He Forgot - Ashton Imagine

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Ashton hasn’t said anything about my birthday. It’s tomorrow and he hasn’t even mentioned it. At all. I’m worried that he’s forgotten about it. I’ve been trying to drop hints all day but nothing’s happened. I’m going to try again though. Something has to work. I was watching TV on the couch when Ashton came through the front door of our apartment. “Hey babe.” Ashton smiled. “Hey! How was the day at the studio?” I asked. “It was pretty good. Finished recording another song so yeah it was a productive day.” He explained. I smiled and got up off the couch. “That’s great!” I smiled, walking over to Ashton. He pulled me into a hug and peppered kisses all over my face. I cupped his face with my hands and kissed him on the lips. Ashton kissed me back then pulled away smiling. I led him over to the couch and sat down, snuggling into Ashton once he sat down. He draped his arm around my waist and pulled me into his chest. We watched TV for a few minutes before I tried to bring up my birthday. “Hey Ash.” I said. “Mmm” “I have a feeling that I’m forgetting something about tomorrow.” I frowned, pretending that I didn’t know. “Do you know?” I asked, looking up to his face. “Nope.” Ashton replied. “Are you sure?” I pressed. “Yep I’m sure.” I sighed and watched the TV again, leaning my head onto Ashton’s chest. I can’t believe that he’s forgotten about my birthday. He didn’t forget last year. I sighed again and got up. Ashton grabbed my hand. “Where are you going?” He questioned. “I’m tired. I’m just going to go to bed.” I said. Ashton pulled me back down onto his lap and pecked my lips. “I love you Y/N.” He smiled. “I love you too Ashton.” I smiled back. I got up and walked to my bedroom. He said that he loved me. But he obviously doesn’t love me enough to remember my birthday. I got changed and went to bed. What a great note to end the day on. 


I woke up and lazily sat up. It was my birthday. I sighed again remembering that Ashton has forgotten. But maybe there was hope. Maybe Ashton was just pretending. Maybe he was doing it so that he could surprise me. I jumped out of bed and got ready for work. I looked back at the bed to see that Ashton wasn’t there. I could smell pancakes being cooked in the kitchen. Maybe he really has remembered! I ran to the kitchen to be met with a half dressed Ashton making some pancakes. “Morning Ash!” I chirped, happy that he may have been pretending to forget my birthday. “Morning beautiful.” He smiled back. Okay he hasn’t said Happy Birthday. Maybe he’ll say it when he finishes the pancakes. I sat down and watched as Ashton gave me a plate with a stack of pancakes on top. He kissed the top of my head and sat down with his own plate of pancakes. I stared at the steaming breakfast before me, shocked. He’s really forgotten my birthday. Ashton never forgets. “Eat up babe.” Ashton said with a mouthful of pancakes. “Uh I’m not hungry.” I mumbled before getting up and walking to the front door. Tears welled up in my eyes. “Have a nice day at work Y/N!” Ashton yelled from the table. I worked hard on making sure my voice wouldn’t crack before quietly saying, “Thanks.” I left without another word as a stray tear rolled down my cheek. 


I was standing just outside of our apartment door. I sighed quietly as I prepared myself for a crappy evening. Today I got two Happy Birthdays at work. I was happy that they actually remembered. But Ashton didn’t and that’s all that really mattered to me today. I held back the tears forming in my eyes as I turned the door handle. I had my eyes closed to hold back the tears but when I opened them I let the tear drops fall. There were bouquets of roses covering every inch of the apartment. I shut the door and took a few steps inside. Tiny candles led me towards the dining table. I sobbed from pure happiness. There was Ashton, standing with a dozen roses in his hands. “Happy Birthday Y/N.” Ashton smiled. I ran up to him and threw myself into his large frame. He dropped the roses and wrapped his arms around me. “Ashton you little uggh! I’m gonna-” “Cry because I didn’t actually forget your birthday.” Ashton interrupted. “Yeah.” I sobbed. I let the tears flow for a few minutes. “Better?” Ashton asked while stroking my hair. “You didn’t forget my birthday.” I smiled, looking up at his face. “Of course I wouldn’t forget your birthday. I celebrate it as much as you do.” Ashton smiled back. “Why?” I questioned with a slight frown. “Why wouldn’t I? It’s the day that you were given to the Earth. The day that you were given to me.” Ashton said, brushing a piece of hair behind my ear with his hand. He was going to make me cry again. I pushed the urge back and smiled again. “Happy Birthday Y/N.” “I love you Ashton.” I said. “I love you too.” Ashton whispered. He leaned down and kissed me tenderly. I kissed him back with as much feeling as I had at that moment. I love him so much. “Now… do you want to open your presents?” Ashton asked. There was more? “Yes please!” I exclaimed. I was always a sucker for presents. Ashton unwrapped his arms from around me and intertwined our fingers. He tugged on my hand, leading me to the couch. He didn’t forget my birthday. And that was all I needed.

A/N I hope that you like this imagine :)

Bianca xx

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