Stuck With You - Ashton Imagine (Part 3)

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Thank god I had slept without any interruptions; I wandered down to the kitchen still half asleep. I was suddenly very awake when I saw Ashton in the kitchen in nothing but his boxers.

I tried to sneak back out but he turned around before I could. “Morning Y/N.” He smirked, what is wrong with this kid one minute he hates me next minute he’s being nice me. My eyes drifted down his body, god why was he so hot? “How am I this fine morning? I’m doing great thank you for asking Y/N.” He said, ignoring my silent reply. He watched me, his eyes catching mine; making it blatantly obvious that I was checking him out. He turned back to whatever he was doing before. “Oh and Y/N. If I can’t stare at you, you can’t stare at me.” My mouth was dry, I just wanted to go home and never talk to him again.

I scampered out of the kitchen, I shut the bedroom door behind me. My phone buzzed on the table.


"Hi Y/N, it’s mum. You’ll be staying at the Irwin’s house for the week. I got delayed, Mrs. Irwin is bringing up some more things for me so it will be just you and Ashton for a few days." I groaned, I wasn’t getting my sweet escape after all. "Mum, can’t I just stay at home? Ashton and I just don’t get along and I don’t think I can handle a week locked up in this house with him." I complained, she laughed. "Well you and Ashton can sort out your issues then. There’s nothing you can do, Mrs. Irwin left this morning." I rolled my eyes… Great. "Alright. I’ll let you go mum. Bye, love you." I sighed hanging up, I fell back onto the bed.

I didn’t know what to do, I wanted to go back to the kitchen and make breakfast but Ashton was there. “Screw it!” I huffed sitting up and going back to the kitchen.

"Oh you’re back." Ashton smiled from the table. "I’m back. And I would appreciate it if you didn’t acknowledge it." I said going to the fridge, I jumped hearing him slurp his coffee obnoxiously. I turned to glare at him, "just pretending you’re not here." I rolled my eyes, he began speaking again. "Also mum told me that she’s going to see your mum since there was a delay for her business meeting. So you have to stay here for the week." He explained, I nodded. "Mum called me, I know." I said not sure out to continue. I made myself some cereal, and a cup of tea. "Okay, Ashton. I know you hate me and all…"

"But we have to get along this week. I know. I got the lecture from mum this morning." He continued for me, he smiled up at me. I sat across from him, and began eating. "Can’t believe I’m saying this but how about we make a deal, this week we actually get to know each other." He said, I looked up at him surprised at his new found… Maturity. "One condition, no sexual advances." I said looking him in the eyes. "What don’t you want this?” He asked gesturing to his torso. I rolled my eyes. “Just stop Ashton. I’m not interested.”

“That’s not how it seemed last night.” He smirked, I shook my head looking down at my bowl. “Just leave it Ashton.” I snarled, he nodded taking his bowl to the kitchen. “I’m gonna have a shower, you’re welcome to join me.” He informed leaving the room, I ate my breakfast in silence.

I went back into my room, and scrolled through Facebook. There was a gentle knock on the door, “Y/N bathroom’s free. There’s a towel in there for you.” Ashton said, I sat up, shutting my laptop. “Okay. Thanks.” I said opening the door. “I’ll be practicing, if you need me.” He said nodding, okay something has gotten into him. He’s so different, I sighed letting it go.

The warm water of my shower made me feel so much better about the recent events.

I heard the loud drumbeats coming from his practice room, I smiled thinking about him playing. The way his biceps flexed as he hit the drums, his eyebrows furrowing in concentration. God. Stop it! Y/N! I shook my thoughts away and finished in the bathroom. I ran out in just my towel only to run into Ashton. His eyes drifted up my still damp legs and shoulders, I swallowed away my nerves. I looked at the ground trying to avoid his gawking eyes. “Now the roles are reversed.” He whispered huskily in my ear, I swallowed nervously. His lips skimming down my neck, gently sucking at the base. I shoved him off, disgusted with him. “I’m not going to take advantage of you and then insult you. Made that mistake.” He pondered like it was no big deal., I couldn’t believe what he just said, he smirked. “And I was just starting to like you.” I said brushing past him, I slammed the bedroom door shut.

I spent the rest of the day curled up in bed on my laptop. Ashton spent the day playing drums, which he only stopped a couple of hours ago.

"Hey, Y/N?" Ashton said poking his head around my door. I looked up at him from my laptop. "Since I have nothing to cook with, want to come out with me for pizza?" He offered, I shut my laptop. "Uh sure." I said hesitantly, he smiled at me. He came and sat on the end of the bed, turning to me. "Look I just want to do this as a peace offering type thing. Look can we just leave it as I said some mean things you said some mean things and move on?" He said, I shrugged. "Alright just let me get my bag." I said moving my laptop. I grabbed my purse and phone, I followed Ashton out of the bedroom.

Ashton took me to the best pizza place in town, it was always packed in there. Somehow we managed to get a table.

We ordered a large pizza to share, it was awkward if anything. “So… Why the change in attitude?” I asked breaking the silence. He smiled at me, was he blushing? Wow. “I was thinking about what I said last night and it was out of line. Like I said we have to get along this week so we might as well just get along.” He shrugged, I nodded.

Dinner went really well, somehow we both finished a huge pizza. “Damn, Y/N you can eat.” Ashton said as we walked out of the restaurant. “It’s my secret talent.” I joked.

This Ashton was the Ashton I wanted to spend my time with, on the drive home we sung along to songs playing on the radio.

"Uh, Y/N… We have a problem." Ashton said as we stood at the door. "What?"

"I may or may not have lost the house key." He said sheepishly, I rolled my eyes. "What?! Ashton what are we going to do its freezing." I whined, he shrugged. "We could sit in the car all night and then call the locksmith tomorrow morning." He said, I shrugged. "Okay." I said getting into the backseat of his car. He quickly joined me, "can we do something?" His body turned to mine, we both moved closer to each other. "What were you thinking of?" I asked nervously. "An end of date kiss." His words stunned me. "This was a date?"

"Yes, well… No. I don’t know." He stammered, I smiled. "Just kiss me, Ashton." His lips were on mine in an instant, but this time it was different. It was sweet and slow, passionate. His hands softly skimmed down my sides to my hips. My arms wrapped around his neck drawing him close. He kept his face close as his lips detached from mine. I smiled against his lips, his hand lifted up. He pushed the sun roof back, the stars and moon shining above us. It was so romantic, I didn’t think Ashton had it in him. We curled up against each other to warm up, his arms around me tightly. Maybe I wouldn’t mind being stuck with Ashton for the next week. 

A/N: Hope you like it! Bianca isnt writing this one anymore she said that I could continue it. Hopefully I can live up to her previous parts of this :) Let me know if you want another part! 

~ Lucy xx

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