#68 Planes

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Calum: I sat in my seat fidgeting, my brain flicking through images of all the bad things that could happen. I was on my first flight alone; planes didn’t bother me it was just the idea of plummeting to my death. Only now there was the added fear of who I was sitting next to… Maybe someone to kill me… Maybe I was just overreacting. I plugged in my headphones and blasted my music to blur out all the bad thoughts.

I heard loud laughing over my music, I looked up seeing… 5 Seconds of Summer? No way! This cannot be happening! I turned off my music. I looked down at my phone, remembering my lock screen was of them. I didn’t worry about changing it; what was the chance of one of them sitting beside me?

Calum sat down beside me… Apparently a one hundred percent chance of ‘yes’. “Nice lock screen.” Calum said beside me, I blushed turning my phone over in my lap. “Uh thanks.” I said shakily, my heart throbbing in my chest. “I’m really sorry to pester you but can I get a picture?” I asked, he smiled broadly and nodded. He took my phone from my hands opening my camera. He snapped a few selfies of us together. He handed it back to me. He then pulled out his phone, I frowned confused. “Now can I get some photos of my own?”

"Wh-why?" I stuttered, I was flattered but confused. "Because I think you’re pretty and I think that we’ll get to know each other." He said nudging my shoulder, I nodded. He held his phone out getting pictures. "Thank you, I didn’t catch your name?"

"Y/N. It’s really nice to meet you." I said, he nodded. "Nice to meet you too. I think we’ll be very good friends." He jokingly nudged my shoulder. I could tell that all my worries were gone.

Ashton: I was ecstatic that Ashton had asked me to come on the American tour with him. Only thing was that I was scared to death of going on a plane. Ashton tried reassuring me that it would be okay but I wasn’t buying it.

I just happened to watch air crash investigations the night before we flew out. Ashton found me in the living room curled up with a pillow. “Babe come back to bed. Are you still stressing about the flight?” I nodded, he hugged me close. “You’re going to be okay. Come to bed please. I’m lonely.” He pouted, I nodded. “You know it’s not a good idea to be watching those shows.” He said, making light of the situation. “I know, it was just what was on.” I shrugged crawling into bed. “Well don’t stress babe.” He said keeping a secure hold on me to keep me from getting upset.

We boarded the plane early in the morning, the other boys sat in their seats around us. “Y/N it will be fine.” Ashton assured again. His fingers laced with mine.

As we took off, Ashton’s arm wrapped around me. “This is the hardest part.” He whispered in my ear, I nodded. When we were in the air, he kissed my cheek. “I’m so proud of you babe.” I smiled knowing that I would be okay. “Thank you, Ash.” I said snuggling into his side, it would be completely fine.  

Luke: I sat beside Luke my heart jumping out of my chest, I hated taking off. Luke knew this very well, he had only flown with me a few times each ending with me in tears.

Luke had left to go to the bathroom, Michael was sitting on the other side of me. “Please fasten your seatbelts we are moving into an area of turbulence.” The flight attendant said over the loud speaker. Luke rushed back to his seat, him and Michael trying to calm me down. I had my seatbelt done up, Luke held my hands, while Michael rubbed my back. As the plane shook in the sky, the grip I had on Luke’s hand tightened. “You’re okay, Y/N you’ve done this before.” Luke said to me, I nodded. One of the flight attendants came over to me, “is she okay?”

"She has a bit of a problem with flying." Michael explained, she nodded. "Do you want anything? Water?" She asked, I shook my head. "When will this be over?" I asked softly, she smiled. "We’ll be out of it soon. If you need anything just let me know." She said smiling at me.

Luke consoled me for the rest of the flight and it eventually got better. I was better when I was in the airport on and the ground safely.

Michael: Flights with Michael were always interesting, and with the boys it was worse. We would try to embarrass each other, and the boys would take sides. “Y/N we have a first class lounge.” Michael told me excitedly, I grinned.

We boarded the plane, we sat down in swanky lounge chairs. It was just the boys and I. I always slept easy on a flight and today wasn’t any different. Just after take-off I fell asleep on Michael’s shoulder.

When I woke up I found the boys all giggling and looking at me. “Michael… What did you do?” I warned, he grinned evilly. He handed me a mirror, I gasped seeing he had drawn all over my face. “We still have another what, eighteen hours left… That’s a lot of time to get you back.” I warned, before I went to the small bathroom. I cleaned off all the black ink, and re-joined the boys.

I laid down in Michaels reclined bed, he hugged me close. All the boys were dozing, he pulled me on top of him. His arms wrapped around my back, I kissed him softly. He kissed me harder, I realized what he wanted. “Michael, I’m not doing that.” I hissed, he smirked. “Want to join the mile high club?” He asked, I swallowed nervously. “Michael, not with the boys here. That’s disgusting.” I sighed, he chuckled beneath me. “Stop trying Michael. It’s not going to happen.” Ashton called out from the bed behind Michael’s. Michael’s cheeks went pink, “shut up Ashton.” Michael grumbled, I rolled off his torso. “I won’t tell anyone, I promise.” Ashton replied jokingly, I smiled knowing I had gotten Michael back. I knew this wasn’t the end of it but he left it for sleep.

A/N: Hope you like it!!!!

~ Lucy xx

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