#47 Cold

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Calum: Calum and I were walking home from our date in the park and we didn’t drive, so it was late at night and really cold. We were just on our street when it started raining really heavy, I started to run towards the house even though I was in heels. “Y/N! Wait!” Calum called after to me, his hands catching my waist turning me to face him. “Calum I’m cold.” I whined, he didn’t respond. He just dipped his head and kissed me softly. His hands tightened on my waist, my arms went up to his neck. My whole body shook with chills, I don’t know whether it was because I was freezing or because of the intimacy of the moment… Maybe it was both. “I’ve always wanted to do that with you.” Calum whispered as he drew back. “That’s nice but I’m freezing my tits off here.” I said, wrapped my arms around myself, Calum laughed. He quickly lifted me up bridal style and ran us quickly to the house… Damn he was fit. 

He was puffed out as he shut the door behind us. I switched on the heater. I started stripping out of my wet clothes, taking them to the laundry. Calum did the same, when I came back the heater was in full effect. I stood in front of it in my underwear, trying to warm up. Calum’s arms wrapped around me, I leaned into his body. “That was really sweet Calum, but I’m still freezing.” I said turning around in his hold, his skin still cool and wet from the rain. “Aww I’m sorry baby.” He turned away getting something off the lounge. I was suddenly enveloped in a fluffy blanket. Calum lifted me up into his arms taking me to the bedroom. I crawled under the covers keeping the blanket with me. “I’ll be back in a sec babe.” Calum said running out of the room. 

He came back smiling at me, crawling in beside me. His skin a little warmer. I shivered a little, as his skin came into contact with mine. “You still cold sweetie?” I nodded cuddling into his chest. “Oh I’m sorry I thought it would be romantic.” 

"It was, I just didn’t think of the consequences." I mumbled, he chuckled, I felt the vibration against my cheek. I pressed my legs against his, he tensed for a second. "Oh my god. Did your feet turn to ice?" I nodded, he kissed the top of my head. "I know a way to warm up." He said seductively in my ear, I shivered at his words – ironic I know – his warm hands reaching around my back unhooking my bra. He threw it onto the floor. His warm hands roaming my cold skin. I caught his hand as it went to the band of my underwear. "Not tonight, I’m sorry can we just cuddle?" I asked letting go of his wrist. "Of course. I need to keep you warm at least." He said cheekily, he kissed me softly. His arms tightened on me. I slowly warmed up as the night went on. I drifted asleep against Calum’s warm body, acting like another blanket. 

Ashton: It was the morning of my wedding with Ashton and I was so nervous. I don’t know why but I had broken down, I didn’t want to tell anyone but when Luke, who was my brother, came into my room… That secret was down the drain. “Y/N what’s wrong?” 

"I don’t know if I can do it. I’m just scared that it’s going to go all wrong." I sobbed, Luke’s arms wrapped around me. "It’s not going to go wrong. As much as I still hate to picture you and him together. You are perfect for each other. He loves you so much, you clearly love him a lot too." Luke said hugging me tight. "Don’t let cold feet ruin your big day." He said pulling out of the hug, I nodded. "Thanks Luke. You’re the best brother a girl could ask for." I said kissing his cheek. "Love you sis. I’ll let you get all beautiful for Ashton." He said getting up and leaving. 

It was time for me to go down the aisle to marry Ashton. I took in some deep breaths to calm myself and not get worked up again. My dad walked me down the aisle, Luke giving me a thumbs up as I got to Ashton. He leaned in and kissed my cheek. “You’re so beautiful.” I blushed looking away from his face. “You look so handsome.” I muttered quickly. The ceremony ran smoothly apart from when I froze at the vows scared I would mess up. 

Ashton and I got into the wedding car after the reception. “I love you so much… Mrs. Irwin.” Ashton whispered against my lips, I smiled knowing that I had made the right choice in not letting my cold feet get to me.

Luke:  It was a freezing night tonight and the worst thing was that our heater broke. After trying to warm up in the lounge room, it was always really warm in there, we went into the bedroom. I was a little warmer; Luke however was still freezing. I went to make him so hot chocolate while he laid in bed with the heated blanket and several other layers.  I came back to find Luke wrapped up in a cocoon of blankets. “Aww, Luke baby. I brought you some hot chocolate.” I cooed, he smiled at me his lips white. “That means I have to move. Just put it on the table and cuddle with me.” He said, lifting up the several blankets. I put the steaming mug down and climbed in beside him. He pulled the blankets tightly around us. I shivered at his cold skin touching mine. “Oh my god Luke you’re freezing.” I sighed wrapping my arms around his shoulders. Just hands pressing into my back, they felt like ice. “How are you so warm?” He asked his face pressed into the warmth of my neck. “I’ve always been warmer than normal. Just think I’m like you’re own personal heater.” I said running my fingers through his hair. I felt his legs curl up to his chest so they were pressed against me. I giggled at the action, his lips pressed into my neck. “Y/N? My face is cold.” Luke whined, I smiled, my fingers catching his chin; tilting it up to me. I kissed him softly, his cold hand grabbing the back of my head pulling me in closer if that was possible. His legs tangling with mine, my arms tightening on him. His tongue slipping into my mouth, fighting with mine. He suddenly grabbed my bum, making me squeak against his lips a chuckle rumbling in his chest. I pulled away before it got out of hand. “I think I’m warm now.” Luke said his breath short, I smirked. “Good. Stay that way I don’t want to wake up to your cold hands and feet. It’s like sleeping with an Eskimo.” I joked, he smiled pulling the quilt around his face. “I’m your Eskimo.” He said before kissing my nose. “Good night Luke.”



I was so nervous about proposing to Y/N. So far everything was going okay, I was just so nervous about her saying no. I had set up a date for her on the beach I asked the boys to join us for how I was going to propose. I was waiting for Y/N to come. Luke noticed my nerves, he whispered to Calum and Ashton. “Michael what’s up mate?” Luke asked his hand on my shoulder. “I’m just so scared that she’s going to say no.” 

"Cold feet?" Ashton asked as he and Calum came up to me, I nodded. "I can feel it she’s going to say no." I said covering my face with my hands. "Michael Y/N loves you. She will say yes. I have never seen a woman look at a man the way she looks at you." Calum explained, I shrugged. "She’s coming. Keep those feet warm Michael." Ashton said quickly as the three of them ran back to their instruments. I took a deep breath trying to calm myself down. I walked over to Y/N, she looked beautiful. "Hey beautiful." I said hugging her, I gestured to the boys to start playing the song. "Within a minute I was all packed up, I’ve got a ticket to another world, I don’t wanna go, I don’t wanna go, Sudden words are hard to speak" I sang softly, taking Y/N in my arms, her cheeks turning pink. I swayed with her as I sung with the boys harmonizing. The song finished, Y/N looked up at me with tears in her eyes. My nerves getting the best of me, I froze in front of her. I looked at my feet, before my brain could catch up I had already spoken and moved so I was on one knee in front of her, holding the ring to her. "Marry me?" It was Y/N’s turn to freeze. A smile beamed on her face. "Yes!" She squealed, standing me up and hugging me tightly. I slid the ring onto her finger, it fitter her perfectly. I heard the boys get up and leave the beach. Calum came up to us. "Having cold feet wasn’t such a bad thing." He turned away and left. "We’re you nervous?" I nodded, she smiled kissing my cheek. "You didn’t have to be nervous." She whispered, hugging me tightly, we stayed like that for ages in our loving embrace. 

A/N: Hope you like it! It was a bit different but who doesn’t like different??? 

~ Lucy xx

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