I Can't Leave Without You - Calum Imagine

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Calum was currently out recording and doing stuff for the tour with Luke, leaving me with Ashton and Michael. “Hey Y/N, Ash. Do you guys want lunch?” 

“Yeah, sure.” We said in unison. “Alright, I’ll be back in twenty.” He said before he left the house. 

Ashton and I were sitting around chatting about the tour. “So are you going to miss me?” Ashton asked cheekily. “Yes Ash I will miss but not as much as Calum.” I said sadly, I was really sad that Calum was going to be leaving for a few months. “Here’s a random question for you, would you ever marry Calum?” I looked at him with wide eyes. “Of course I would, but I don’t think he’s going to ask. I mean you guys are leaving for tour in a few days.” I reasoned, he smiled at me. “Why wouldn’t he ask you? He loves you so much.” He said, I blushed shyly. “Yeah as I said he won’t because you guys are leaving for tour soon. He even mentioned marriage and he said he doesn’t see a point in it.” I shrugged sadly, knowing that Calum and I wouldn’t get married. “He still loves you though.” Ashton reasoned, touching my arm. 


It was the morning of the day that the boys were leaving for tour. I woke up to Calum going through my cupboard at 2 o’clock in the morning. “Cal what are you doing? You need to get up early, you need your sleep.” I reasoned sitting up a bit. “Go back to sleep sweetie, I’m just getting organised because I thought of something. I’ll come back to bed in a bit.” He said standing up straight, I rolled over and went back to sleep. 

I was woken up by my alarm, which was suddenly turned off. Calum leaned over the top of me and turned it off. “Morning beautiful.” He whispered in my ear. “Morning Cal. Don’t leave, stay here.” I groaned cuddling into him. “I wish I could but we have to get up.” He replied, kissing me softly. 

We went out into the kitchen, getting some breakfast. I didn’t really want any as Calum was leaving today. “Have something to eat. You’re going to need it.” He said pushing my plate towards me. I rolled my eyes and ate my breakfast that Calum had prepared for me. 

I was helping Calum pack the car before we went back inside. “Calum why are you taking two suitcases?” I asked as we stood at the door, he shrugged. “Depends on something.” He said, I frowned in confusion. “Which is?” He suddenly got a weird look on his face, looking at something behind me. I turned to see nothing behind me, I looked back to Calum seeing he wasn’t there. I look down seeing him on one knee before me, he pulled out a black box taking my hand in his. I sucked in a sharp breath, my heart racing in my chest. “I love you so much Y/N. I can’t live without you and I can’t leave without you. So will you do me the great honour of becoming Mrs. Hood?” He asked opening the box to reveal a gorgeous diamond ring. Tears threatened to fall as I nodded, unable to get the word out. Finally finding my voice, “Yes! Calum! Yes!” I squealed, he stood to his full height hugging me tight. He muttered “I love you’s” into my shoulder. He took my hand in his sliding the ring onto my finger, it was a perfect fit and was so beautiful. “It’s beautiful.” I gushed looking at the new ring adorning my finger. “Not as beautiful as you.” I blushed looking away from his face, he fingers caught my chin tilting my head to look at him. He leaned in pressing a sweet kiss to my lips, “Mrs. Hood.” He mumbled against my lips, curling into a smile. We stood like that for god knows how long just enjoying each other’s embrace. I pulled away suddenly realising something. “Wait, what about the tour? You’re leaving for three months.” I said sadly, he shook his head smiling. “You’re coming with me. That’s why I have so many bags. Don’t worry about anything I packed your clothes except the ones you’re in now. And you can buy stuff while we’re away.” He explained, I smiled so big; my cheeks were hurting. 

We got to the airport and found the boys all waiting for us. Both Calum and I had massive smiles on our faces. The boys knew what was going on. The three of them ran up to us almost knocking us over in a big group hug. “Congratulations!” They all yelled. “Shh! No one knows yet!” Calum warned, they all quickly apologized. “Can we look at the ring?” Ashton asked, I lifted my hand as the boys all peered at it. I shook my head. “Calum tell me again why am I friends with these guys?” 

“Because you love me and I love you and you’re marrying me.” He said, whispering the last part in my ear, I giggled and blushed. “I love you too Cal.” I said, leaning into his side slightly.

A/N: Hey guys hope you like it. :) 

~ Lucy xx

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