#67 Late Night Conversations

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Calum: Calum and I were cuddled up together at the back of the bus while the boys all played video games and talked. Calum shifted beside me, looking down at his armpits. “Cal what the hell are you doing?” The boys all laughed at him. “He’s just annoyed he doesn’t have much hair there.” Ashton explained, I laughed. “Okay we’re gonna call it a night.” He said sitting up, bringing me with him. I said a quick goodnight to the boys and followed Calum to his bunk. He climbed in after me, his body pressed flush to mine. “Are you really worried about the amount of hair you get?” I asked, he laughed and then pouted. “It’s all probably on your head. You have a lot of hair on your head…” I trailed off when Calum’s face got closer to mine. I reached up running my fingers through his hair. “Shut up Y/N.” He smirked softly kissing me. “It’s late, lets go to sleep.” He said tightening his hold on me. I shut my eyes and cuddled close. “And Calum I don’t mind that you don’t have a hairy chest.” I whispered softly kissing his chest. He chuckled, squeezing me. I dozed off to sleep minutes later.

Ashton: I jumped at thunder boomed through the house, Ashton had come over for dinner. “Ash, you can’t drive in that. It’s too dangerous.” I said before he planned to leave. “Yeah, you’re probably right. Is it okay with you?” He asked putting his keys on the table. “Yeah, it’s fine. The spare bed is already made.” I said, we wandered back to the lounge room.

We talked for a while, until we both got really tired. “I’m gonna go to bed.” I stated yawning, he nodded watching me. Heavy rain pounded on the window and thunder cracked outside every few minutes.

I turned to look at Ashton he knew that I wasn’t good in storms and frankly he wasn’t either. “Do you want me in your room?” I smiled sheepishly, he nodded trying not to laugh. 

We got into bed, he stayed away from me a bit. I shut off the lights, his hand found mine clutching it tightly. “Okay Y/N. this has been eating me inside and I need to tell you.” He gushed, I nodded even though he couldn’t see me. “I’ve had a crush on you for years and I can’t stand it anymore.” He said quickly, I smiled to myself. He liked me! Yes! I had been waiting for this for ages! “Really? Ashton!” I said trying to be quiet, even though we were alone. I moved close to him, his arms wrapped securely around me. It felt right, and natural. We talked about everything we could possibly think of until we couldn’t talk anymore. 

Luke: It was the first night Luke and I had together since he got back from tour. “Y/N? I want to do something special for my first night back.” Luke said, hugging me tightly when he came through the door. “What do you have in mind?” I asked, he kissed the top of my head. He didn’t say anything he just took my hand and led me out the back. “Give me two minutes.” He said running back inside, I wrapped my arms around myself as it was chilly and it was getting dark. Luke came back with a picnic blanket and a blanket, he laid them on the grass. We laid down together, his arms tightly holding me. “I’ve missed you so much.” He said softly, I smiled. “Luke, does it scare you how famous you are getting?”

“Little bit.” He said, I knew he was lying. “Okay no I’m really scared.” He said nervously, he kissed the tip of my nose. “Don’t be scared babe. You’re living your dream.” I said, he smiled. “I know, I still can’t believe it or anything that has happened. I just miss you that’s all.” He said, I grinned. We curled up and continued talking most of the night.   

Michael: I was in the bathroom while Michael got changed in the bedroom. I wandered out to find in laid in bed already, his mind clearly somewhere else until I was beside him. “What colour should I go next?” He asked, obviously talking about his hair. “Hmmm… I loved the pink. Or even dark green.” I said brightly, he paused for moment. “Why did you like the pink? I mean that’s when we got together, I still don’t get it.” He said, I shrugged. “It was outgoing and it really suited you. Not many guys could pull it off.” I explained. “So what colour?” He asked again. “Dark green you haven’t done that yet.” I said, he nodded. I was looking forward to this new hair colour. “Just for you, I’ll do it.” He said, I giggled shaking my head. “Go to sleep Michael. Lack of it is sending you haywire.” I joked snuggling into his side.

A/N: Hope you like it! Sorry they’re all over the place…

~ Lucy xx

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