Not Worth The Tears - Michael Imagine (Part 7)

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I laid sprawled out on the couch, flicking through channels on TV. It had been days since I told Y/B/F/N about what happened two years ago and the days haven’t been getting better. A sick feeling had stuck itself in my stomach, becoming a constant reminder of the loss of my best friend, who was seemingly my only real friend. I sighed, a single tear slipping down my cheek as I sunk further into the couch pillows. A light knock came from the front door as I watched TV. Wiping the tear from my cheek I got up and walked to the front door. I stopped just at the door and hung my head low, trying to concentrate on pulling together any amount of strength I could, but was disappointed when nothing came. I was weak and fragile, barely held together by tiny threads of what was left of me. My hand slowly turned the doorknob, pulling it open slightly to reveal Michael. “Michael?” I whispered, opening the door fully. His mouth pulled up on one side, showing me the charming smile he always used to flash at me. “Yeah.” He half-smiled. My heart lifted in my chest, a weird desperate hope enveloping me as I stared at him. I realised that I had been standing there silently for a while so I stepped to the side, gesturing for Michael to come in. “Thanks.” He said, heading straight for the lounge. I shut the door and followed Michael, sitting where I had been before he came in. “What are you doing here?” I asked, my voice quieter than usual. Michael’s eyes searched my face slowly, taking in every little detail. “Still beautiful.” He breathed. My heart felt the familiar flutter I used to feel when I was around him and I had a sudden yearning to hold him, kiss him, tell him how much I missed him. “Well anyway, I’m here to check on you. I heard about what happened.” He said, a tinge of hurt in his voice. My heart raced as I realised he thought I cheated on him with Ashton. “We weren’t together when it happened.” I said, shaking my head in slight desperation. Michael nodded, his body relaxing with what I said. “That doesn’t matter now. What matters is that you’re okay.” He said, placing his hand on my thigh. A low buzz ran through my body, blood rushing to my cheeks. Michael’s lips suddenly became incredibly appealing and I had a strong ache to kiss him. I held back as much as I could seeing that he had more to say. “I’m doing okay.” I lied, fidgeting nervously. Michael’s gaze flicked to my hands that were tangled together, realising I was lying. But to my surprise he didn’t say anything. “I just want you to know that I’m here for you. Whenever you need you can call me,” Michael kept on talking, bringing my attention to his lips. They looked so soft and pink today, making my urge to kiss him that much harder to resist, “And I don’t know if you realise but you are so strong… and so beautiful.” With those last few words my heart and resilience melted away. I smashed my lips onto his, my hands cupping his face. Michael began kissing me back but soon realised what was happening. “No Y/N.” He mumbled against my lips, grabbing my wrists and pushing me away. “Please Michael.” I breathed, desperation over riding any thoughts to stop myself. “No Y/N. I won’t be your emotional rebound okay? I know you’re lonely. I get it. I was in the same placed as you when I..” Michael swallowed as if he was in pain, “When I slept with Sylvia.” The mention of her name was a shock to my senses, bringing me back to reality. I pulled myself away from Michael, crossing my arms over my chest. Her name was a stab to the heart. She started all of this. Without her I wouldn’t be here and none of this would have happened. My eyes stung with tears but I bit them back, trying not to appear even weaker than I already looked. “I.. I’m sorry.” I mumbled, ashamed of my sudden, desperate kiss. “It’s okay Y/N. I really do understand.” Michael rose from the couch and I did the same. “So you’ll be my friend?” I asked, looking up to his face. “Of course,” He nodded, “Just remember, I’m a phone call away.” Michael patted the pocket with his phone in it for emphasis, bringing a small smile to my face. Without warning Michael took me in his arms, hugging me tightly. I fully smiled as I wrapped my arms snugly around his waist. I missed this. Michael’s hugs, his smiles, his comforting words, his everything. I missed everything about him. Reluctantly, I pulled away, letting Michael slip past me as he left. He turned and gave me a small wave before shutting the door behind him. For the first time, I didn’t feel empty when I saw someone walk out the door. I felt….. fine. Normal. I still had an empty pain in my chest, but it wasn’t as bad. At least I had someone. 


I had nothing planned for the rest of the day. Just moping and trying to ease my sense of grief. I was now curled up on my bed, my phone by my side as I stared out the window into the open, blue sky. A lonely bird came into view and flew in circles, lost as it tried to find it’s way. I sighed as it reminded me of myself and how my life was going. My phone buzzed on my blankets, bringing my thoughts back into my bedroom. I checked the text message to see it was from Calum which was surprising. Calum and I were friends but we weren’t extremely close. We would usually hang out together when Michael brought me to their parties. I opened up the text cautiously. 

Hey Y/N, I heard about what happened. How are you? 

My gaze flicked down as I tried to think of if I should tell the truth or not. I decided to lie. 

Hey. Yeah I’m fine

Calum’s response was quick. 

No really Y/N. How are you? 

It was weird that even though we barely knew each other he could still tell that I was lying. I blinked a few times, slightly stunned but also trying to figure out what to say. My feelings were so confusing, all bunched up together to make my pain and grief. But mainly I was… 

Lonely. I’m lonely. 

Well how about we hang out. I’ve always wanted to get to know you more. And I don’t want you to be lonely. 

I giggled. For the first time in days I giggled. A warm, fuzzy feeling floated through me, coating over the open wounds caused by the past events, leaving me with a fresh sense of hope. 

Yeah, I’d like that. 

Great! You and me, bowling this Friday. See you there cupcake. 

I laughed out loud at his nickname for me. 


Yeah cupcake. Now see you there okay? 

My laughter died down and my smile shrunk down to a small one. 

Okay. See you there Calum. 

Finally. Finally I had someone, or at least two people. My heart swelled and my body tingled. This feeling of happiness was refreshing and I let it course through my veins, warming my icy cold centre. I giggled with delight, unfurling from my tight ball and stretching out, reaching as far as I could to my sides. Relaxing, I let my arms flop on the bed and turned my head to look out the window. The lost bird from before was now resting on the window sill, but with another bird. It resonated with me, once again reminding me of myself. I laughed, pleased that my life was starting to come back together. Piece by piece.

A/N Hey guys!! I’ve finally posted part 7 yay! And finally it’s a pretty happy one! Double yay! But will it stay like this for long?? :O Guess you’re gonna have to find out! I hope you guys like it!! 

Bianca xx

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