We would link arms when we walked together, hug for long times but never cuddle and we would always sit next to each other, but all of that was before I had a boyfriend. He is normally ‘well behaved’, but something has changed since last time and I can’t put my finger on it. Anyway, we were watching some of Marcus’ friends play Mario Cart with Michael. I was sitting on the couch in between Marcus and Michael while the others sat on the floor. I was cheering on who ever was last, because I hate being last so I felt bad for them. While I was cheering I felt a hand being placed on my thigh. I looked over to see Marcus’ hand sitting on my leg. ‘Woah okay what’s going on?’ I thought to myself. I pushed his hand off and brushed the moment off as nothing weird. My instincts told me differently but I ignored the nagging feeling. Soon after the race we decided to play Wii Sports. I wanted to play golf on it so I got up to play it. Marcus got up too saying that he wanted to play it with me. This is getting a little weird. ‘Does he have a crush on me? No we’re best friends and he knows that I have a boyfriend.’ We started playing and wow I sucked. I groaned in frustration after getting the golf ball in the sand for the fourth time. “Let me help!” Marcus offered enthusiastically. “Um, okay then..” I replied. I was waiting for him to tell me what to do when I felt a pair of arms snake down mine and stop when their hands reached my hands. I instantly recognized the mystery arms as Marcus’. His chest was pushed right up to my back and I started to panic. ‘Okay now this is really weird! He definitely likes me as more than a friend!’ I think that Michael noticed me panicking as I saw him quickly get up and walk over to where I was standing. “Oh look at the time! We have to go now!” Michael fumed. I could see that he was definitely pissed off. Michael grabbed my hand and tore me from Marcus’ grip. I was tugged up the stairs as he stormed out of the basement. Yeah, Michael was really jealous now. We got outside and headed to the car. This was going to be a silent drive home. 


We were laying on Michael’s bed when I asked him, “Are you okay?” I rolled over so that I was now facing him. I rested my hand on his chest, playing with the edge of his tank top that was just below his collar bone. “What do you think? He was all over you! I saw him put his hand on your leg but I ignored it because you told me that you guys were close. But then when he-” Michael stopped, unable to finish. “I’m sorry about that. I wasn’t expecting it at all! He normally isn’t like that, but something must have changed. I’m really sorry baby.” I apologized. “I just hate it when any guy tries to make a move on you because I worry that you’ll leave me for them.” He admitted, looking away from me. I never knew that he felt that way. I put my fingers under his chin and lightly turned his face so that he was facing me. “Don’t you ever think like that again. I love you Michael. I don’t think that I will ever be able to find anyone better than you babe. No matter who they are.” Michael’s facial features softened and a smile crept onto his face. It made me smile in return. “I love you Y/N.” “I love you too.” Michael’s smile turned into a cheeky smirk. “Hey, weren’t we sort of doing something before we left?” He asked. “I don’t remember doing anything before we left.” I responded with a smile, feigning forgetfulness. “Well I better help you remember then.” Michael whispered huskily. Before I could even respond I was flipped onto my back with Michael hovering over me. His eyes flickered to my lips and back to my gaze. Michael then smashed his lips into mine, sending shivers down my spine. My arms slinked around his neck pulling him closer to my body. I smiled into the kiss, loving every moment of it.

A/N This isn’t my best but I still like it :)I hope that you like it too 

Bianca xx

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