#73 "What They Don't Know Won't Hurt Them"

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Calum: I sat across from my boyfriend who was talking about some crap about his job, my mind floating back to Calum he was my best friend, my partner in crime and now he was so much more than that. We had a secret relationship, I know it was bad to be cheating but my boyfriend was such a drag but he kept me with him. My only chance for a sweet escape was to see Calum. He was away on tour and I was missing him like crazy. I jumped feeling my boyfriend’s hand take mine, he smiled at me. Provoking a reaction, I smiled back. “Are you okay? You seem so… distracted.” He said, I nodded. “I’m sorry. Please go on.” I said turning my attention to him. I wanted to listen but I couldn’t help the thoughts of Calum invade my mind.

Before I knew it our date was over and my boyfriend had taken me home, he left after giving me a soft peck. I sighed going into the house, I wanted to end it but I just didn’t have it in me.

I was startled seeing the lights on in the house and music playing from my bedroom. I picked up an umbrella having nothing else to defend myself with. “I have a weapon!” I called out, I heard laughing come from the other room, where Calum emerged. I stood, stunned for a second. “Calum!” I squealed running over to him, tackling him in a hug. “I’ve missed you so much beautiful!” He whispered into my hair, I smiled. I couldn’t even speak. “How about we have a bit of a celebration?” He asked, I blushed knowing what he was getting at. “Calum, I don’t know if I can do this anymore. The sneaking around thing. My boyfriend is getting suspicious and he doesn’t like it.” I said softly, Calum’s smile faltered for just a second. “Y/N, if you don’t like sneaking around maybe you should break up with him.” He suggested, I shrugged. “I don’t know if I can.” I said softly, he hugged me close. “We can still celebrate tonight.” I whispered huskily in his ear, I giggled feeling his reaction to my hot words.

My heart pounded in my chest as I lay beside Calum, his body still pressed tightly to mine. No space between us, he lightly kissed my lips, nose, chin, forehead as we calmed down from our ‘celebration’. “Do you worry about getting caught?” Calum asked, I nodded. “Yeah I do but for now it’s kind of a ‘what he doesn’t know won’t hurt him’ situation.” I said, he knew exactly what I meant. It was practically our motto from when we were kids. “I love you baby.” He whispered, I blushed kissing him softly. “I love you too Calum.” And with that, we fell asleep beside each other… it was where we both belonged we just needed to get rid of the obstacles.    

Ashton: I sat at my desk, working late into the evening. “Miss Y/L/N? Can I speak to you please?” My boss asked sternly from my doorway. “Of course, sir.” I said standing up, he nodded at me to sit back down. He sat in the chair across from my desk. “What can I do for you?” I asked, he smiled. “I am just wondering what is your relationship with Mr Irwin?” He asked, a million things went through my mind. No one knew of our relationship and they weren’t supposed to we weren’t allowed to be together. The workplace was a place of work and relationships were strictly not allowed. My mouth went dry, he must know. “Uh, we’re just friends and co-workers.” I said, hoping my voice didn’t waver and it didn’t… thankfully. “Okay it’s just that some of your colleagues have been noticing some… spark. I guess. I don’t know. Just let this be a warning, I’ve already spoken to Ashton and he understands. Do you?” He asked, his voice laced with condescension. “I understand, sir.” I said trying not to look scared, he nodded and left as he shut my door I let out a sigh of relief.

I was just finishing up my work when I heard my door open and shut, I looked up to see Ashton standing in front of me with a smirk on his face. “Ashton? What are you doing in here?” I hissed knowing that my boss was still here and he could come in at any moment. “Calm down, are you done for the night?” Ashton asked, I nodded. “How about we stop sneaking around the office and head back to mine?” He suggested, I nodded again. My brain was ticking over, we couldn’t leave together, we couldn’t go in the same car. There were so many traps. “Are you okay?” He asked, I sighed. “My boss came in here earlier and gave me the third degree about you and me. So am I okay? No I’m not. I am not allowed to have a relationship with the person I love and adore, because of some stupid corporate rule.” I said angrily as I put away my files. Ashton flinched as I slammed the door shut on my filing cabinet. I flopped down into my chair, Ashton rushed around kneeling in front of me. I leaned down to him softly pressing my lips to his. “Babe, don’t worry. We won’t do this around work anymore.” He whispered, smiling against my mouth. “I just don’t want to lose you.” I replied, my fingers hooking around the back of his neck. “You won’t and what they don’t know won’t hurt them.” He said softly, he kissed my cheek, I turned at the last minute catching his lips. “Cheeky. Come on let’s go home.” He said softly, I nodded.

We both left the office at separate times and went back to his house in our own cars. I kept thinking back to what he said, ‘what they don’t know won’t hurt them’. It made total sense no one would know the difference if they didn’t know if we were in a relationship or not. 

Luke: I couldn’t believe that my parents had told me to stop seeing Luke, I just couldn’t do it. I loved him so much, but apparently my parents didn’t see that he reciprocated my love. I sat in my room in tears, my phone buzzing relentlessly beside me. I finally picked it up seeing a text from Luke: “Heard what happened with you and your parents. Be there in ten. Luke x.” A smiled instantly appeared on my face.

There was a gentle tap on my window; I looked over seeing the tall silhouette of my boyfriend. “Hey beautiful.” He whispered, as I slid my window open quietly. “Hey handsome.” I whispered cheekily back. “Grab a jacket babe, you’ll need it.” He said, I nodded quickly getting my jumper and getting back to my window. I heard stirring voices in the hallway. “Shit.” We both mumbled in unison, I jumped out of the window into Luke’s arms I shut the window behind me as quietly and quickly as possible.

We raced across the front yard and into his car which was parked inconspicuously down the street. My heart thumping in my chest, I couldn’t believe that I had just run away with Luke.

We sat silently as he drove to his house, I couldn’t think of anything to say. When we got to his house we went around the back to the granny flat that they hardly ever used, only Luke and I did. “I can’t believe we just did that.” I said finally feeling like I could talk, he smiled at me. He lightly tucked a piece of hair out of my face. “I can’t either but it was totally worth it.” He said with a grin on his face.

We laid beside each other, naked and breathless. I had given Luke my everything and his to me. “Luke… what will my parents say?” I asked softly, he smiled lazily. “What they don’t know won’t hurt them.” He pulled me closer to his side, I smiled content with his answer. I could have stayed like this forever and Luke was right, what they don’t know won’t hurt them.

Michael: (His POV)                                                            

“You’ve got to be kidding?” I yelled, our manager sat across from me, hands folded, a distant, uncaring expression on his face. “I can’t believe you’re making me do this.” I said running my fingers through my hair. “It’s the best for the band, you should know that it is hard being away from her.” He said, I shook my head. “I wrote my best songs about her! About us! I’m not going to let her go! She is the best thing that has happened to me! I’m sure the boys would agree!” I said standing up out of my chair in huff. “Michael!” My manager called after me, I ignored him running out to my car.

I drove home to see Y/N, I wasn’t going to let them do this to us. She is my everything. “Michael?” She asked as I ran almost ran into the front door, she opened it just in time. “Michael!” She said again, I turned to her wrapping my arms tightly around her. “I love you sweetie.” I whispered against her neck, she giggled, wiggling away. “What’s gotten into you?” She asked, I stepped back from her. “Management want me to break up with you, but I’m not going to.” I said, her eyes filled with tears. I couldn’t do anything but pull her against me. I loved her and I wasn’t going to let them take that away from me. “Babe, I’m not going to break up with you.” I said, while I rubbed her back. “Why not? You’ll ruin your career.” She said softly, I chuckled. “Babe. I would give up everything just so I could have you in my arms.” I said, she blushed. “That’s the sweetest thing you’ve ever said to me. But what are you going to do?” She asked, I shrugged. “Keep it a secret. I don’t want to give you up and I’m not going to. My theory is what they don’t know can’t hurt them.” I said cheekily, she smiled. I wiped her tears away with the pad of my thumb. “I love you Michael.” She said, the words making my insides go all funny. I leaned down, my lips brushing hers. “I love you too. They can’t take you away and they won’t.” I whispered, I pressed my lips to hers in a loving kiss. I knew she trusted that I wouldn’t leave her and I wouldn’t let management control our relationship. Like I said what they don’t know won’t hurt them. 

A/N: Hope you like it!!! Sorry there was no preference last night! 

~Lucy xx 

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