#11 He's leaving for tour

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Ashton: “I don’t want to leave you Y/N.” Ashton whispered into my hair as he held me tight. We were laying in bed, spending our last night together before he went on tour. I held back a sob as I tried to respond. “It’s okay baby. This is your dream and I want you to live it.” I whispered back. Ashton drew in a deep breath. I knew that this was killing him. “I can’t bare the thought of you being alone. I can’t bare the thought of not holding you in my arms, not kissing your forehead in the morning or not being able to sing you to sleep when you can’t fall asleep. There’s so much that I’m going to miss.” I could hear his voice and feel my heart breaking with his every word. Ashton drew in another breath, trying to compose himself. “But the worst thing is that I’ll miss you. So much.” I broke down at those words, sobbing into Ashton’s chest. “Shh. It’s okay.” Ashton whispered. I did my best to calm myself so that my sobs almost came to a stop. “I’ll miss you too Ash.” I mumbled. I didn’t look up at him. I didn’t want to ruin this moment. I just closed my eyes, listening to his heart beating in time with mine. “I love you Ash..” I whispered. “I love you too Y/N.” And we just laid like that for the rest of the night. Wrapped in each other’s arms with only the sound of each other’s breathing to reassure us that everything was going to be okay. 

Michael: I watched as Michael jogged to where I was standing. This will be the last time for a few months that I will see that crooked smile. It was perfectly imperfect. “Our flight is leaving in about five minutes.” Michael smiled. “Okay so you have everything?” I asked, raising my eyebrows questioningly. “Yes for the tenth time yes.” He chuckled, kissing my forehead. Michael grabbed my hands and looked into my eyes. “So you’ll be okay without me?” Michael asked. “Yes I will.” I laughed. We both seemed so happy on the outside but we both knew that we were crumbling on the inside. It hurt to see him go, no matter how many times we did this. “I hope you have fun.” I smiled. “I have the boys with me. We’ll get up to all sorts of shit.” We both laughed at that. 
'Flight F97 to LA is now boarding.' 
My smile faltered while Michael’s totally disappeared. This was it. Michael was about to leave me. Again. “I’m going to miss you.” I said. “I miss you already.” Michael said. “I love you so much Michael. Now go make your dreams come true.” I smiled, letting go of Michael’s hands. Michael turned away and walked to the gate. I started walking away when I heard my name being called. “Y/N! Wait!” I turned back and saw Michael running towards me. “There’s something that I forgot!” Michael said. “What is it?” I asked worriedly. Michael grabbed my waist, pulling me closer to him. He used his other hand to tilt my face up. “This.” He whispered. Michael leaned in and placed his lips onto mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck, kissing him back. The kiss felt like it went on forever before Michael finally pulled back. “I love you Y/N.” He said looking into my eyes. “I love you too. Now get your ass on the plane before it leaves.” I laughed. Michael chuckled and pulled away. I watched him go as a tear left my eye and fell to the floor. Now was the waiting part. Waiting until I could have him back in my arms once again. 

Calum: Calum’s hands covered my eyes as he walked me down a small street in the city. “Calum where are we going?” I asked. “We’re almost there.” He chuckled. I giggled as I stumbled over the sidewalk. “Sidewalk there.” Calum said. “You’re supposed to tell me before I step onto it.” I laughed. “We’re here!” Calum exclaimed. He took his hands away from my eyes to reveal a tiny cafe that I had always wanted to go to. “Calum you didn’t!” I squealed. “Well I obviously did.” He chuckled. I laughed as a waiter approached us. “Would you like a table?” The waiter asked. “Yes please!” I exclaimed. The waiter led us to a nice table beside the window. He pulled out our chairs so that we could sit down. “Cheers.” Calum said before looking at me. “Why did you do this Calum?” I asked. “Because I know that you’ve always wanted to come here.” He smiled. Calum nervously looked down at his hands. “And also because I wanted something for you to remember me by.” He mumbled. Tomorrow he is going to leave for tour. It will be the first time during our relationship that he will be leaving. “Calum.” I sighed as I reached across the table, placing my hand on his. Calum looked up from his hands to my face. “I’ll never forget you Cal. Nothing in this world could ever make me forget you okay? Nothing.” I smiled. Calum smiled back. He looked down at his hands then back to my face. We didn’t need to say anything. We both knew that we loved each other and that we’ll say everything later on when he has to go. But I will miss him and moments like this. I love him so much. 

Luke: I just did it. I just lost my virginity to Luke. And it felt amazing. Slightly painful but it was worth it. Luke was so gentle and caring. He kept asking me if I was okay and if I wanted to stop. Even though I wasn’t particularly okay, I didn’t want to stop. It was too special to stop. I know that he’s going on tour next week but we felt like it was the right time for us. And now I know what people mean when they say that they made love instead of saying that they had sex. I never understood what the difference was until now. We had sex, but it was more than that. It was love. I was interrupted from my thoughts by Luke tightening his grip around my waist. I rolled over in his arms so that my face was in his chest. He kissed the top of my head and let out a breath that he seemed to be holding in. “That was amazing.” He mumbled into my hair, tracing circles onto my bare back. “Yeah it was.” I breathed. “Are you okay?” Luke asked. “Yeah I’m fine.” I shrugged. I kissed his chest and draped my arm over his side. “Are you sure?” He asked worriedly. I pulled my head back so that I could look up at him. “That was amazing and I don’t regret a second of it.” I smiled. Luke relaxed underneath my arm. “Neither do I.” He smiled back. I returned my head to it’s spot on Luke’s chest. He continued tracing patterns on my skin then stopped abruptly. “I love you Y/N.” He whispered. “I love you too Luke.” I whispered back. I feel like Luke finally believed that I was okay and that I didn’t regret it as he took a deep breath and released it. I knew that he was going on tour the week after but I didn’t care. We were closer now than we ever have been. I was going to miss him but that was okay. Because it meant that I loved him.

A/N I hope that you like it :)
Bianca xx

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