My Little Flower - Luke Imagine

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My fingers intertwined with Y/N’s, dwarfing her small hand as I swung her arm back and forth. I smirked, looking away as we walked along the small stream. The smoke from my cigarette twirled up my other arm, playing with the tattoos covering my skin. Today I had taken Y/N to the forest on the outskirts of town, showing her the place I went to the most. It was where I went to clear my mind, or calm down when someone rubbed me up the wrong way. It helped me hide the side I didn’t want to show my girl. “Baby look!” Y/N exclaimed. I looked over to where she was pointing. She was pointing at a small purple flower shooting out of the grass across the flowing stream. I looked back down at Y/N, admiring the way she found some sort of peace with the flower. It gave me the urge to get her closer to it, to see what her reaction would be if she could touch the soft petals with her fingertips. “Well come on!” I smiled, gesturing with my shoulder for her to follow me. Y/N’s gaze flicked to me and back to the flower. “But I don’t want to get wet.” She frowned innocently. “You won’t.” I replied, letting go of her hand and stepping in front of her while putting out my cigarette with my foot. “What are you doing?” She asked. Bending down in front of Y/N, I waited for her to hop on. “Piggyback ride Y/N.” I explained. She giggled like a 5 year old, climbing onto my back and wrapping her arms securely around my neck. I jumped up, earning me a cute squeal from her. “You ready?” I asked, turning my head to look at her. “Yep.” Y/N nodded enthusiastically. “Okay let’s go!” I exclaimed. I hopped onto the first small stone peeking out of the creak and almost slipped, making me grip Y/N’s thighs tighter. The next stone looked slimy and covered with moss so I took my time stepping on it. I gained confidence as I didn’t slip and bounded across the next few rocks. “Luke be careful!” Y/N cried, giggles ensuing her sentence. “I know babe.” I said. I still had my confidence from before and jumped onto the next stone only to slip forward, landing flat in the water. Luckily the water was deep enough for me not to get scratched up by the rocks. I’d hate to have a scar ruin one of my tats. Weight lifted off my chest and I raised my head out of the water, wiping off the droplets with my hand. “Aww poor Lukey got wet!” Y/N said. I looked up to see my girlfriend laughing at me. “Ha ha I didn’t get we-et!” She sang. A cheeky smirk formed on my lips and her smile dropped from her face. “What Luke?” She asked, trying to analyse my face. I slowly pushed myself up onto my feet and held my arms out wide, gesturing for her to come. “C’mere babe.” I smirked. Y/N’s eyes widened when she realised what I was going to do. “No Luke. I don’t want to get wet!” She said, slowly trying to back away. I stepped closer to her, my arms still wide open. “Come on baby. C’mere.” I laughed, coming even closer. Y/N kept backing away until her foot hit a log, making her look behind. Perfect. I ran forward, wrapping my arms around her waist and lifting her up. “Gotcha!” I exclaimed, spinning her around as butterflies erupted in my stomach. “Luke!” Y/N cried, surprised by my ambush. I loved this feeling. The feeling of having her so close to my body, our skin separated by thin pieces of cloth, made me want her more than before. I could imagine her beautiful, soft skin beneath my lips, as I kissed every inch of her body. Her silky hair splayed out on the pillow as I looked into her eyes, sharing that special moment with her. We hadn’t gone that far. We hadn’t actually gone anywhere besides making out, but I was willing to wait. And besides, she would never want a punk like me. “Luke?” Y/N asked, snapping me out of my thoughts. I stared into her questioning eyes looking down at me and realised I had stopped spinning. With the way Y/N was looking at me she must have been trying to get my attention for ages. “Yeah?” I replied. “Are you okay? You seemed pretty deep in thought.” She said, tilting her head to the side. No. “Yeah. I’m fine.” I lied. Y/N nodded and smiled. “Where do we go next?” She asked. I guess she forgot about the flower. Because of me. I smiled, a warm feeling spreading through my chest. “Some place for the night.” Y/N smiled and wiggled in my arms, wanting to be free. I slowly set her down but before I let her go I kissed her softly on her forehead, taking in the scent of flowers in her hair. She pulled away and looked up at me with a mischievous spark in her eyes. “Race you to the car!” Y/N beamed, taking off across the stream, not caring if she got wet. She always liked to win races. I was about to run after her when I remembered why we crossed the stream. The flower. I turned and saw the purple flower standing tall among the grass. This forest reminded me of my life. Among the thorns and cluttered trees, there was one beautiful thing standing amongst it all, like a beacon guiding my way. Like Y/N. I bent down and picked off the stem and flower, taking it with me as I raced after my girl. 


I fell onto the cabin bed, thinking about how different I am from Y/N and wondering what she was doing with me. Today made me realise how different we are. I like tattoos, cars, graffiti and that sorta shit, while Y/N was easily mesmerised by flowers and loved lacy, vintage things. Not that I minded. I loved everything about her. It was just that I wondered why she was even with me. “Fine then. Don’t help me with the suitcase.” Y/N huffed as she shuffled into the room, dropping the suitcase and shutting the door before walking over to me. “Luke. What’s up? You’ve been off almost all day.” She said, grabbing my hands from my thighs and swinging them side to side. I tightened my grip on her hands, bringing the swinging to a stop. “Why are you with me?” I asked blatantly, “I mean, I have tats and smoke while you are so.. different to that. I don’t get it.” Y/N started swinging our hands again, while she thought about the question. She suddenly stopped them. “I don’t care about appearances. That’s not what matters. What matters is that you treat me right and adore me. You love me for me and you don’t give a fuck what others think. I only care about that. Because I love you.” I stared into her eyes, swallowed up by them as silence filled the air. My knotted stomach relaxed as we held each other’s gaze. I realised Y/N was looking at me differently. It was… lust, mixed with love. She wanted to go further. “You sure?” I asked, needing to make sure. Y/N nodded, biting her lip as she leaned down, dipping her head. She placed a soft kiss onto my lips, resting her arms around my neck. I placed my hands on her waist as I kissed back, feeling an electricity like sensation buzzing through my veins. Y/N kissed me again, this time taking in more of my lip between hers. Our kisses were slow, loving, passionate as our hands started exploring. Y/N suddenly stood up, moving herself between my thighs. She moved her hands to the edge of her top and peeled it off, revealing soft, smooth skin. I admired her body before placing a kiss between her breasts. Y/N’s breathing increased as my kisses went lower and lower, until it reached the edge of her shorts. “Luke..” She sighed. My whole body stiffened and screamed at me to take it fast, placing images of Y/N’s naked body beneath mine in my head. I pushed those thoughts out. This wasn’t about that. It was about love. I asked one last time. “Are you sure?” I asked, looking up into her eyes again, holding onto her hips. Y/N smirked before nodding. “Positive.” 


Y/N’s hair laid splayed out on the pillow beside me, the scent of flowers drifting by me with every breeze from the window. I played with a few strands of her hair as I thought about what just happened. We went all the way, made love. It was the best night of my life. My mind kept replaying the sounds Y/N made, the way her back arched as I went harder, wanting to push both of us over the edge. I wanted to make it last all night but when she cried out my name, I was done, and so was she. After that I collapsed beside her and she fell asleep quickly, but I couldn’t. Not with her laying like this next to me. I smiled as I reached out and stroked her cheek, her skin glowing in the moonlight. This was the best day of my life. I brought her to my place, the forest, and after that, we became as physically close as two people could get. It brought a smile to my face, and a deep sense of peace. Thinking about today reminded me of the flower. I reached down to my jacket beside the bed and pulled the flower and stem out of the inside pocket, plucking the purple flower off. I rolled over and tucked it in her hair, just behind her ear before kissing her forehead as softly as I could. I loved her so much and I loved her even more for accepting me. It was the best feeling imaginable. I smiled the biggest smile ever to be seen on my face and closed my eyes, thinking about Y/N as I went to sleep. 

A/N I know this was super long but I couldn’t cut anything out!! Sorry but yeah I hope you like it! :) I actually really like the title, it’s sah cute!! 

Bianca xx

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