A Jealous Direction - Michael Imagine

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I couldn’t believe that Michael had invited me to go on the One Direction tour with him. I hadn’t told him but I was a huge fan of One Direction, Harry specifically. 

I was laid on the lounge at the front of the bus reading my book while the boys played video games in the back room. Michael hadn’t introduced me to the rest of the One Direction boys. Niall was over here a fair bit which was cool, he was fun to be with. “Y/N you’re not naked are you?” Ashton called, I frowned. “No? Why?” I called back. “Okay Harry you can come in.” Calum yelled, my eyes widened. I sat up quickly bumping my head on the table beside me. “Ow!” I grunted, I laid back down a big smile on my face. I was finally meeting Harry, okay Michael was going to kill me. 

I heard the door open. “Oh hello.” I heard a British accent say. I sat up again just missing the table. “Hello. I’m Y/N.” I said holding out my hand, he grinned at me. Instead of shaking my hand he hugged me, I sucked in a deep breath. I was hugging Harry Styles. He let go of me, “the boys are back there.” I said, he nodded. “Aren’t you coming too?” He asked, I shook my head. “You probably want some guy time. I’m just going to go to my bunk.” I said smiling at him. 

I got into Michael’s bunk while Harry went to see the boys. 

I read for a while, the curtain slid back suddenly, I was face to face with Michael. “Hey babe.” He grinned, I kissed him softly. “Want to come up?” I asked, he nodded. 

He climbed into the bunk with me. “Getting too crowded?” I asked nodding my head to the back room. “Yeah, Harry is here and yeah.” He shrugged. “Plus I wanted to spend some time with my girl.” He whispered, kissing me softly. I giggled as he squeezed my torso. 

Harry’s POV

I went back to see the 5SOS boys, Michael left to see Y/N. I wasn’t sure what their relationship was. “So you met Y/N?” Ashton asked, I smiled and nodded. “Yeah she’s fit. She’s really pretty too.” I said, they all looked at me strangely. “Uh, Harry I wouldn’t say that when Michael’s around.” Calum warned, I frowned confused. “Why?” 

"She’s Michael’s girlfriend." Ashton explained, my mouth fell open in an ‘o’. "Shit! Don’t tell him I said that." I recovered. "Don’t tell who you said what?" Michael asked coming into the back room with Y/N. "Oh Harry was just telling us that he thinks Y/N is fit." Calum teased, I hung my head in my hands. Y/N blushed, I smiled at her. "Hi Harry." She said shyly, Michael’s arm tightened on her. "Hello." I chirped. Y/N and Michael sat closely together, I was a little bit jealous to be honest. 

— A Few Weeks Later —

I had become close with Y/N while I toured with the 5SOS boys. I don’t know if Michael liked it, but we were just friends. The 5SOS boys had just gone on stage, Y/N wasn’t feeling too well so she hung out in their dressing room with me. “Do you want anything?” I asked, she shook her head. “No thanks. I’m okay.” I sat with her on the lounge my arm going around her shoulders. “Harry.” She said shrugging off my arm. “I’m sorry, I thought you liked me.” I said softly, I didn’t mean to sound so hurt but I was. I know she was dating Michael but she was just so amazing. “Harry I like you too but I’m with Michael and I love him so much. I’m sorry Harry.” She said softly hugging me. “It’s okay. Michael is a very lucky man I have to say.” I said sweetly, she smiled and hugged me. 

5SOS’ set had finished, Y/N and I had talked the entire time. Ashton was the first to walk in the dressing room. 

Your POV

I watched as Michael came into the dressing room, sweat dripping down his face and chest. My mouth went dry just looking at him. I got up and went over to him, his arms wrapped tightly around me. I giggled as he kissed me, “none of that.” Luke said pushing us apart. I noticed the pain in Harry’s eyes. I felt so bad for him. He shook his head and silently left the room. “He’ll be okay.” Michael assured, I smiled and nodded. I hope Michael was right. 

A/N: Not my best :( Crappy title I know :/ This was requested on tumblr!

~ Lucy xx

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