#97 He Falls Asleep On You

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Calum: I had joined Calum’s parents to pick him up from the airport. The other boys’ parents were with us too. I could imagine how tired he would be. I stood nervously fidgeting  beside his parents. “Y/N are you alright?” Joy asked me, her hand on my shoulder. “Yeah just nervous.” I said, my voice shaking.

There was a loud shrill of screams, signalling the boys arrival. Joy held my hand tightly, I saw Ashton first. He ran up to his mum and siblings. I had never seen him so happy. Michael rushed  over to his parents, Luke was next running to his mum and dad. Calum ran up to the three of us. “Mum! Dad! Y/N!” He gushed, hugging us all together.

We made our way out of the airport and into his parents’ car. Calum insisted on sitting in the back with me. He snuggled close to me, he had made me sit in the middle so he could be close to me. His hands tightly holding mine.

We were all quiet  as we got out of the busy airport. “So Calum how was the tour?” His dad asked, I looked to Calum. His head flopped onto my shoulder, his arm wrapped around my waist. He grumbled something incoherent. “Aww.” I grinned, I gently stroked Calum’s arm.

All the way home Calum slept on my shoulder, he would quietly grumble every now and then. It was so nice having him home.

Ashton: There was no doubt that Ashton loved his job, however that didn’t mean it didn’t have it’s downsides. Ashton always hated flying, he hated how tired it made him and the jetlag sucked. Ash had asked me to come to England with him.

We all boarded the plane early in the morning, the boys and I were so tired. Ashton and I got to our seats and almost fell asleep there and then.

Ashton clutched my hand tightly in his as we took off. Ashton rested his head on my shoulder, I laid my head ontop of his. I slowly drifted off to sleep.

I snuggled close to the warm body beside me, I jolted awake at the sound of a snore. My eyes fluttered open to see Ashton’s mop of hair on my shoulder, his curls tickling my neck.  “Aww you guys are so cute.” Luke grinned as he passed us. I rolled my eyes and stroked Ashton’s hair as he stirred beside me. I loved seeing Ashton so at peace.

Luke: Luke and the boys had been working so hard lately, I was so proud of them but I could tell that it was really getting to them especially Luke. He was beyond tired.

The boys had invited me on tour with them to keep Luke sane, at the end of most days we would all chill out in the back of the bus, tonight was no different. The boys were absolutely stuffed tonight, Luke was laid on the lounge with his head on my thighs. I watched him as he slowly fell asleep, his eyes fluttering closed. “I think Luke needs to go to bed.” Michael joked, I giggled. My fingers combed through Luke’s hair, I didn’t want to disturb him. He looked so peaceful and that was a rarity.

The other boys and I stayed up talking while Luke slept, we all broke out into quiet laughter when he grunted in his sleep and rolled onto his stomach, pressing his face into my crotch. “I don’t know who’s enjoying that more, you or him.” Calum teased, I grinned shaking my head. “I’m going to say him.” As if on cue, Luke grunted as his arms came up to wrap around my hips. I chuckled as all the boys got up to leave and go to bed themselves. “Luke… Luke baby.” I whispered, trying to wake Luke. He rolled over and looked up at me with tired eyes. “Come on, let’s go to bed.” I said helping him up, we both made it to his bunk. We fell asleep quickly, it was good to see Luke actually getting a good night’s sleep. 

Michael: It was so nice to have Michael home again, there was no doubt that he was tired, but he tried to stay awake just for me. “Mikey, just go to sleep. I’ll be right here when you wake up. Please.” I pleaded, trying to pull him off the lounge. He resisted pulling me onto his lap playfully, I shook my head and got off him. “Pleeeeease!” I whined, he lazily grinned and finally pushed himself off the lounge and trudged off to bed. I followed him, wanting to at least stay with him.

We crawled into bed, well I did, Michael basically fell into bed. I pulled the covers around him. He grinned at me snuggling close to me, his head resting on my boobs. I chuckled as he quietly groaned. “This is a nice pillow.” He said in his dazed state, usually I would slap him upside the head but he was so tired I let it go. “Go to sleep Michael.” I whispered kissing the top of his head, stroking through his hair. He nodded and wrapped his arms around my waist. He pressed his face into my chest, I continued to run my fingers through his hair lulling him to sleep. I smiled to myself when I heard Michael’s soft snores, I shut my eyes to get some sleep myself.   

A/N: Hope you like it! I haven’t written in a while and I want to get back into it but I’m not completely better so it will be slow going :) 

~ Lucy xx

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